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Everything posted by DocDoomII

  1. If i didn't care about graphics I'd go back at entertaining myself with Lone Wolf gamebooks.
  2. I agree entirely, they did it in a very high level way that wasn't cheap or only for titillation and base sexual appeal and it came out great especially in Witcher 2. There are some games that are exaggerating it and make it the basic marketing point and "appeal" for a game and those are doing it wrong imo. What some people seem to be asking for is banning it entirely though, because it may "offend" people (I mean there were a lot of "gaming journalists" that had a problem with Witcher 2 because of that for instance) and that is what pisses me off. By the way, TERA isn't a very good example since a lot of the males are looking like this too, that's just the Japanese way of not giving a **** xD I didn't even know what game was that. I just googled plate mail bikini and that appeared... The ones that have problems with witcher 2 are just bigots. I'd like to remember to everyone the Mass Effect Sex Scandal. And in Mass Effect there was just a very, very brief cut-scene with "side alien boobs" and "side alien ass" (I romanced usless Liara, sue me). This fact pushed BioWare to completely change the approach until they reached the "almost fully clothed sex-scenes". Bigot people just like too much the sound of their own voices. I don't care if there is a brothel in a game where you can go and "do your business", and I don't care if the game fades to black of shows the deed. I just don't want women to go around dressed like armored lap dancers. Is that too much?
  3. D3xter, afaik in Witcher and Withcer 2 there was no chainmail bikinis or stupid things like that. The most audacious armor was Saskia's. And yes, sorceresses and whores had very revealing clothes, but that was still fitting enough for the characters. Ok, Witcher 1 had the Sex Cards and that was kinda idiotic, but still, nothing stupid like plate mail bikini If anything, more game should approach the argument like the witcher series.
  4. Limiting to 5 people? I always found restrictive having a party of 6. I always wanted to bring another mage, or another rogue/ranger. The more, the merrier.
  5. That's a very serious first world problem for us, you know?! /sarcasm, I don't care for a translation
  6. We didn't pay in advance for the game. This was not a preorder. We gave them money as sponsors of sort, to allow them to make their game. And as thanks they gave us all the stuff in the tier we chose. The game will have piracy when it'll be released. Just wait and see.
  7. Well the truth is that YOU are roleplaying your character. Though in Alpha Protocol some dialogue were actually too fast to read all the options.
  8. You are female, right? Because that statue is of a male creature... What does his/her gender have to do with foot fetishism? Because I have it too, but I'm surely not looking forward to see the statue's feet Though it was mostly a ploy to discover if JayDGee is a guy or a girl.
  9. Someone suggested to make a poster out of it and put it in the Obisidian Shop (when it will be opened), and they said it was a cool idea. I'd like the idea too. I don't know if I'll buy though, since the shipping cost would be a bit too much for me.
  10. You are female, right? Because that statue is of a male creature...
  11. Any average cRPG would end up as the Anti-DA2. DA2 is a textbook example of what you should not do when developing a cRPG.
  12. Do you want to discuss, or to get the topic closed?
  13. I remember the developers saying that there will probably be no race-only quests. I suppose that would include the beginning of the game.
  14. I knew that already. Fergus said (in the streaming of the last night of PE's kickstarter) that he would love to work at the sequel, but it was not on the list ATM.
  15. Whatever will be fun to play with a bow, crossbow, or dual wielding handguns.
  16. Sarcasm much? I though the last part pretty much gave it away.
  17. If it fits the character and not too over the top, sure. Same with mage robes. Cadegund is redhead. That's all the fanservice I personally need.
  18. Well, in my opinion it would be a good start if the story just do NOT follow step by step the classic Hero's Journey Pattern.
  19. What has been imagined, cannot be unimagined. Damn you!
  20. 2 things, 1- I'm sure that links to pornography are against the forum rules and 2, what is your point exactly? I make 3D porn and therefore I'm not qualified to make arguments? o_O Anyway, delete the link ASAP Maybe he wanted to showoff his Mad Google Skillz
  21. My understanding, based on interviews with head writer after he was reassigned, was that the Reapers were actually saving sentient life as something else was going on that we only had a glimpse of in ME2. The final or near-final battle would have been to determine to either join the Reapers or to attempt to fight something that even they didn't have a solution for. Now that would have been cool to see done. Oh well, instead we'll get ME4: Look at the Pretty Rainbow of ending choices. The original version was that using eezo technology and, I think, biotic powers, as byproduct, dark matter/energy was being created. In each cycle, the more the various dominant races of the galaxy spread and grew, the more dark matter/energy was being created. Too much of this stuff would, for example, cause a star to age much sooner than expected (ME2 Tali recruit mission). And that would be quite bad actually. The Reaper, were the race(s?) of the first cycle and when they found this truth, decided to "evolve" and leave the galaxy (probably after purging all organic life) so that it could regenerate its equilibrium. But organic life would start again sooner or later and every 50000 years they purged the hell out of the galaxy like they did the first time.
  22. In my experience posts keep mysteriously vanishing, so they seem to be doing something (that, or the forum software has been programmed by Obsidian with their famous QA). They don't vanish, they get merged in other topics where the same argument is being discussed. Or locked if the discussion is degenerating.
  23. More likely that's not their actual full-time job and most probably they are not even Obsidian's employees. They are likely very active members of the community chosen by the higher ups. So, maybe, you can cut them some slack?
  24. Well, if we want to be bitchy that is the right number only if you want to play with a full party. If you want to bring with you... 4 companions then it's 70 combinations 3 companions then it's 56 combinations (yes, the same number you'd have with 5) 2 companions then it's 28 combinations 1 companion then it's 8 combinations and since PC + Companion A + Companion B is different from PC + Companion A + Companion B + Companion C (because of the possible interaction between them) you end up having quite the number of possibilities. Yes, I was bored and went looking for the formula of the Binomial Coefficient (since I had forgot about it). Sue me.
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