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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I had made a few posts about it back then. But I think people were talking about something "cool" and they were missed by most The story is rather meh, but the gameplay is great.
  2. Seems I am in a stalemate with the amazons. I razed their temple in the Oaklands. The moment my main army moves on, their heavy cavalry tramples my garrison. They burned the temple I had build there. My nemedians have snuck back in the province and will easily slaughter the amazon defenders, but I can't bring any more troops to push further. The formorian king and his giants are stationed on my border with Ur. My prophet is taking an army to scare off the barbarian hordes on my eastern border. A nemedian sorceress and her bodyguards are accompanying him for support and one unmarked formorian is raising troops to assist wherever needed. But he is needed everywhere. If only I could get some magic sites to strengthen my nature magic...
  3. There's a huge bug with revolts in India The revolutionaries march through all your provinces non-violently?
  4. Started an early age Dominion 4 game with all factions in it: 27 AIs and myself. For a huge map, that many factions still make for a rather hectic game. (Map size is 20 provinces per faction for a "large" map.) First Atlantis made a few attacks on my western coastal provinces. I am slowly creating an army with waterbreathing for when I have to counter-attack, though they have been quiet since those initial skirmishes. A good thing, as the Sauromatians launched an invasion from the north. Their heavy cavalry trampled my defenses and caught my Pretender God unprepared and banished him. Took a lot of priests a lot of praying call him again - for which I had to recall my prophet and the majority of my forces. That allowed the Sauromatians free reign over my northern provinces. That was until I send two forces north: my fir bolg prophet, leading an army of fir bolg and formorians - visible they draw the amazons' attention. At the same time, a nemedian champion leads a large unit of his people into the enemy held territory under the cover of powerfull glamours. After some heavy fighting, the Sauromatians have fallen back to their fortresses, but troops from Ur have joined the war with the banners of Yomi just north of amazon and west of Ur territories. And I have two more factions comming in from the south and east... So I'll have to fortify my dominion in the north, so I can react to the eventual incursions from the south. With a bit of luck I'll be able to completly surround Sauromatia and kill their pretender god by spreading my dominion into their provinces - can't exist if nobody believes in you
  5. Just play Banished. You know you want to
  6. Just pretend you got a high tier and chose not to take the physical rewards so as to leave more money for the project
  7. Not all that different from kickstarter though when you get down to it.
  8. A wise-cracking skull? When did Skylanders turn into the "spiritual successor of Planescape: Torment" ?
  9. Offspring fling is a pretty good puzzle platformer. Finishedfirst playthrough of Magical Diary. Deffinitly not for everyone. Will probably try another playthrough though with different spells to see if there are alternate ways to solve the dungeons.
  10. A while back, but not a long long time ago, and on this very forum instead of a galaxy far far away, a forumite named Alan told us about a game a friend of his is working on. That game was (and still is) called NEO Scavenger. Well, cool thing: It's part of this week's Humble Weekly Sale! For us do-gooders a win win deal: support a good cause while supporting a friend (of a friend (of the internet and not RL variety)) Ok, the truth? I am just excited that when I looked at the screenshot I thought "Isn't that?" And when I asked Alan he said "Yes it is." Which means that I may forget my keys. I may forget to buy ink for my printer. But my memory isn't completly gone
  11. Not really. If terrible gameplay wasn't bad enough, the game constantly breaks the gameflow. Combat starts: you take one step the game freezes to explain combat basics to you. Fair enough you think, learn the basics and move on. next combat: you punch one enemy - combat freezes so the game can explain combos to you... fair enough youn think... next combat: you punch a guy, combat freezes... 7th fight, you punch a guy... It becomes faily obvious after a while that the devs do not want you to play the game, so who are we to fforce them to have their game played
  12. Just looked at the new list of newly greenlit games... BoneTown: Mature Edition ??? *checks calendar* Nope, isn't April 1st.
  13. Except that the user would have to take extra steps to set up Linux on their PC? Once it becomes an out-of-the-box product, then Linux would offer no drawback. For example, I can get in my car and drive to the store or I can build my car and then drive to the store. Sure they both work but one method is more difficult and prone to mistake. And you continue missing the point. Maybe because you concentrate on a fragment of a sentence from a whole post. Keyrock and other linux users are happy when they can play games on the OS they are already using. That they will not need a second OS just for part of their computer usage. Bruce commented that he does not understand what the benefits of gaming on linux are, completly disregarding the simple fact: the benefit for linux users to be able to game on linux is that they'd be able to game on their chosen OS. Nobody tells you to change OS. It is not a matter of either all games will be on windows or on linux. It is a matter of giving PC users a choice of what OS they wish to use. Nothing is gained by taking away choice from customers. Someone who already uses linux gains nothing by having to swap to Windows for their gaming. It is that simple. That you or I do not use linux is irrelevant to that simple fact.
  14. Trolls have stolen important paintings... the pirate menace: Breaking statues Trollverine...
  15. The point is that there is no inherent benefit to playing on any OS. It doesn't matter if it is windows, mac or linux. If a game plays on it it plays. Windows is the mainstream OS so most games are made supporting that. It does not make Windows as an OS better suited for gaming, just so much more common among gamers, it makes economic sense for companies to bring out games for this OS, while not bothering with others. But it doesn't make the question "Why would anyone want to play on linux?" any more valid - if they run on linux, there is no advantage to not playing them on linux.
  16. Yeah, but you are a lawyer, so you are wierd.
  17. Eh, the sale probably was mostly meant to give people something new to talk about instead of the regional pricing fiasco. Finished Draw a Stickman: Epic. Great game.
  18. Also new Age of Wonders trailer about the theocrat class:
  19. Aqua Kitty is awesome
  20. It is indeed. And I think, judging by this first look, they hit the atmosphere spot on.
  21. Very early pre-alpha look at Satellite Reign:
  22. Drat. Foiled again! Next time crazy cat moderator!
  23. This also means we should end up with some spare Alpha Protocol keys and can force one onto Lady Crimson. No more excuses moderator cat lady. You hear hat? No more excuses
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