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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Guardedly looking forward to it. but the trailer shows that it will not be AC2. AC was not just a Civ on another planet. It was good science fiction. It was well written and it was not affraid to be political (the thing that sets quality science fiction apart from simple scifi (or scyfy *shudder*)). Will definitly try it, but don't think I'll love it like Alpha Centauri.
  2. For those who care about such thngs: The Wolf Among Us episode 3. Episode 1 was great. It really worked well with the way Telltale structure their "games" and tell their stories. Even the QTEs made sense. As far as choices go, they even seemed to have important outcomes. Episode 2 was then a complete and utter letdown. Things were resolved too quickly. The story just leaped ahead, robbing it of all the build up from the previous episode. Worse, it was linear, without any real "choice", instead having a silly fanservice appearance of Jack. Episode 3 redeems it. There are choices once more. "Consequences" from the first episode... of course none from the second (but how could there, it was a waste of time filler episode). It has interesting characters. The small guest appearances of eisting Fables characters work. The only thing that is rather ridiculous are the QTEs. QTEs that are scripted for you to fail. I understand what they are trying to do. I have no clue how else they could do it with the way they have set up "gameplay" , but the QTEs are really the low point of the episode. Still, great to see them pull together after episode 2 and bring out something worth people's time.
  3. The more I play the game, the less I like it :/ The new "rangd attacks always hit" mechanic has seriously damaged balance of ranged vs infantry and made sieges ridiculous, what with archers shooting through stone walls. I used to enjoy sieges in this series. Sure sometimes you got unlucky and sometimes you got stupidly lucky (and shot down a dragon just with frostling snowscrapers). But now all you need is enough ranged units to shoot through the walls and gates (or moveandfireignorecovercompletlyandalway****-trebuchets) and you are done.
  4. Because for some reason it has set font colour to: #cccccc and background to: #353e44 in the BBCode Most likely it is the forum trying to express the weirdness you expressed you were feeling.
  5. For me it was just that as a compeltionist I tried to explore every tiniest corner of the map and do every side quest. And for that the game is just too huge.
  6. I was out of town for a few days so am still wrapping up mission 4 of the elven campaign :/ Oh well, no rush Not finishing any map without having cleared every dungeon. And Elven 4 has loads of those. Also have tried a bit of random map and scenarios, just so I can create my own characters. With the original Age of Wonders, being a do-gooder, I'd feel the urge to play halfling->dwarf->elf, but all the other endings were so much more interesting.
  7. No, I didn't mean the dialogue. As you said, there is nothing really wrong with that. I did mean exactly what you are describing. That episode 1 example shows perfectly what put me off the game. Personally, with writing I usually refer to the whole narrative experience and not just the words the audience gets to read/hear.
  8. Personal opinions edited in in funky coloured fonts:
  9. Two campaigns and apparently each branches once. So two campaigns with two endings each. You get less choices than in the first game but obviously more than in the second and third game (that had 0 choice ). I can't say how significant or not the choices are. I am only now on mission 4 of the elven campaign and apparently about to make my first choice.
  10. You haven't seen the goblin succubus or the dwarven exalted. You know nothing John Snow.
  11. Pretty much. Age of Wonders 3 is a lot more like the original Age of Wonders than 2 or Shadow Magic. That way it has become also more intuitive, as you no longer have the wizard in his/her tower.
  12. City building boils down to making a tactical decission what you need the city for and then building the upgrades for that. Barracks etc in the cities near the front, research and mana producing buildings in safe areas. Though there is always the urge to build everything in every city The game is about producing armies though and trouncing your opponent. edit: and no, you can't limit yourself to one city like in Civ and hope to survive
  13. OK, I see how that could work. Too bad I overwrote my save before I thought better, so I can't try it now. But thanks. I used that tactic in most tough fights. As long as there is fuel, the fire will spread too, so it can deal realy massive damage.
  14. Lord of the Rings Online. Damn! I was certain it was Goat Simulator modded to to have people instead of goats.
  15. I wasn't much of a cannon user myself. I set up barricades for choke points and then threw petrol bombs at the clustered enemies: Burn it, burn it, burn it, burn it, burn it all away.
  16. Seemed appropriate for this forum.
  17. I found Nella and Knokka to be simply awesome, but I swapped Wendaroo out for Motcha and Denzil for Frinz. I read on the gog forum how some people prefer using Bo Lahm instead of Knokka, but with my playstyle he didn't fit as well.
  18. Don't remember how many enemies I had, but with some trap placement it had worked out fine. The most trouble I ahd was with the very last battle in the game.
  19. Diplomacy is pretty pants... And the AI can do some silly things. Had an enemy warlord spam the "spell" that allows him to instantly create irregulars at the expense of population. 100 city population -> 1 irregular He did it multiple times a turn for multiple turns. When I counted he had done it 24 times, downgrading his city in the process. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=244829139
  20. Have you got any russian friends? Then they can get it for you for a quarter of the price. I send a friend from the US money via paypal to gift me a copy on steam.
  21. I found the one thing that annoys me: impassable mountains. Can't cross them even with flying/floating/mountaineering and can't terraform them.
  22. Did you train any orc bards and succubi? I wa a bit surprised how squishy monster hunters are. Had a good laugh though when my goblin marauders killed a troll after I cast Last Stand on them.
  23. I almost wrote a post when I saw the screenies, but didn't want to start a discussion in a Pictures topic. Now that someone else commented, I feel more... enabled. Short version: For me, Aarklash Legacy was Game of the Year 2013. It's been a looooooong time since I tasted RtwP combat so juicy, so intelligent, challenging, varied. Too bad it was basically over by the end of Chapter 2 with your characters maxed out, it was just more of the same after that. If you haven't seen it, check out the hidden scene with Nella
  24. Finished hte first mission of the elven campaign in AoW3. Good times Created a goblin warlord for a scenario: Fleabite Beetlebreath. Getting the stuffing beaten out of me, as goblins are terribly squishy
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