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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I bought both. I thought it had American Revolt. Then I remember wrong and got confused with voting on the suggestion threads that they should add it. I'll have to see if I can install my own disc version of american revolt onto the GoG version...
  2. Stalker. He remembers what you rode even after you ceased riding it
  3. Hmm. My GoG versions of Dungeon Keeper and Syndicate American Revolt both worked fine without a hitch.
  4. Well, that is awefully kind of them...
  5. Guess somebody ahs to post in this thread. So: WOO-HOO! http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/633041349935461606/A7187D078A13674A293558421FABDEC9687030AF/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/633041349930024732/6E97FE5AF2ED199876D5F0CBF0BAA4C267A4BEB7/ http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/633041349935466747/F940C827AC1B24B495B4C4E20F07FA6A18358D95/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/633041349935476252/4C1E92FDEF6AF733E19CDCA8D94C640CFD282DC6/
  6. It's releasing in the EU in 3 days Still waiting for my retailer to send me the email that I can "pre-load". It's silly that some customers are still being told they are pre-loading while others have already played the game.
  7. While I of course will say good riddance to GFWL, I do have the odd game that required it. I wonder how that will work out.
  8. Pure personal opinion of course: magicians actually have other things to do: spellcasting. Deckers are deckers. Take away the matrix and they are riggers without the drones or street samurai without being good at combat. At the same time, the Matrix actually can affect the real world: you can hack turrets etc. The Astral Plane on the other hand, while being parallel and allowing the person on the astral journey to percieve the real world in a way, doesn't really allow them to affect it. It would take a lot more to tie it into gameplay. Though it would be nice if they did eventually with a DLC. Or if one was to take it by pure maths: Third Edition Rulebook: The Matrix pages 199-230, The Astral Plane pages 171-177 (magic is 158-198). So the rulebook dedicated 5 times as much space to the matrix as to the astral plane, while the astral plane is only 6 out of 40 pages in the magic chapter.
  9. That's not really possible though if it is supposed to stay a Shadowrun game. Deckers are a major part of it and the Matrix is what deckers are about. Its bad enough they had to butcher magic users (and while it would have been nice if they had included the Astral Plane, it would not have been realistic in the scope of the project), if they had left out the matrix, they might a well not have included deckers as a playable class.
  10. And now to post in the right thread: Duck Tales WOO-OO! Beat three levels so far. You can choose in which order you want to play Amazon, Africa, Transylvania, Himalaya and the Moon, but some are deffinitly harder than others. Especially the boss fights.
  11. GoG Greenlight... erm Inie application portal thingie The Escapist article GoG Indie
  12. I still hate Bullwarks out in the open.
  13. Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/630789130635473177/DC761F14F3E6F87CA097EE2562A751AC098892E8/ ...it's a duck blur http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/630789130635479576/5E758FD6A27E388E1EFE67007325809C9E836CD7/ might solve a mystery http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/630789130635481338/0E030E1E91DD07BE67CF3A3048337EA210B78BFE/ ...or rewrite history http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/630789130635478256/B579BBBB8514766242A5FF2BCDCE79156534E40E/
  14. On tablet this game would have been great too. It's on PC that it is wanting. And I don't see how Dead Man's Switch + Berlin could be 20-30 hours. Dead Man's Switch barely reaches the 10 hours on its own.
  15. started work on my Game of Thrones fan art project. Having trouble with Wile E. Coyote though.
  16. Ooo, that one does look interesting. *bookmarked as a reminder* If you find it interesting feel free to upvote on greenlight I'll eventually get into beta, so I'll let you know what I think (once I get in and once it will be ok to say things obviously )
  17. They are just building up for the sieges comming with the DLC. I think in a month they'll dial them back down again.
  18. What to do? Just grab onto some http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/630788934249187392/79D50C0D8E7984F77E7012A6832AC826F27E1385/ Duck Tales http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/630788934248569686/3558AFAFFACAA318B7A8A607A19F9165C76609E6/ WOO-OO http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/630788934248572895/E865A0845BD5D7A6419CD5CDFCC237F58899A91A/ Everyday they're out there making http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/630788934237301700/60EE97F3F19257931C76843972FA9B3426F77BFD/ Duck Tales http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/630789130575900869/BB9FFDCE96D6CC3AF2565BC8C761889C047D1ECC/ WOO-OO http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/630789130575905976/659743106FE0B1A84626BD14D164C7DC50F44656/
  19. I'm waiting for Forsaken Fortress Then of course there is Primordia Though I doubt that is your type of game. And as people have proven, you can always turn a game of Civilization into an atomic wasteland
  20. That is because enemies never miss. Only explosives you can actively dodge can miss: grenades, rockets etc. Thus while boses can have amazingly powerful abilities, as you can dodge them if you learn the tells, you can beat them (I find the Volge Visceras are the worst. It is very easy to get the timing wrong when dodging their charge attack...). A raider with an SMG though can't be dodged and as the rate of fire is very high and the reload time is low, he'll chew through your shield and stop it from recharging and your health from regening.
  21. I did not like it. It seemed rather ambitious, but the gameplay was such that I could not play it. Mind you that was a long time ago.
  22. I blame Saints Row. Before Saints Row nobody would have called GTA the "serious note".
  23. I read "emperor" instead of "employer"... I think I spend too many of my formative years with Warhammer 40k.
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