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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. For all the the talk of how inadequate the tiers are, it's done over 167k today with several hours to go. Just sayin'.
  2. I LOVE this sort of thing. Being able to creatively approach problems and solve them through unconventional means.
  3. I agree the timing could have been better, but the response has still been pretty good. They're already 76% of the way to their funding goal, they'll reach it easily, and both TToN ans SotA end this week. Hopefully this means that they'll have good steady funding throughout the next couple of weeks and a great big surge for their final few days, assuming no other big time project launches around that time to take attention away from them. I still think they can double their funding goal. We can only speculate as to what they could have gotten had their timing been perfect. I'm guessing 1.25 million-ish. The big difference between this and the other high profile kickstarters is that they don't seem to be loosing steam as quickly. They are making like 1/3rd - 1/2 their first day pledges every day. Compared to torment and eternity who were down to less than 1/10 at this point. I think part of that may be due to the fact that Divinity: Original Sin didn't have the rocketship start to its campaign that P:E and T:ToN had. When it dropped off, it didn't seem as dramatic because the start wasn't as ridiculously crazy. Either way, what we can do as supporters is tout the horn and bang the drum loudly once T:ToN and SotA conclude.
  4. I'm so sure that it will break 4 million that I'll dress as Sailor Moon and walk around town jumping in the air and throwing up peace signs if it doesn't.
  5. New lappy: i7 3630QM (2.4 GHz turbos to 3.4 GHz) 8 GB DDR3 Geforce GT650M 2GB GDDR5 17.3" 1600x900 1 TB 5400 RPM Hard Drive Borderline gaming laptop, powerful enough to play many games at 1600x900 on high (or even ultra) settings, graphical beasts like Crysis 3 and The Witcher 2 on medium-ish settings. Should be future proof for at least 3 or 4 years. I don't foresee anything in that time span that it won't be able to play at 1600x900 on at least low settings.
  6. I agree the timing could have been better, but the response has still been pretty good. They're already 76% of the way to their funding goal, they'll reach it easily, and both TToN ans SotA end this week. Hopefully this means that they'll have good steady funding throughout the next couple of weeks and a great big surge for their final few days, assuming no other big time project launches around that time to take attention away from them. I still think they can double their funding goal. We can only speculate as to what they could have gotten had their timing been perfect. I'm guessing 1.25 million-ish.
  7. Over 90k so far today and we haven't even reached peak hours yet. I think today will be a 200k+ day.
  8. The campaign is on the cusp of breaching 3.6 million (Kickstarter only). It did 150k yesterday, compared to Project: Eternity doing 165k on the 3rd to last day, so relatively similar. If they can pull in what P:E did in the last 2 days, or even anywhere close to that, then they'll break 4 million easily.
  9. With a Hello Kitty steering wheel cover you can do anything!
  10. Update 14 Colin reacts to reaching MCA stretch goal: Tony Evans talks combat: Sagus Cliffs: Clicky for giant (otherwise page stretching) picture. 2 days left. /gets out and starts beating drum On a side note, the Hello Kitty steering wheel cover is badass.
  11. I'll be honest, I didn't even know the studio was still "alive".
  12. Not sure if IndieGoGo belongs in this thread, but here goes: Ghost of a Tale It's being developes by Lionel "Seith" Gallat who did animated movies at Dreamworks and Universal. It's inspired by games like Zelda, Ico, Gothic, and Dark Souls. Here's a very rough video of the game in its current state: Inspired by Zelda & Gothic, play as a mouse with a lute? Color me very interested.
  13. I'm confident it will break 4 million (Kickstarter only) and I think the PayPal numbers will wind up being fairly similar to what P:E did. In short, yes. My guess at the final figure, Kickstarter & PayPal (at the time of the Kickstarter ending, as some tiers will continue to be available via slacker backer-esque system) is 4.3 million-ish.
  14. 3.4 million and counting! With the PayPal pledges (presumably in the 70k-ish range) we're rapidly approaching Chris Avellone territory. It looks like today will break 100k (Kicktraq currently shows 95k) for the first time since day 4, which bodes well for the inevitable final 2 days of madness.
  15. The documentary should be really cool and will be a fantastic nostalgic and sentimental piece to watch many years down the line. Once Project: Eternity (under its final title) comes out and sells like a bajillion copies (due to its inherent awesomeness) and all the folks at Obsidian are sipping Shipwrecked 1907 Heidsieck Champagne out of jewel encrusted platinum chalices while driving Bugatti Veryron 16.4 Grand Sport Vitesses, it will be cool to look back at the game being made and thinking that I, in a very small way, helped make that happen. /wipes away future tear of happiness //high-fives future self
  16. Yeah, I plan to do a run as complete d-bag Mike Thornton in the future myself. Finished Saints Row the Third today (Gangstas in Space ending). I'll run through the final mission again eventually for the other ending, then hunt for the remaining collectibles I haven't gotten to yet, but in the meantime I'll throw my focus on Mount & Blade: Warband and maybe start up some Mask of the Betrayer goodness.
  17. I think you're both partially right. inXile now has a good bit of experience working with Unity because of said Wasteland 2 and Obsidian has already been working with 2D backgrounds with 3D characters within Unity on Project: Eternity. Either way, if collaboration between the two companies can help them produce things quicker an more efficiently, in Project: Eternity, Torment: Tides of Numenera, and possibly future projects, then it's a beautiful thing. Anyway, the final push is pretty much beginning now. Hopefully the last 2 days are nearly as crazy as the first 2 days were.
  18. Yeah, for a hastily thrown together, rough proof of concept it's mighty impressive. Also, once they update their PayPal page I'm going to throw a $12 Digital Numenera Torment Sourcebook onto my $75 Digital Numenera Seeker tier. You got me again, Brian Fargo. Well played, sir. Well played indeed. Edit: I'm pretty sure it's some sort of beastie.
  19. It should be noted that under no circumstance did any Obsidian Forum member see this video yesterday. Any rumor to the contrary should immediately be dismissed. As far as the new stretch goals go, and here they are for easy reference: I still think they'll hit 4 million. Anything above that is... well, a stretch. I hope I'm proven wrong, though.
  20. We have seen into [ominous echoed voice]the future![/ominous echoed voice]
  21. That's pretty sweet. To those hating on the gloomy/dark atmosphere/environment, you do realize the name of the game is Torment, right? Just sayin'. In all seriousness, I understand this kind of environment won't be everyone's cup of tea, and that's fine. I personally like the Morrowind-esque feel of it a lot. To each their own.
  22. 1) It looks cool. 2) It looks like honest to goodness, bona fide, genuine Might & Magic.
  23. Looks purrrrdy. I'm glad they're going 2D background with 3D characters rather than all 3D like Wasteland 2.
  24. Just Cause 2 shares a lot of similarities with Saints Row 3, which I am playing now. They both allow the player to engage in absolutely ridiculous, over the top, out of control, crazed mayhem, albeit in different ways. Coincidentally, both games are tons of fun.
  25. I'm hoping they can get into 1 million-ish territory. That would give them enough funding to make it a really deep game. If I had to guess right now, I'd say they end up at about double their initial funding goal (800k).
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