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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. That sounds like a positive in my book.
  2. I'm in act 2 now, going through level 2 of the Lost City. Smooth sailing so far. My party has just enough magic to survive. The blademaster's earth magic for healing and the defender's fire magic for Burning Determination, which saves me from being status effected to death, and torchlight so that I can see where the heck I'm going underground. Edit: And, just took down Montbard.
  3. Gray Matter is pretty good point & click, not one of the best examples of the genre, but above average. As already mentioned, the atmospher and setting are quite good, the puzzles, not so much. As for Still Life, the first game is good, the second, not so much. As far as Microids point & clicks, I think Syberia, the first one, is the pinnacle. It has some rather obtuse puzzles, but the story is really interesting and the atmosphere is amazing.
  4. I have a 360 controller (an aftermarket one) I use for my PC. The rubber pad on the left thumbstick wore through (the right one will likely wear through eventually too), so I'm down to plastic. I need a replacement pad for the thumbstick and am wondering if any people have experience with them and can make some recommendations. I don't care about some performance gimmick the only thing that concerns me is comfort. I have pretty sensitive skin and blister up faster than most people. With bare plastic you can imagine that doesn't treat my thumb very well after a while. I'm looking for something nice and comfortable that can let me play for a while without abusing my thumb. Maybe something made of gel or nice soft rubber. If it's cheap enough then I'm not too worried about durability as I can just buy another one in the future. Thanks in advance.
  5. Actually it's an Egyptian Jerboa. They are fairly closely related to Kangaroo Rats, though.
  6. So, favorite aside, teams that can realistically win the championship this year: Miami Indiana San Antonio OKC LA Clippers
  7. Great news! Having George on the project full time can only mean good things for TToN.
  8. Couple things: It having 12GB RAM listed means 6GB per GPU, which is the same as regular Titan (Black), so no advantage there. Second thing is that a PCI-E lane is a specific thing, different from a PCI-E slot. A full PCI-E slot has 16 lanes, hence the 16X terminology, though sometimes these slots only have 8 or even 4 lanes dedicated to them. The small PCI-E slots - the ones about an inch long - are single lane slots. Yes, I know the difference between lanes and slots, it was a brain fart on my part. The advantage of vRAM is still there. When you SLI (or crossfire, for that matter) a pair (or more) of video cards, you only get access to the memory of one card, you don't get the memory of both cards (or all 3 cards in a 3-way configuration). So if you SLI 2 Titan Black cards together you still wind up with 6 GB of usable vRAM. Whatever black magic they're working with this TItan Z will make all 12 GB of vRAM accessible, at least that's how I read it. That said, 6 GB of accessible vRAM is still not worth the extra $1000.
  9. My reasoning for putting the Heat as the favorites is that I feel a lot more confident that they will make it to the Finals than any team in the West. San Antonio is playing the best basketball of anyone right now, and they can absolutely make the Finals and win the championship, but I think a fully healthy Thunder team beats them more often than not. Of course the question is, will we see a fully healthy Thunder team? I can also see Houston or the Clips knocking out either San Antonio or OKC. Heck, the Warriors could get blazing hot and bury 3s for a couple straight games and knock someone out. The East is just a lot less muddled. Yes, the Heat aren't playing particularly great right now, but past experience has shown me they have another gear to go to for the playoffs. Do the Pacers have another gear to go to? Can they even get back to playing somewhat good basketball? Is there anyone else in the East that has a realistic chance of knocking off the Heat?
  10. Oh man, I want the code wheel so bad. If you folks or Paradox were to make those and put them up in your (or their) shop, I would buy one in an instant. Heck, even a prinatble diagram to cut out and assemble myself would put a smile on my face. Pretty pretty please? With a cherry on top.
  11. On the basepaths, yes, but they tend to hit for power which makes up for their lack of speed. On defense, they tend to play positions where they don't have to move around a lot, like 1st base, or the DH if they're in the AL.
  12. I have to agree with Volo, the Heat are still the favorites as far as I'm concerned. They have a much easier path to the Finals than anyone in the West. Sure, the Bulls gave them trouble during the regular season, but I expect the Heat to handle the Bulls once they kick into playoff mode. The only team I can see beating the Heat in a series in the East is Indiana, but the Pacers need to right their ship but quick, the way they're playing right now, they might not beat the Bobcats. The Spurs have to be the favorites in the West because they are playing so incredibly well right now. The Thunder's fortunes hinge heavily on their health. Can Russ get through the playoffs without his knee shattering into a billion pieces? Will Sefolosha and Perkins be 100%? If the answer to both those questions is yes, then the Thunder are obviously quite capable of winning the West. The Clippers and Rockets are scary teams, I don't know if they're consistent enough to make it to the Finals, but they're both quite capable of knocking anybody out. The Heat are beatable, but until someone actually does that and knocks them out, I still think they're the most likely team to walk away with the Larry O'Brian Trophy.
  13. I fired up some Dungeon Siege III. I've been kind of itching to play that game again for a while and I finally scratched that itch last night. I'm up to the part where you rescue your first companion, Anjali in my case. Still playing Might & Magic X besides that.
  14. Quiet, Oby. You can't be so loud with your truthing or THEY will hear you. You don't want THEM to hear you. You're not safe from THEM, even is the seemingly safe, comfortable, completely 100% non-corrupt confines of Russia. THEIR reach extends everywhere. EVERYWHERE!
  15. So, which 2 of these 3 teams get in? Phoenix Memphis Dallas
  16. Finished Castle Portmeyron. Onward to the Forge to finish Act 1, then I can finally get to Seahaven to train some skills. They seemed to mostly take care of the performance problems with the latest patch. I have noticed very few slowdowns and even after pumping the graphics up a bit higher (farther draw distance and higher shadow setting). They still happen, but they're very rare now.
  17. For tonight: Chopped salad with green and red cabbage, radishes, romaine, carrots, sauteed onions, bacon, and sharp cheddar. Sadly, I'm out of tomatoes and too lazy to go down the street to the store. Oh well.
  18. 3rd person action game where, instead of various weapons of mass destruction, you have weaponized dance moves. The guy from Depeche Mode is making a beat em up? Will this finally be the game that answers the age old question: People are peole so why should it be, you and I should get along so awfully?
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