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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. You can tell they were running out of cash. Santa Monica they still wanted to add so much to the game. The more the game progresses the less good it becomes.
  2. I thought "It's normal difficulty. What can go wrong?" Now I remember
  3. Played some Mordheim with my chaos warband. First battle went amazingly well. My Marauder nearly got beaten up, but as some of my lot have mutations that let them outrun a skaven, they whizzed around the battlefield and helped out where needed. Second fight... scattered deployment for both sides. The undead's Cryptfiend deployed in charge range from my leader. Leader down. Then Possessed down (shouldn't have run him over to help). Then it chased down the mutant who had tried to run away. I have never been so soundly beaten before. And on normal difficulty mission to boot. Luckily everyone got a Full Recovery. Third mission went well again.
  4. See, this isn't my first playthrough, so I was prepared. I tricked the game and played at night, just before midnight. So there wasn't any rest of the day to worry about!
  5. Just read Valve's statement on what they'll allow on Steam. Basically the tl;dr is "We are too cowardly to make a decision / take a stand, so we'll allow anything in, and if you don't like it, look away, we here at Valve will be doing so as well." https://steamcommunity.com/games/593110/announcements/detail/1666776116200553082
  6. Decided to have a break from silly games and play something serious. So I burned the rope (and saved you all).
  7. Trying out FFXII Zodiac Children and... where is the FF combat? What is this weird thing? Why wasn't I warned?
  8. And I think I got bored of Cultist Simulator.
  9. Investigator dragged two of my pawns and myself to court. The pawns got exonerated, and I used a favour to get the same result. But she needs to go. Let's get some real muscle! .... ... ... OK, that was not supposed to happen. Twice? Maybe I should get some really real muscle...
  10. I think summoning otherwordly entities might have been a mistake.
  11. Found out that there is a limited character pool for recruits in Cultist Simulator. So the 4 disciples I lost hurt a lot more now. And even the pawns are a shame. Good thing I like using hirelings for everything.
  12. Don't upload pictures to the forum. Upload them to a site like imgur and post the link.
  13. You have those large tiles you play the little cards into. For example the blue tile with the hand is my job. I can play different cards into it to work in different fields. The yellow tile is research, the purple exploration and so forth. The one with the heart or the one with the split face are afflictions - the heart shows that my cultist got sick, the split face that they are seeing things and are going mad. The trick is to see what interacts with what.
  14. Vivienne thinking she was doing well in the 4th Cult, before the Dread consumed her (like her disciples had been consuming hapless victims). Ichabod treating Vivienne and getting drawn into the secret world: First assassination attempt: nth assassination attempt:
  15. The no spoiler advise: Research one of the three attributes (strength, reason, passion) and check what you can do researching the result. The first character has a terrible start. Find a better job. You want to make 2 Funds per 90 seconds so you can get ahead of the 60 second expenditure upkeep. I found it's not worth sending out believers or disciples to do stuff unless you are desperate. Their chance of failure is just too great. I mostly use them for Expeditions.
  16. The investigator finally is dead. After she arrested something like 3 pawn and 2 believers. And survived two bombing attempts, half a dozen stabbings, and made disappear half a dozen hirelings send to steal her file on me; lured her into an ambush and had my first disciple Victor grab her. Threw her in the dungeon and then used her corpse for the rite to promote the next believer. I had tried just talking to her, but she wouldn't walk away. New investigator showed up, but we haven't moved against him yet.
  17. Investigator went into investigation spam. The game has some problems like that. Last playthrough it was the dread spawning non-stop. This time it was the investigator starting investigations within 30 seconds of the previous one ending. She arrested one of my pawns and took out the hired muscle I finally managed to send after her. *sigh* At least the cult is growing like crazy.
  18. 5th Cult has started. Got 4 believers and 2 pawns real fast. Also not making some mistakes I had been doing last time. Steady income... not as high as the previous character, but steady. I hired a shifty lady and she destroyed the first tentative evidence against me. That should keep me safe for a while.
  19. And my 4th Cult went the way of terrible RNG. Everything was going great and the game decided to randomly spam Dread, then to make other timers refresh and last longer so I couldn't counter it.
  20. That is because I was making a living as an artist for a while, using my mystery and notoriety to sell paintings of the otherworldly dreams. But I was drawing too much attention. Luckily the third bombing attempt finally killed the first investigator, and some hired muscle took out the second. Now this new guy has to go. He is erratic and unpredictable. Now I keep a low profile, but as I see people still think of me...
  21. Bah. Cult is going downhill. I can't keep Passion up. Lost one cannibal Disciple trying to procure artifacts. Another failed to assassinate my boss. Now I need luck and cash to get more Passion, and then I need to recruit new believers, capture victims to sacrifice for them to feast on and become disciples.
  22. First attempt: 4th attempt: close call (in 51,7 seconds the investigator would find the evidence. But in 49,7 seconds the evidence decays)
  23. First cult in Cultist Simulator kinda wasn't going anywhere. Eventually my character decided this whole cult business wasn't all that and settled for the day job. Second character had a folder on the cult activity of the previous. They destroyed the information and lost their job. They struggled to get by with physical labour, got sick and died without ever even coming up with an idea for a cult. Third character was living the life thanks to their stipend from dad. They were approached by someone. Agreed to something. Were too slow in getting the cult going and could not provide the sacrifice they had promised to deliver. They were sacrificed instead. Fourth cultist is doing better. Not necessarily their followers. One hanger-on disappeared trying to make evidence disappear. One hireling the same. Three hirelings disappeared trying to assassinate investigators. One hanger-on got arrested. One followers and one hireling each vanished trying to procure items for the cult. That leaves me with four followers. One of those performed the second rite, finding out our Cult seems to be cannibals, as he ritually feasted on one of the investigators.
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