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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Oh, I want this to succeed in the worst way possible too. I loved PQ 1-3, they were fantastic games. Some of the ideas of this project sound really good. I really like the idea of being able to play a good, by the book, cop, or a bad, dirty cop. If handled correctly, the dirty cop dynamic could be far more interesting than the typical evil option in games of "Muahahahaha, let the villagers die". The dirty cop play style could spark its own subplots. It could start innocently enough where you bypass certain procedures to ensure someone slippery gets brought to justice. Ends justify the means and all that. But then it becomes a slippery slope. Why shouldn't you get a little extra bonus for your hard work in keeping the streets safe? What do you have to do to keep people from finding out about you circumventing the rules. Each step brings you further down the slope of corruption and makes it more difficult to come back and redeem yourself. What started as good intentions now has turned to cover up at any cost. Or maybe you don't want to redeem yourself? How far can you keep this going? How low are you willing to go to keep the money flowing and the superiors unaware? Maybe they become part of it too? Can you stay in control of the situation?
  2. Yeah, that's part of what has me worried. Usually you need be closer to 20% of the way there at this point to have a realistic chance of making the goal. Stranger things have happened, but it's not looking good.
  3. Just when my wallet was starting to recover (that's a blatant lie). Well, I can't not support a Sierra alum, and I did love the bejesus out of Police Quest. Sonny Bonds Maxwell Jones reporting for duty. I fear that the $30 entry point to get the game will turn away many would-be supporters. Aware of the concerns over the relatively steep entry price, they've introduced a lower $19 tier now (limited amount). The $30 tier has been turned into a bonus edition of sorts. Good move I think. Yeah, though I still think their tier structure and rewards are rather wonky/unattractive. Honestly, as much as I want this to succeed, and I do, this whole thing reeks of unprepared and hurried. It may be in their best interest to scrap this, research some successful tier structures, and come back with a better, more focused pitch and better tier structure a month or two from now. If nothing else, it would give people's wallets time to recover from the Steam sale.
  4. What will happen to your tiger mount when Cryptic puts out a leopard mount?
  5. Cosplayers, eh? How long until this thread devolves into anime and furries?
  6. Ugh, I doubt I'm going to finish Tomb Raider. I'm on the beach looking for Alex, however far into the game that is. At this point, my hatred for this game has grown so strong it's pretty much overtaking any desire I have left to finish it. I just want this crap off my hard drive and out of my life.
  7. The question about creation. Do our creators want to destroy us? Were we an accident? A mistake? A random experiment gone wrong? Why did they make us in the first place? For what purpose? To play god? Simply to experiment? As some sort of desperate bid to survive?
  8. Prometheus is frustrating as ****. There are things to like about the movie. The cinematography is flat out amazing (it should be it's a Ridley Scott film), there are some really cool sequences, and there central message/theme is pretty profound. However, the plot has so many holes in it that it's more hole than plot. I mean, the writing is absolutely atrocious. So many things in the movie make absolutely no sense at all. There are characters that are completely useless both from a plot and an entertainment standpoint. It's such a mess. It 's a movie that makes you think, for the right reasons (profound message) and for the wrong reasons (what the **** is going on? None of this makes any sense).
  9. To tie into video games, Roberta Williams was quite the looker back in the day:
  10. The most beautiful woman in the world, some 15 years running now, is Charlize Theron; Slightly lesser these days with the short hair, but still #1. Your opinion may differ, in that case you're just wrong.
  11. I also scooped up Risen 2 Gold, but I have to finish my hate-play of Tomb Raider first. By that time it will almost be time for Shadowrun Returns and Call of Prypiat Misery 2.0, so I may not play I for some months.
  12. I'm still going to get that purple angel companion for ardent coins... Some 9 or 10 months from now. There's nothing else worth trading those coins for anyway. The new purple healer companion does seem cool, but no chance I'm spending Zen for a small chance of getting one. Screw that. I'm happy with my Acolyte of Kelemvor. In theory, some day, far off into the distant future, they will introduce those mythical manuals that will let me upgrade her to a purple companion. In theory.
  13. Still no La Mulana or Of Orcs and Men on special, yet I've seen some games 2 or 3 times on special already.
  14. If they make a sequel it will be far more action oriented and called Cradle 2: The Grave. /hides
  15. Well, metal nipples ARE pretty doggone cool. Also, I looks like it's not a murder simulator, which is a definite plus.
  16. Puke or garbage or something. I'm assuming it's supposed to be held by a goon, except the goon ain't there.
  17. I don't understand most of what's happening, but I like what I see.
  18. Eh, given that she actually states that she's rather surprised at how easy all the killing has been, I think it's safe to say that she's just sociopathic and will have no issues That's what she says now. Then she wakes up in the middle of the night in cold sweat with a strangled cat next to her and broken furniture strewn about her room. No wonder she's still single in the games. She either scares potential suitors away with her disregard for human life or murders them in her sleep.
  19. As long as they're doing prequels and giving Lara backstory, the next game should be about her trying to overcome the PTSD from all the horrors she had to endure and commit in this game.
  20. Fair. I still think they could have achieved that goal without having Lara go on a killing spree that would make John Rambo cringe. She could have become a confident survivor by murdering 5 or 10 or 15 or even 20 people. She didn't have to murder a town's population worth of people.
  21. To each their own. I didn't think Tomb Raider was a bad game (outside of their overuse of QTEs), it's just not what I consider a Tomb Raider game. I actually enjoyed the brutally difficult jumps having to hit precise angles and have split second timing of previous games. I enjoyed that challenge and didn't mind dying a bunch of times while figuring things out. I liked the aspect of "Hmm, can I make that jump? Is it too far? Can I make that angle? How the heck am I going to get over there?" To me, that was what Tomb Raider was all about.
  22. GabeN Y U No Put Of Orcs and Men and La Mulana 75% off?
  23. You may be right about locations showing up. I'm not sure, I try to stay away from the map. Also, I never use "survival instincts" or whatever the cheat/hint function is called, because, holy ****, stuff is so ridiculously easy to figure out as it is. At the very least, they could have include some devilishly difficult platforming for the optional tombs, oh and make them a bit longer than 3 jumps worth of platforming. I mean, throw me at least SOME challenge in platforming and puzzle solving. The only "challenge" in the game is when you have to murder 15 or 20 people at the same time, instead of just 7 or 8.
  24. Agreed. I'm of the mind that every Tomb Raider game has too much combat, this one just takes it to an extreme. The lore of the artifacts is cool, it would be nice if they weren't so ridiculously easy to find. Oh and just in case you can't find them on your own (don't worry you'll most likely run smack dab into them by accident anyway), they're pointed out to you on your map. Heaven forbid you actually have to search for these artifacts. What I liked about Tomb Raider games in the past was clever puzzles and challenging platforming. This game is completely devoid of both of those things. The platforming is ridiculously easy and puzzles, what there's maybe 3 or 4 of them in the entire game, are so simple that it;s an insult. The game has a good story and great acting. It's also a solid murder simulator. I didn't want to play a murder simulator. I wanted to, you know, raid some tombs. I know, I must be completely out of my mind to expect to be raiding tombs in a game called Tomb Raider. Silly me. Edit @melkathi - LOL, my bad.
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