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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. the great invasion of Frostberg: random terrain: Imp fighters achieving air supperiority over the southern islands:
  2. Because we have been staring at it on the GoG front page for over a month now and didn't think of it as news anymore?
  3. What the Ocelot said. And it got a lot of people onto the market place. So if they ever decide to do more with that...
  4. I am close to 40 revives. So I guess I'll get them eventually. Really depends who dies around you. More socialy inclined people who know and care about perks will often stay down so someone can revive them. I do that too usually - unless I notice nobody cares about reviving me If you can find a friend to play with, you can do a revive pack: stand in a remote part of the arkfall, shoot a grenade launcher at your feet, die of the AoE and have your friend revive you. Rince and repeat. I feel that is cheating though. For killshots there are a few schools of thought: Wolfhound pistols have a great rate of fire so you can just empty your mag when the boss is nearly dead. Sniper rifles can do extreme damage, so with overcharge and the right perks, you can knock the whole last chunk of health off with one shot. Of course you need to be lucky for that. I used a votan semi auto sniper rifle for the hellion kill if I remember correctly.
  5. Nah booster packs are given out to random eligible random people whenever someone completes a badge. You got the luck of the draw You are eligible with each game for which you have gotten all your own drops. Chances go up the higher your steam level.
  6. I forbid you to ever give me your cards! I would never accept cards from YOU!
  7. Seems its a new version of the cape-bug we had in Champions Online
  8. Cars never interested me. And my flat mates dispute if ever I was truly young Coloured pencils, sketchpads etc never seem to require inn-sewer-ants.
  9. Their maths is also off when they say that "All told, we came up with a total cost of only $629,974.69 for the contents (...) This means you'd be overpaying by about more than 50 percent of the actual value of the contents (...)" The amound you are overpaying though is $1,000,000 - $629,974.69 = $370,025.31 roughly 37% (which to the mathematically less inclined is less than 50% not "about more") Of course if VAT is on top of that, then it goes even higher and the "overpaying" goes even lower. not sure how much VAT would be but if, for simplicity's sake we'd go with something like 20% then we'd add 125,994.938. Then we'd pass the 750k mark and the overpaying would drop below 25%. The other thing I am not sure is how taxes for the pack itself go. Would VAT not in reality be paid twice? Once for the 1 mil paid by the customer purchasing the pack from Deep Silver and once for Deep Silver purchasing the stuff to provide in the pack?
  10. Keyrock, stop selling cards and start working on the Numenera campaign you are supposed to be organising for us forumites
  11. My problem was that I found nmyself refreshing the market place, buying cheap and reselling just to get a couple of cents But I spend all that hard earned cash on completing my own collections Silly, stupid thing to do.
  12. Welcome to the Dark Side. Have a cookie Yeah, I started playing with the market place (did a long post about it a while back) and felt dirty as well. So I stopped
  13. It was easier to get the killshots before they adjusted the spawn rate of major Arkfalls. It was a lot easier if you could find one with only six people I am missing the Progenitor killshot myself. But at least you will manage to get everything else first - a good thing considering there was a bug with the Progenitor kill shot resetting the counter on the other tasks of the pursuit and people losing thousands of kills Personally I'll do my 5k arkfall kills and my revives before even attempting that shot.
  14. Would it make sense for Maria to put together an "info-post" and Gorth to edit it into the first post of this thread? That way people wouldn't need to dig up the first thread. Would that be in the spirit of this thread? (and yeah, I just assume you are up for the task, Maria )
  15. Alan bought it as well. So I am planning to pester him on Steam for a review
  16. Yeah. Only took them a few months to get it to me. It arrived the day after I filled in the second survey for replacements... So I am expecting a second card to reach me around christmas
  17. Agreed. If they are going to take recognizable, loaded terms that come with associations or connotations, then saying "Oh but in my story it means something different!" is not really acceptable.
  18. My citizen card arrived in the mail
  19. Did Lelianna's shoe shopping rants in Dragon Age also bother you? That was the worst modern day intrusion for me Dragon Commander I don't feel as you do, possibly though because I got exactly what I expected: a goofy fantasy setting that I never tried to take seriously.
  20. Could someone let me know when they do a Mel Brooks or Monty Python fan video for this? I'd enjoy watching Lelianna burst through a door shouting "Nobody expects the Orlesian Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise!"
  21. Might be. It took me a while 'till I figured out how to produce units while in dragon form. It made battles a bit more managable. Though yes, the rts part does suffer a bit compared to true rts games.
  22. Well, it is an RTS. The core game is moving armies on the map so you can then delve into rts battles.
  23. When the Steal Summer Sale started he was just about to go into radio silence so as to concentrate on something unviersity related like exams or something like that. He hasn't emergd from that yet. Steam profile reads last online 20 days ago.
  24. It is indeed Divinity: Dragon Commander. I am drowning in work so havent played much. I'll be posting impressions when I have something proper to say
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