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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. One of the reasons I like superhero MMOs, even though I hate superhero movies and find the comis boring, is that in the attempt to make people feel superheroy from the get go, there i an attempt to make even early abilities and normal gameplay heroicaly fun. It can mean that a lot of the challenge is taken out, but who needs challenge when you can send an enemy flying with one punch
  2. Have to give them credit for their courage, if nothing else. Calling the game "Titanfall" shows a lot of confidence in the product. What with the internet being full of trolls who are just waiting for an excuse to hate the game and celebrate themselves as the pinacle of all that is witty when they call it "Titanfail".
  3. Lotro I quit as quickly as Monte quit Conan
  4. Fantasy MMOs indeed seem to all suck. If you go beyond fantasy... The Secret World has great writing, far superior to any other MMO, but they took the Conan combat nd made it even more boring (though in retrospect that may have been an improvement :/ ). Champions Online has the best character creator. DC Universe Online has the most fun travel power (acrobatics, throwing a rope/cable/web/whatever across to the opposit building and pulling yourself towards it: fun fun fun).
  5. The same without guns but with a football? It is a bit simplified I guess: there are no different move speeds (everybody runs), you don't crouch, you don't change facing. You still get to set waypoints, adjust the timer on how long a player waits before the next move. So very much taken the basics of Synapse's gameplay and adapted them to a sports game. It is still earlyish in development though, so I take it a lot more stuff will be added on. Played a couple of games versus Very Easy AI so far. Won 7-2 and lost 4-7 (AI pulled off a Hail Mary pass from one endzone to the other).
  6. As a small update: There are a number of Cheese-tactics that quite a few players fall back onto when it comes to castle design. It can make for very "meh" play sessions after a certain level. Of these tactics some are worse than others. Hopefully the devs will work on addressing that. Until then, hopefully a lot of downvoting of those castles will bury them.
  7. The game is on... ...and he dashes for the ball: The pass is intercepted! Ouch, if he wasn't a robot, that would have hurt! He is running for the end zone... And Touchdown! Melkathi takes the lead and wins the match!
  8. Going to post it here, even though it isn't on Steam, but I seem to have two extra digital copies (from the devs' own site) each of Frozen Synapse and the expansion Frozen Synapse Red ? (though I may be able to get steam keys) This game has been fully endorsed by Deraldin.
  9. I started playing The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot. I am not yet certain how much time I will spend in the game and there are grounds for criticism (ask Monte Carlo, who has a valid, understandable dislike for the game already). But for those who are interested, and because having friends in the game increases the fun one can get out of it. Here is a post about what it is: The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot It is a hybrid game, combining building a la Dungeon Keeper, with action rpg killing of monsters and looting of loot (a la Torchlight etc (yeah not going to say Diablo ). There are two parts to the game: Attacking and Defending. Attacking is pretty straight forward: you pick a castle to raid, travel to it (using magic or something) and try to reach the treasure room, dodging traps... and killing monsters on your way.... The gold and life force you loot you then store in your own treasure room, in your own castle. That brings us to the second part, defending: You are the proud homeowner of one flying castle. And just as you loot other people's castles, they can raid yours: To prevent that, you fill your casle with... traps of your own... and monsters of your own... All in an attempt to prevent would be thieves from reaching your Castle Heart (yeah... it's so not a Dungeon Heart...) As you level up your castle, you gain access to more creatures, more traps... more rooms... upgraded creatures... and a greater income Once you have build a castle you like, you have to validate it by raiding it yourself Once that is done, your castle goes public and is there for the community to enjoy. ------------------------------------------ So what is the downside? The game is free to play with a cash shop. Free? That is great! True... And nobody forces you to buy XP-Boosts, Loot-Boosts etc for real cash. Or to unlock new heroes through real cash. New heroes? Yes, as you start the game you can select one from a choice of three heroes: Mage, Knight, Archer. A fourth hero, the Roadie, is available through the cash store. The gems (the currency bought through real cash) can slowly be earned in-game, so a lot of things may eventually be earnable just by playing... a lot That doesn't change the queasy feeling you may get when looking at the store an noticing the "ultimate pack" for a LOT of cash. The other thing that can rub you the wrong way is the browser game style of logging in to have gotten raided repeatedly by random strangers while you were asleep. Luckily, once you get looted (I read somewhere that the looter takes 20% of your stash), your castle is shielded from further looting for 12 hours or so. That doesn't mean your ranking wont go down. On the other hand: ranking? Who cares? The fun part is building a castle and hoepfully watching replays of people failing at raiding it And it takes a while until you can unlock all the cool bits. Oh and of course: Ubisoft ------------------------------------------ Who is this game for? People who like building death trap dungeons. People who like to share what they build with friends and random strangers. People who like to raid dungeons and collect loot. But building is the main bit. So if anyone wants to journey to the lands of Opulencia, send me a friend request. I'm Melkathi ingame as well. So:
  10. Until we find out that "remastered" means "tactical shooter" ...
  11. Yup. Great game I keep comming back to every no and then.
  12. Browserish is a very fitting word. I had some fun so far, but the browserishness may indeed put me off the game in a couple of days.
  13. Getting swallowed by the Leviathan: Building an industrial zone on a space station at the edge of space: Including a communication post:
  14. It's not THAAAAAT bad But I take it you did not have fun storming the castle
  15. If it wasn't for this forum, I doubt I'd have heard about SP at all.
  16. Played some "The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot" There is some fun castle building. It is interesting to watch replays of people's assaults on your castle. (Will be even more fun once I have a deadly enough castle for people to fail) The downside is, it has the browser game mentality when it comes to monetization as well as trying to keep you logging in way too frequently to monitor your resources to spend before people steal them from you.
  17. I still need to beat that game. I got as far as that winged lady lying on the floor...
  18. Why are you forcing yourself through games? Play something fun instead!
  19. Yeah. That sentence left me speechless.
  20. You are right. There are no race restrictions. 6x6 combinations it is. Abilities are then based on Class, Race and Spheres of Magic. A city's basic military units are based on the city's race, but through your class, higher tier special units are unlocked - though again using the race template. There is a big change in alignment. All racial units are inherently neutral, so there no longer is a moral penalty for having orcs and elves in one army. There still are some units though that are "dedicated to good" or "dedicated to evil". Neutral cities will have an alignment, influencing your starting relationship with them when you first encounter them. Your character starts as neutral and the alignment will shift based on your actions (razing cities bad, letting weak armies run away good etc).
  21. I pre-ordered. That is: I got an american friend to pre-order and gift me the game, what with regional pricing The classes look very interesting - if you haven't I suggest going to the official site and looking at the class pages (4 out of 6 have been put up so far). It is still a shame that the game starts with only 6 races. But it will still be a good game I hope.
  22. I finished Aarklash: Legacy The game is real time with active pause. The Bad: The boss fights were easier than the normal fights. At least on normal difficulty. Character progression / customization is quite limted: there are 8 characters, each of which have 4 pre-determined abilities. You can upgrade these abilities as you level up, even changing the way they behave, but you are bound by the four things that character can do. The game is too short for the story it is trying to tell. It ends rather abruptly and the end is a bit forced; I felt as if a chapter had been skipped. There are no side-quests as such and no real exploration - maps are pretty straight forward, you start at point A and need to reach point B. Later maps are fairly large though, making up for that. And there are at least a (very) few little things to find (treasure chests that need solving of little puzzles to reach). There are some minor gameplay issues that weren't necessary. For example you can't cancel a spell that your character is already casting (though you can cancel it if it is just in the queue). Icons for buffs/debuffs are tiny. Loot is boring and items don't affect appearance. The Good: Quite a lot of love has gone into the game and I at least felt that it shows. The devs really tried to do interesting things. Fights can be rather challenging and require quite a bit of thought. Every one of the 8 characters you have is unique. Some have more interesting mechanics than others, but they all have something that sets them appart. A lot of the characters' abilities are more than just click button and forget. Some travel in a straight line hitting the first person in their path. Others are area of effect. Others are channeled. After the beginning, pretty much all enemies have special abilities, attacks, auras etc. So one enemy may heal allies when taking damage, another may lock the use of player attack powers in a radius around them etc. As a result, prioritising targets is very important but may vary from battle to battle (though certain enemies it will always be good to take out first). Except for a certain map, you can swap party members any time, outside combat. You may die quite a bit. There are a lot of puzzles to solve with activating switches etc. They start simple and become more complicated, combining different elements. The game though usually ramps up the complexity gradually, so that you know what you can do. I managed to solve them all without too much difficulty, though one took me a while to figure out what I was supposed to do. Overall, I really enjoyed it. I played relatively short sessions mostly, so it lasted longer than it may for others. It was challenging and not that many rpgs are these days. I got it on sale and at that price it was deffinitly worth it. Worth it at full price? I got the "amount of" enjoyment out of it that I would have required, had I payed full price, yes. I may even replay it, though not right away. It is not a game you play for the story/writing. Even though I actually got to like the characters, the game isn't about that, it is about the tactical combat using a 4 character strong team.
  23. My favourid as well! Though I did enjoy most of the other levels too. The race-track was boring. The circus damn annoying. But most other levels had a lot of personality and charm.
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