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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Fine. It was rather annoying though as I had been mostly in bed for the past 20 hours with the flu. When I woke up at around 4AM there was nothing to do. Steam being online would have allowed me to try to bother friends fom other time zones a bit more effectively
  2. You are just denying your true identity.
  3. I think you just proved us all to be zombies.
  4. Is the skeleton under my hair, flesh and muscle Undead? Skeletons that walk around are undead, right? So I guess so?
  5. That is pretty much the extend of bugs in the game right now. You should be fine. And the broken quests should only be trivial side quests.
  6. Consortium and I are not getting along. Gameplay is a bit iffy. Need ten attempts for the locker to open. Getting stuck turning a corner. Trying to click something and nothing happens until attempt 20. Click a button to lower some stairs, but the button is positioned in such a way that if you click it the stairs lower on top of you getting you permanently stuck (button obviously can't be re-clicked while you are stuck). etc etc. So while storywise it seems interesting, I do not know if I'll be able to play it :/
  7. Reading the arguments on the Defiance forum about the announced F2P change (from B2P). Fun fun fun
  8. And when considering how much sex the books have and how much the HBO series, that quote sounds so wrong...
  9. Is there a source on that? Seems very popular and Steam seems to have gotten a lot of Indie game sales because of it. The internet has a tendency to pronounce things dead. Especially the gaming community. Just take PC gaming. I hope when I get pronounced dead, I'll be as dead as PC gaming
  10. Finished the beta demo build of Arcadecraft. Now to wait for release.
  11. Already voted for it anyway. But if you feel uncomfortable linking to it, let me know I'll spam the link
  12. The art and the rhymes are what attracted me to the game
  13. Play some more when you get back from work. I'd like to hear some impressions. It is deffinitly on my wishlist.
  14. A friend from school could use some votes on Greenlight if anyone would be up to clicking a quick "Yes". You should also feel free to decide that you are interested in the game and click "Yes" for that reason http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=93006822
  15. I have heard great things about Consortium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VsIDEMP3YYY It is on 40% sale on Steam but also the Humble Store. Which for us europeans, what with regional pricing, means it is actually cheaper on thehumble store and part of the money goes to charity.
  16. I survived. And I didn't need to call for Malcador to extract me! First group of hundred kids were very well behaved (kindergarden through to third grade). Very quiet and very keen to participate. Two girls were even taking notes and tried some basic "interview" questions afterwards. Second group was a lot louder, with a couple of "difficult" boys. That of course affected the rest of the group. Add to that that it was getting closer to noon, so they were alreadya bit more tiered. Still also good participation. Random: Question: "What hobbies would you suggest to this dragon, to pass his time?" Answer, 2nd or 3rd grader: "San Andreas" "Erm, scuse me?" "Oh, it's a game." "I know..."
  17. Heading out to face the kids. If I'm not back by tonight, send in the cavalry.
  18. Hmm, Space Trader: Merchant Marine is just going for -111% and should get Steam to pay you 50 odd cents Probably going to fix that soon. The game isn't all that great. Some trading of commodities and a few first person shooter quests. The problem really is the shooter part that is very basic. Of course the game costs next to nothing even at full price, so I am not miffed about owning it. May even give it another chance at some point. I have a soft spot for these tiny projects were one or two devs try to do something different.
  19. Canceling the Tron series was not nice of them. But people who aren't happy with Disney taking over Lucas are probably worried that along the retcons, Disney will also retcon Jar Jar
  20. Sleeping Dogs 80% off on Steam. I found the controls terrible, so can't really recommend it. But the atmosphere seems great.
  21. Pick a breed that can go up the mountains with you and enjoy itself while doing so.
  22. There are a number of things going cheap on GOG. And yes, it actually is good old games that are on sale What stood out for me are: The old Age of Wonders games. A lot of fun, a lot of races, challenging campaigns and (at least the first one) an interesting campaign. As the new game is still heavily being balanced and patched, the old ones may be the safer bet at the moment. King of Dragon Pass. Lead your own little tribe and make decissions that affect its future. Quite unique as games go, mixing management with chose your own adventure, this is a real gem. Only problem? It probably is the worst adaptation for GOG, with a number of display errors on modern screens - though still very much enjoyable. The new, reworked mac version is far better though. Nice bonus: dev activity on the gog forum. Battle Realms: one of the best RTS games in my opinion. Challenging, with interesting unit/economy management: rice and water are collected by peasants, but peasants are also rained into fighting units in the training buildings. Training a unit in another building again, then upgrades to hier tier units. The story of a mythical japan is quite interesting and branches intoa good and evil campaign.
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