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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. JayDGee, reread my post, the few lines I wrote about the world. That truly is all the information he gave us, even though people were trying to get more info out of him. The one sole city in the world had no name. The emperor of the one empire had no name (neither did the empire). He may have put a lot of effort into building the dungeon for this adventure. But he threw together a landmass around it and a semblence of a quest into which no discernable effort was put. My approach personally is very similar to yours. Probably the reason why now I have a very rich starting area and little else When playing my own setting(s) I always seem to have one truly problematic player in the group. The guy who, while being targeted at point blank range with crossbows, walks up to the local leader of the biggest criminal organization in three kingdoms and says "We were send to kill you. What do you have to say about that, tough guy?" (the npc had nothing to say. He did pull the trigger though)
  2. Is that MMO still going? What's the population like? It's a very small group of people still playing. Larger than that playing WAR though, right?
  3. 1) you were 10. And what Bruce said 2) You actually had an explanation on how the elephant got in there and there was proper cause and effect - the fact it dropped through the ceiling resulting in reduced HP. That said. Sometimes running through a dungeon for the fun of it, without any other reason is all that is needed. Usually people do not pretend that it is more than that when they do. When I expressed to the specific DM though the worry we might derail his plot a bit, so he should let us know to reign it in, seeing how it would only be for a limited number of session, he told me not to worry because he had considered the danger and had that covered. When I would see the plot I would know. That had left me with a bit of expectation. I was looking forward to how another DM handled this. Especially when he has stated that he had put thought into that. "You are chosen by God and transported to a location with only one exit" was a bit of a let down... And I didn't even get into gameplay...
  4. He supposeldy is an experienced DM... And time? It is a campaign of a predetermined 5-6 session length. He doesn't have time. He has to be Kirk and Scotty in one: give himself deadlines and then tell himself he can do it in less
  5. That was exactly my comment to one of the other players, after they brought up how unexisting the setting was. This setting now included such highlights as : don't look at the gods in the player's handbook as it is my own setting and it has different gods. Ok. There are three of them. Ok. Which one do you pick? Erm... I know nothing other than that there are three of them? The middle one?
  6. The exploration path looked fun. But I'm not prepared to play a sub based MMO anymore anyway. I then feel that I have to play a lot to get my money's worth. I prefer buy to play and then paying for neat goodies. (though the way GW2 fills up your bags with crap is not fun)
  7. As the title states, I just need to vent. I was aksed to joing a short D&D campaign. The DM will move soon and he wanted one last chance to play this adventure he had written for his own setting, with a group of people who'd be serious about it and give it their best. So I said Hey, why not. If this is that one adventure. I think most of us have one of those. Something we put in a lot of effort but somehow never managed to really play to the end. We met to roll characters. Well, not roll, he just gave us a set of numbers and told us to assign them to the stats we wanted. 18 16 15 14 12 10. Fair enough, whatever. We made characters and met to play. Of course we disappointed him, the characters had hardly any background as this world he had created... he had a hard trouble describing it. It was a flat world, with a large tower in the middle, were it is rumourd the gods dwell. I made a mental note: flat world and gods on Cori Celesti: if I end up in a big city, keep out of any neighbourhood called the Shades. Also don't buy anything from vendors proclaiming that their prices are like cutting their own throat. The world was small, comprising only one kingdom of five provinces. In one of these there primarily live half-elves. It houses the capital. Another is mostly populated by humans. A third has a big forest and a large elven population. The fourth province has a big mountain range. Noone goes there. Draconians live there, but we don't know that. The final province is strange. Almost in perpetual darkness, it is where the paladins train for the prophesied arrival of great evil. And that is the info given about the world. As the sun doesn't rise one morning everyone is worried. Our characters each go about their business nontheless, when each of them see a glowing light in the sky. Three characters and a glowing light. For a moment I pondered whether I should change my character name to Balthazar, Melchior or Caspar. I also should have learned to do magic and been bearing gifts. A griffon riding messenger of the gods appears and summons us to come to save the world. I hoped saving the cheerleader would be enough. As we are flown to the abode of the gods, to the top of the tall spire in the center of the lake, I wondered why I was being taken to Isengard and whether perhaps I should change my name to Merry or Pippin. When we landed I controlled the urge to ask the first person I saw where Gandalf was, for I much desired to speak with him. Gandalf was not there. Doc Brown though was. He had grave news. We had to travel back in time to save the future. Sadly the delorean had not been invented yet, it being a fantasy setting, so we had to undergo a ritual to travel to the past. We had approximately six days to do what had to be done and come back to the future. In the past we landed outside the gates of Moria. The dwarves had designed an infuriatingly complex locking mechanism, as dwarves tend to do. It was made harder by the fact that these dwarves had not only been great spellcasters, they also were rather tall for dwarves and had installed the locks 50 feet above ground. Luckily, unlike Moria, there was no lake or tentacled monster. Unluckily harpies started comming out of the clouds in waves. A screech would give us warning enough to react. I was quite certain that the screech was harpy speak for "Dive!" and that these harpies had mistaken this for the annual reenactment of the battle for the war rocket Ajax. The harpies had gotten the movie wrong though and puked all over us, straight out of the excorcist. Eventually, nearly dead, we opened the gate and called it a day. Thank you for letting me get that out of my system.
  8. I would have loved TSW as an episodic single player RPG. Episode 1: Kingsmouth. Episode 2: whatever (didn't get that far ) You could have a bit of choices carry over thing going a la Telltale. Then again that is my same thought about Old Republic. If they had, instead of a MMO, turned it into episodic rpgs, each class story line its own little game and the whole franchise telling the story of that era, I probably would have bought every one of them.
  9. Nah, I'd feel much better if you stopped calling it a game Try it, it would be very therapeutic (for me)
  10. What exactly is the definition of "blant"? I tried Googling it, but all I got were crappy urban dictionary entries that seemed to have nothing to do with the subject at hand, as well as one entry that basically equated to "bland". It is me trying to type "bland" at 4:45AM
  11. The worst thing about the combat is that it is blant on top of everything else. And then the animations and effects are blant as well, robbing you of the excuse "I may just be hitting 1,2,1,3... but at least it looks cool". And the UI is so blant you get bored halfway reading through the blant abilities. In some games I have trouble choosing abilities because I can't decide what I want and what I need. In TSW I just get bored halfway through.
  12. I'd tell you that I was illuminati as well, but then I'd have to kill you.
  13. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=217856420 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=217469235 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=217657465
  14. Been playing more Full Mojo Rampage. It is still in Early Access and a lot isn't implemented, but I am having fun. Unlocked three additional patron Loa (which works out as classes) - of these one isn't fully implemented and is missing the mojo ability Unlocked a few vodoo masks for my little dude, including two hidden ones. Though I wont be using the luchador one.
  15. There's 2 QTE fights and 1 QTE chase in Wolf ep.1. They're definitely more forgiving than other games out there. Especially in the first fight, part of that clicking actually makes sense, when you get to choose what part of the environment to use.
  16. Actually, Dragon are the goody two shoes. Templars are right gits. As I said. I'm on "Grim" But if you are on a different server I might say hello
  17. You do have a small misconception there: I don't dislike them. I think they are a great experience. Though I believe shortcuts have been made in the Walking Dead to force choice situations on the player that are ... forced. At least in episode 1. I couldn't decide who to give food to in episode 2 so am stuck there I love The Wolf Among Us. It helps that I am a Fables fan of course, but I believe that story is far better suited to their storytelling style and the QTEs are slightly improved to make them less intrusive. They have improved their formula with it. But just because I love it, doesn't make me consider it a game.
  18. Does the Humble bundle eventually expire? Humble now has a store on top of the bundles. They do daily and weekly deals just like other stores. Only that 10% off what you pay goes to charity. For the specific game they noticed how their 50% was 50% of the 50% on Steam though so they adjusted it tot he same price. In dollars. So for EU customers humble is still cheaper.
  19. I have never heard of this game, however looks decent. Anyone else looking into getting it for some MP sometime? I have been playing a bit. Will write something about it in the What are you playing thread later. It seems it could be good for some casual multiplayer fun.
  20. Did anyone post this yet? Chris Avellone's Legend of Grimrock Endorsement
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