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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Yeah, Kaylee (Jewel Staite) pretty much broke the cuteness meter.
  2. The question about creation. Do our creators want to destroy us? Were we an accident? A mistake? A random experiment gone wrong? Why did they make us in the first place? For what purpose? To play god? Simply to experiment? As some sort of desperate bid to survive? Introducing space marines into the equation doesn't make for profound discussion IMO. What space marines? They were mostly scientists. I just thought the whole idea of what if you really did get a chance to meet essentially God, and what if said God rejected you was pretty thought provoking. The whole idea that we humans are so vain that we naturally think our maker would be glad to see us and immediately welcome us with open arms and answer all our question and having that brutally squashed made for good brain food. I thought the movie did a good job of walking the line between the typical mindless Hollywood blockbuster and the artsy fartsy "look how clever and existential we are" garbage. To me it did, anyway. To each their own. The wrapper around the central theme was just such a mess though. There are so many things in that movie that make no sense that it boggles the mind.
  3. As long as we're posting musicians, this girl can play some serious bass:
  4. Business is business. The end goal is to get as much money as possible. ALWAYS. I have to dispute that view. There are still standards and ethics that every business needs to adhere to, it may seem like its all about money but it can't be at the expense of everything else There are standards and laws they must adhere to but the bottom line will always be profit. Yeah, you can't just do anything in the name of profit, but companies will do everything they can within the rules (and bend the rules as far as they can get away with). Those that don't tend not to survive. People like to sound idealistic, the real world doesn't function like that.
  5. Metallica ~ And Justice For All (album) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23DpRxb3XNM In my mind, Metallica's last GREAT album, and their best. They had some good stuff after this, but nothing approaching this album or Master of Puppets, Ride the Lightning, or Kill 'Em All. Metallica would never again return to the amazing minute long intro jams and sick 2 minute long solos and jam sessions of this album and past after this album. It's too bad because those jam sessions were flat out amazing. As an aside, Youtube doesn't do it justice (pun intended), but this album had the bass and bass drum turned up so high that it sounded like garbage on crappy speakers/headphones as they couldn't handle all the bass. On good speakers, though, the pulverizing bass lines and drum lines sound amazing.
  6. Business is business. The end goal is to get as much money as possible. ALWAYS. If you're a business that's not attempting to get as much money as possible, you're not a very good business and will likely not stay in business for long. That's just the brutal truth of it. Companies may hide behind some warm and fuzzy bull**** about community and giving back and whatever, but the bottom line in business is, was, and always will be profit. Edit: that's not to say that positive things can't come out of business. Positive things for the community can come out of the drive for profit as a byproduct (jobs, education, etc.). Also, business owners can have legitimate, pure, untainted charitable causes, but those will always be separate from the business itself, a personal drive or enterprise.
  7. Eh, I don't really see the problem. If you don't like the cards, ignore them. You'll likely get a few just from your regular usage. If you ignore them, nothing changed. If you sell some of them you gain a few pennies. It's a feature you can just ignore if you wish. There will always be the people that will spend actual money to collect cards, but that's their problem. Sheep will be steered, be it by this or something else. Like so many other schemes, it's there to take advantage of suckers. Not to be heartless (okay, I will be), but if you're a sucker, you deserve to be taken advantage of. It's just an extension of Natural Selection.
  8. You can sell the cards to other people and the money appears in your Steam wallet. Initially, you could get some decent coin for cards (I sold a couple for $0.60+), but the prices have plummeted to where you can't expect much more than $0.15 for a card, if you can even sell it. Anyway, if you collect a full set you earn a badge which levels you up. Beyond the cosmetic factor of "look, I'm level 2 now" I don't know what that means, likely nothing at all. I basically just play what I play and if I get a card I get a card. If I ever get a dupe, I sell it. Otherwise I hold on to them. If I ever get a set and earn a badge then I'll earn a badge. If not, then whatever. I'll be damned if I ever spend a single penny to buy a card, though, or if I buy a game just because it has cards.
  9. Elle McPherson The SI Swimsuit issue... Oh man, in the days before the internet, it was the Holy Grail.
  10. Are you a Decepticon? Hey, LadyC. I know you're wary of the free earn Zen offers, but at the very least you can do do the radio station one every day. There's some internet radio called "Radio Loyalty". It links to it from the earn Zen page. Anyway, all you do is click on the link, leave the radio station player page open in a tab for a half hour, you can even mute it if you want to, do whatever else you want in the meanwhile (browse in another tab, play a game, make a sandwich, make love to your spouse, whatever), then just come back after a half hour or more and enter in the captcha that pops up when you hit the button that comes up (it's some kind of crappy advertising slogan usually), and voila, 4 free Zen. It's not much, but it costs you nothing, not even time, since you can do whatever else (or nothing) while it plays. No email, no credit card, no nothing necessary, you just get free Zen for leaving the page open for a half hour, whether you actually listen to it or not. You can do it once a day, every day. So you can earn about 120 free Zen a month from this alone for doing nothing.
  11. Of course it's all cosmetic. It's all a cleverly calculated ploy to get people to buy more games. Everything Valve does is to get people to buy more games. Frankly, it should be. They're in the business of selling games. As with any ploy, there will be those that restrain themselves and reap the meager rewards, and those that fall into its clutches and wind up spending a lot more money. That's how these things work.
  12. I feel like she's be setter suited to play Faith from Mirror's Edge rather than Lara Croft. Original Faith, mind you, not the new Now 85% Less Asian! Faith. Not to mention that Lara don't wear no mini-skirt, she wears khaki short shorts.
  13. Yikes, that's one of them 'real life doll' women. Freakin' frightening.
  14. It was only a matter of time until Oby showed up in this thread. I'm surprised it took this long. I prefer the Barbie on the right, by the way.
  15. This bad boy is great for flipping eggs:
  16. Get real, man You can find a bad picture of any celebrity, whether bad hair day, just woke up, long night out, just happen to be making a weird face, whatever. Besides, I still think she looks beautiful in both pictures, even the one where she's eating the ice cream, blemishes and all. If anything, the blemishes are reassuring. I kind of like it when women look like actual real people. Some of the pictures where they get super dolled up I find a bit disturbing, because they look like they're made out of plastic. And those women that call themselves "real life dolls" or whatever, those are straight up frightening to me. (I won't post a picture because of that reason but you can find them on google easy enough).
  17. What drives me nuts is that every time I get to somewhere where I start to do something even somewhat enjoyable, the game has to throw me right back into Murder Fest 2013. For example, when I got to the beach, I was like "cool a nice big open area with plenty of jumping and climbing." Mind you, none of it presented any real challenge, but at least there were a few areas where I had to look around and actually think for 20 or 30 seconds about how I'm going to get there. As soon as I'm starting to get into a somewhat fun exploring and platforming groove, sure enough, here are 20 more goons to murder. Goodbye fun, hello ****ty shootout. There are a few cool action sequences where you're running along crumbling bridges or exploding rooftops where they cleverly disguise childishly easy platforming and make it seem more challenging and exciting than it is with SPLOSHUNS! Unfortunately, like everything else that's even remotely fun, these are constantly interrupted by ****ty murdering.
  18. Exactly. Yet, it's a surprisingly untapped field. The few games that even have you playing a cop usually just use it as an excuse to get into cover shooter situations.
  19. On the more local front, here's Connecticut's resident hottie traffic reporter Rachel Lutzker: She can tell me about congestion on I-95 any day, amirite? /stands up for high five Wait, that doesn't really work //hides in shame
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