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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. It get's truly bad when that is also how one's love life turns out...
  2. I have never tried the co-op for Van Helsing, but it is on sale on Steam right now and a suprisingly fun game.
  3. I'm just an idiot who adheres to male codes of honour like don't sleep with another dude's woman. I'm quite certain that was it the other way round, a lot of those men wouldn't have had second thoughts
  4. Wildstar looks fun and I like the idea of paths, but I am not up for paying a sub.
  5. Yeah, the us system is a bit of an anomaly globally, though. In most of europe a straight 3 year degree, ll.b., is enough to practice, after a little on-the-job training, perhaps. In finland and iirc sweden, you also need an ll.m., ie 3+2 years of law to practice on any level. Additionally, you can do a research doctorate 3+2+5 years on average, so it's the same system as in nearly all other fields apart from medicine. Greece I think it's a 4 year degree and then you need to spend some time being a slave at a firm. And obviously you can try get a master to pass that 5 year mark to do a doctorate (3+ years).
  6. Prejudice is irrelevant. What matters historically in the public service is that a way was needed to establish a service free of the influences of the monarchy. To do this all decisions had to be layed out based on clear criteria. Academic qualification was the only viable option - they provided educated civic servants and criteria that were largely outside the influence of the powerful. Since then things have changed. The public service and bureaurocracy have grown, evolved and become the establishment. When seen completly as a bad thing it has become what it was designed to combat and most people seem to forget why at its core it is a good thing. Most western countries have gotten rid of that monarchy thing, at least to some extent, and the threat the bureaucracy was designed to protect from has shifted, without it able to shift and adapt accordingly. At the same time universities have also changed. Education is far more specialized than it used to be. (My original field, architecture, is a prime example. We weren't always split into archtiects, civil engineers, land surveyors etc etc etc.) As a result, having reached the level of a doctorate does no longer necessarily prove that the qualities needed for the job are truly met. It proves expertiese in a specific field, it proves research skills and above all else perseverance. But the first two will have to be acessed for relevance to the job posting. That is what doesnt happen though. As doctorates have become a simply formal requirement, in the recruitment process they are only a prestige badge really (hell, I've seen a dean advertise for a position for her personal assistant and requiring a phD). Yes, that can lead to the prejudice that people who do a doctorate are the ones who can't cope in the real world and do some proper work instead Funnily enough, once you get in, both public service and private organisations, to advance to the top you then need that title. But looking at it purely from a recruitment standpoint for a specific position, then yes the question should not if you have a doctorate but whether your doctor is in a specific field. If the doctorate only proves that 3-5 years have been spend in an irrelevant field, then it is not a qualification. And that is not even taking into account the quality of the research (where you could end up with a study like the thesis submitted by Lawrence of Arabia *shudder*) And I am starting to forget all the other smart thigns I had planned to say. So I'll close with this: Nep, you may be the most qualified person for the jobs you apply to. I have no way to judge and no reason to doubt it. I'll happily take your word for it. And I'll equally hapily agree that the idiots not hiring you are idiots for making that decission - but I'll do that not because you are Dr. Nep, but because you are Dr. Nep who spend a lot of time and effort to become awesome at what he does Now I have got to get back to write for NaNoWriMo.
  7. To be honest though, the insistance on Phds in the civil service had become something silly. Simply holding a doctorate does not make someone more qualified as an administrator. As there usually was no evaluation of the doctorate thesis during the hiring process, the "expertiese" and "qualification" that was seen in the Dr. before the name was largely irrelevant to the positions filled. Instead it simply created an aristocracy of its own within the civil service. That is not to say that a doctorate is not a clear qualification, but it has to be a meaningful qualification within the context of the position.
  8. Everybody is looking for something. I am looking for a girl with a washing machine.
  9. It just all annoys me more, now that I have done that management master and supposedly HR-jobs are partly what I am applying for edit: and regarding the bank: when the person evaluating my qualifications uses the terms "Bachelor" and "Diploma" interchangeably, I do not see how they are qualified to hire me.
  10. What is really annoying is when you see a job opening and realize that the person who wrote the listing has no idea what they are writing. Even worse when the organization hiring is a bank... though it explains why the economy is going to hell.
  11. *ugh* middle management. I've gotten to the point where I have considered sending them an email saying "Since you are too incompetent to handle the recruitment process, how about you hire me to do it for you. Then I can hire myself and we can be done with this farce."
  12. And yet it is a lack of education that causes the misuse of language by the "lower class" in the first place and the acceptance, even if only situational, of improper grammar. It is only after, that it is turned into a badge of honour and an act of rebellion or simply an expresion of popular culture. It is not that clever people sat down and decided: "Let's fight the system. From today we shall get everyone to say [wrong wording]. It will be a political statement that noone will be able to ignore!"* And yes, humanity evolves and as those worse off usually outnumber those better off, that culture adapts accordingly seems to make sense. Just as hair cuts and the proper grooming of facial hair has. *the exception would be when popular entertainment intentionally created a misuse to portray a character as uneducated lower class (for example Lister). While that could cause concious acceptance by the fanbase, it would still be art imitating real life (or real life imitating art imitating real life... confusing like the boys watching girls while the girls watch the boys who watch the girls go by)
  13. Lack of education and failure to comprehend their mother tongue come to mind
  14. Played them all..several times...probably will play several more times...really wish tere was a co-op option for thgat it would be SO MUCH fun. Anyways I don't know why but those games remined of thast super hero cartoon show "The Tick" There is. The only problem is that player 2 does not get to level up, but has to play a predefined character such as Steve the bard. "STEEEEEEVE!"
  15. For hack and slash with some good writing: Deathspank Deathspank and the Thongs of Virtue The Baconing
  16. Yeah, we had our servers hacked twice last year by friendly hackers (apparently from the country next door). Very fun sitting in an office all morning staring at a PC screen and being neither able to do any work nor at least kill time online while waiting to be able to do work.
  17. Beat the fourth boss in Valdis Story. That was an annoying fight. And when I finally beat her, I realized I had forgotten to use my new ability to summon a crew member to assist me during fights. That could have made things easier...
  18. This being the Obsidian forum, you could always try Dungeon Siege 3
  19. I'm not having too many expectations of Watch Dogs. Don't feel like setting myself up for disappointment once again.
  20. NSA job listing: Now Hiring: Tentacle Porn Internet Traffic Monitoring Expert
  21. Facebook is setting me up. Or the NSA. Or both...
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