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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I prefered SR3. Superjumping and sprinting is fun, but it takes the incentive out of driving. The wardens are cool mini-boss fights, but they stop you from just fighting from one corner of Steelport to the next. And I can't stand past Shaundi's voice.
  2. Has the lag gotten any better? I read a lot of bad things about the XBOX NA server. I finally did my 5th daily for Echelon. Yesterday seemed like a good chance to get another easy daily "5 kills in Capture and Hold". But after 3 hours in queue with no PvP happening, I gave up.
  3. Combat is a bit meh
  4. Yay patch It returned my 'Merica, Abduction Gun, Bounce Rifle and Disintegrator, but my alien rifle, shotgun, smg and pistol as well as my taser are still missing.
  5. Another attempt at finishing Duck Tales Remastered. Managed to get through the final level and last boss without loosing a single life. Passed the platforming section after the boss loosing only one life. Failed at the platforming section after the platforming section after the final boss...
  6. I keep getting dreams on those lines.
  7. Didn't notice anyone posting this: Lennart Sas plays AoW3
  8. Still hoping for it to come to GoG.
  9. I didn't like that show But keep us updated on how it goes!
  10. Game Dev Tycoon is sending out Steam Keys to the people who bought the game from their site. I recieved mine a few minutes ago, so if you bought the game back when a bunch of us were playing it, check your mail
  11. One question is to what extend you want magic to alter the real world. Will it be a setting where the majority of people are not aware of magic and everything is covered up? Or will it be a True Blood type setting where supernatural creatures have come out of the close but are still managable? Or did a gate to hell open and the world is being overrun? Will only the players be able to recognize the supernatural? In the end you know your friends, we don't. So only you can guess what would be fun for you to play.
  12. Steam patched my game and I lost a lot of special weapons (abduction gun for example) and my pre-order DLC vanished...
  13. Wearing a hat, doing insurance fraud while listening to the Safety Dance.
  14. I can't think of a better choice. Can you bang him?I'm pretty sure. The first time I talked to him on the ship.(Y) Talk to Keith David(X) Romance Keith David Nope, he's the only one you can't bang. Though you can try. May have to do with him being the only real person *shrug*
  15. Yes. Though they are simulated cops in the matrix.
  16. Well I got lazy, so I haven't done a drawing yet of Wile E(ddard). Coyote chasing Martin instead of Road Runner.
  17. Finally finished my first piece of Game of Thrones "fan art"
  18. The Emperor protects
  19. I was disappointed that when you enter a bugged car it unbuggs
  20. Who puts a platforming section right after the lass boss? That's the question that robbed me of any chance to beat it I was leaning back to watch the end and suddenly I had to race against time to finish the last part ...
  21. I beat the final boss in Duck Tales Remastered. And then it has one last platforming part. I failed at that...
  22. That GorkaMorka game did so well, people have forgotten it exists (as you can tell )
  23. Been playing Defiance and Saints Row 4. Saints Row I mostly jump around like a lunatic. The best part about super hero games has always been the travel powers. In City of Heroes I loved superjumping from building to building. In Champions Online superjump ahd more oomph behind it, so it didn't really allow for bouncing about Acrobatics in DC Universe Online was amazing swinging from building to building. Now SR4 has great, rather intuitive jumping, gliding and running - I am having a blast. Defiance I am trying to beat the last arena I need to survive and get a score of 4k (the bonus for surviving is +2k so it will take me to the 6k score needed for the gold medal). In 5 rounds I get an average of 400 points per round Once I had gotten a wierdly great first round, where enemies weren't running away from he the whole time and I got 1600 points in the first round alone, but died to an unlucky explosion just a couple of seconds before round 2 ended. At least now I know how things should go and hwo some people get 10k scores...
  24. It seems that a later conbversion to a free to play model equals failure in the eyes of many potential customers. I would think firms would want to avoid that stigma. At the same time, having a subscription and already building the foundation for a F2P model for a conversion down the road gives the impression that the firm does not believe in the success of the former. Again not a positive image to project. *shrug* I don't care about TES Online. It's a shame though that Wildstar is going sub as well.
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