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Everything posted by DocDoomII

  1. No, he is just irritated like me by the stonewalling position some of the user have in this kind of topics. Especially some Anti-WitheKnighter.
  2. Setting aside that such a scenario would never happen in a videogame of this age and day (not with a realistic graphics anyway), that would be quite hilarious and I'd have no problem with that. On the other hand if all the women in said game had a reason to do the same thing, that would start to smell like fish after 3 days.
  3. Armor that makes the opponent too embarrassed to attack? Mission accomplished. OLD It has already been explained that in a Flight or Fight situation the brain do not care about such things. And anyway, if that would be real, a single naked woman could wipe out an entire army of straight men. Please, use your brain before posting.
  4. Wait, are you WhitKnighting the devs? Because they said that the armour would have been changed anyway, since the boobplate was not the initially intended direction. But you'll just say that it was said so only to appease the anti-boobplate faction.
  5. Guys, his point is that the global number of backers on the site grew exponentially because of the big visibility the site gained after those particularly successful campaigns. In general, not only to WL2, PE or DFA. Is that clear now? :V
  6. @Amentep: I rarely go to the Wasteland 2 forum because the layout is extremely bothersome to the eye. I have serious difficulties to read whatever thread in there.
  7. I'm totally fine with that. And as I said in one of the previous incarnation of the topic, I liked how the female were portrayed in The Witcher 2 (and 1, setting aside the stupid sex cards). So it's not about removing nudity for me, it's just about removing armored swimsuits. If a whore is dressed in revealing drags is fine to me. But the problem is that the discussion is usually driven by the "we want boobs" faction.
  8. The reasonable thing to do is to ignore the thread if it bothers you so much. Other people do want to discuss it. Tale I would gladly discuss it normally, if it didn't end all the time with a "stop being bigot, I want boobs in my games"
  9. I hate how this is the stated intent of quite some amount of trolls. Trolling threads in order to get them closed should be a bannable offense. The grouping together of different sorts of people is also crazy. All I want is female armour which I won't have to laugh at, and female character models which reveals some knowledge of basic anatomy. This is (to varying degrees) a problem in so many games which would be SO EASY to correct. This was handled quite well in Arcanum and also in ToEE if I remember right. I care NOTHING for political correctness, and I especially don't want any romance in the game. The pubescent basement dwellers who want this to be some hentai cartoon with silly, skimpy armor and fantastical body proportions can go play that kind of games instead. Give us real women and realistic armour, please. No, you see, we are way past that argument. We are trying to understand if the rapid respawn of this kind of topics is a troll attempt by a real "WhiteKnight" faction, or the "Anti-WhiteKnight" faction. In either case, everyone that is taking seriously the matter has exposed his/her position like 10 times already and the subject has become stale. So the only reasonable thing is to derail the topic to try and stop the generalized "WhiteKnight" vs "Anti-WhiteKnight" trolling that would otherwise end in a "you are all uber feminist. stop removing boobs from my games"
  10. You've never met Dr. Prosper before? No, I haven't. Is that something good or bad, doctor?
  11. I want a mini wyvern that sneezes poison.
  12. If you don't care about the forum, I suppose you can just check P:E homepage once or twice a week.
  13. I just know that I enjoy every quest that's not "kill X of Y", "fetch me 50 shrubberry" or "can you escort me alive from X to Y?"
  14. That jaw is manlier than Schwarzenegger's... DAII faces are modelled really badly.
  15. Probably by the annoying-insecure-Knight faction. And damn it, where is that biodrone sketch when needed! That can easily be said for (some of the) members of both Knight Orders... Damn, this is getting so repetitive that I have to imagine a conspiracy plot between factions to remain entertained.
  16. Actually, fetch quests are allright if you implement them with brain. 1-You loot a skeleton, find a "Bob's Ancestral Amulet" and automatically on your map appears a Objective Marker named "Bob". <- UTTERLY MORONIC 2-Npc asks you to fetch him some skin to create a pair of gloves. In your quest logs appears the Quest "Obtain the skin of 40 boars". <- TOTALLY IDIOTIC 3-Member of the local Mage Guild asks you to fetch him a rare ingredient found only inside mossy and damp caves. <- EXPLORATION. 'TREASURE HUNTING'. GOOD! 4-Ambassador of <insert place here> asks you to go into two hostile regions and work your way to get their governments to sign a treaty (can be reduced to "fetch me 2 documents". <- VERY INTERESTING, POSSIBLY ARTICULATE AND SURELY PLOT DRIVEN. BRAVO!
  17. I'm starting to wonder if this kind of thread is systematically spawned by the "WhiteKnight" faction, or the "Ant-WhiteKnight" faction disguised as their opponent. OM NOM NOM... *me munching popcorn*
  18. But the Olympus Pantheon was so much fun!
  19. It might be that if this kind of topics don't get opened, the Anti-WhiteKnight faction would die out of boredom. Edit: wait, was "goddess" a subtle form of sarcasm over the argument of this thread, or were you just citing the famous manga Aa Megami-sama?
  20. Well theoretically, I don't see why there couldn't realistically be an elf-like human race (i.e. homo sapiens by all genetics, but elfish in appearance). Being members of the same species would make "interbreeding" perfectly viable. But I guess in PE universe they really are separate species, not just races. No, it's just that in every universe I know there are Half-orcs and Half-elves. So I'm just happy to see a change, for once.
  21. You assume that everyone would get the reference. I never new until now and I still don't know who the guy is.
  22. Ah, finally an universe where different species have incompatible DNA.
  23. No you don't get it. It's difficult to 'get' you, when you like so much to only post images. Not that I particularly want to 'get' you or anything.
  24. Ya, I kinda agree with this. It is kinda strange that a lot of times it's men posting it That's because the only thing better for a male gamer than playing a male character having a romance with a female character looking and acting as a male character is when we play a female character looking and acting like a male character and having a romance with another female character looking and acting as a male character. It's just awesome That is wrong on so many levels that I lost count.
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