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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I was thinking of making a halfling team and naming the players after forum regulars...
  2. Though once you beat a world you can go to the next by going left instead of right at the start of the game. But as the game has multiple endings you have to beat it in one session to get the best ending.
  3. The "Obsidian League" has commenced. Password to join is: mahgnislaw It is an Open League. This means you can just register a team and play against anyone else in there. I figured this would be best to get us started. We can always create a cup later on when we see that people truly are having fun and want to do something more organised. Currently there is one registered team: Khaine's Bloody Hands
  4. Just got it Started a Scrapper Major Arkfall at aroudn 5:20 AM. There were only two of us at first. Then the other person left and was replaced by someone else. We got the 30 minutes until server shutdown warning 11 minutes before we got the boss to spawn.Three of us started the final battle against the Progenitor. One person quit during the Progenitor fight and the remaining guy and myself finished the Arkfall ~10 seconds before servers went down It felt great
  5. The other important key is C. It will switch camera to free move instead of the zoomed in view. Very important when you try to intercept or use your wizard.
  6. Unless I keep being unlucky I've tried with BMGs and Infectors for the continuous damage. Currently I'm trying with a charge sniper rifle for massive damage.
  7. Oh GhostofAnakin, I got my 100th revive. Now all I need is that stupid killshot.
  8. I already owned Startopia which is one of my favourid games. Omikron was just such an ambitious project, it would feel wrong to get all those other old games and leave it out of the collection.
  9. Incidentally the old Tomb Raiders are currently on sale on GoG. (got myself Anachronox, Omikron and Urban Chaos instead)
  10. They are really good at hiding the key to that ball and chain?
  11. It has Brian Blessed in it. Rewriting Shakespear to fit the actors: "Henry V's alive?" "Ah well, to be or not to be." [turns to hawkmen and laughs] "DIVE!" "Unto the breach my brave Hawkmen! Let this be known forever as St. Crispin's Day" "Henry V... when the ship hits the breach you'll be killed; this is suicide!"
  12. Guinea Pig cuteness and Squirrel cuteness images don't show for me.
  13. You should have built a redoubt out of mealie bags behind the pool table, and held out. I now have a mental image of Ros, one foot resting on a wall of mealie bags, beverage of choice pointing at the charging exchange students as he turns to the handful of men cowering behind the makeshift fortifications: "Once more unto the breach, dear friends..."
  14. I think a rookie league would be best. Only Wals seems to have experienced teams. It would also make this more "obsidiany". Hurlshot is a friend from oversea. I know not where Serrano is from.
  15. I have been meaning to look into that. When setting up the multiplayer league, one has to choose a trophy from a selection of about 20. I haven't noticed if there is an option to upload a custom image.
  16. So for the league we have: Walsingham Hurlshot Serrano Melkathi Possibly: Spider Raithe (if you manage to like it enough) Nepenthe (time constraints permiting) Come the weekend I could set up a League. Six teams is a pretty decent first season. I'd have to look at the types we can set up (Championship, cup, league, tournament, whatever) and we'd need to see what fits us best as well as work out the different details.
  17. Pffft. The nerfed Nim twice if I remember correctly. Haven't tried him yet since the big nerf but I hear he is really easy now. I'm still trying to get the Prognitor killshot. Got it once at least but the pursuit didn't give credit for it (at least I got the "critical kill" message). I'm at 98 revives, so the kill shot will be pretty much all I need. Besides that all I can do is farm reputation so I can buy stuff from faction vendors. Nearly finished with the combat pursuits as well.
  18. That was a ... wierd (lacking for a better word) read. He is of course right when he says that what was done to the girl is wrong. But I think he looses himself in his attempts to diferentiate it from rape. In the end he left a lot of readers thinking that he was defending the perps when in fact he was trying to say that society needs to do more than simply be outraged for a summer and then forget about incidents and their root causes. And he is no better. He rages about Cyrus but forgot that last summer we were upset about Bieber performing at a Victoria Secrets show. Though I must confess, I returned from the gym on Monday wondering about the state of the women's movement. It's a mixed gym and a couple of us men have joined some of the programs (power abs for me. Some men started pilates etc). And I suddenly relized that the song this young woman instructor puts on to excersise to with these (until recently) groups of ladies is called "**** killer" . Seriously?
  19. War. War never changes. Well, let's see: America decimated by nuclear fallout? Check Dog companion? Check Yup must be a Fallout game.
  20. You'd think with those things it would get stuck on players' hands and not get dropped so often...
  21. For a moment, seeing a satelite in space, I had hopes for a Call of Duty - Dead Space crossover.
  22. Sometimes the dice just work out like that The Roastbeef Reavers latest match was one filled with every kind of luck. I won the coin toss, chose to be recieving and got a free move during kick-off. That allowed one of my halflings to move into position to catch the ball, the halflings on the line of skrimage to move away from the enemy players and the treemen to cross the middle line. Perfect set-up to score a TD by turn 3. Turn 7 the opponent dropped the ball, so turn 8 the treemen open space for one halfling to dash in, grab the ball and dash out. He passes it to a waiting player in the opponent's half who makes a run for the end zone. He had to "go for it" one square. He fails the roll, stumbles, gets injured and is K.O. for the rest of the game... Second half, the necromantic team tries a strong counter attack. They break through with four players facing one lone halfling. Three halflings manage to dodge away and go for it to help him. One more halfling runs up and blitzes the ghoul. Roll a single die: Defender Down. Even better, the ball bounces out of the field and gets thrown in. The throw in is right into the hands of my one completly free halfling in the opponents half. He catches the ball and runs to the end zone. Kick-off and the event is Pitch Invasion. One zombie gets beaten up by the fans on the opposing side. My side seven players go down including both treemen. For two turns four halflings had to fend off ten necros. Three of them managed to doge their way to the enemy ball carrier, the fourth was tackled. Amazing luck even in the moments when there was bad luck But as the dwarf teams say: Seek fear to overcome it. Adversity to go beyond it. And the ball if you have nothing better to do.
  23. If only my Wardancer could mutate to have horns and claws...
  24. Decided to make my presence felt on this forum
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