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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. So, I guess Timofey Mozgov had a pretty good night: 29 rebounds is super impressive, but never mind that, check out the 93 points!
  2. I came in here to get Iron Maiden US Tour dates. I am disappoint.
  3. Star Citizen looks nice enough. I wasn't exactly blown away by the video, but I wasn't put off by it either. The game looks very combat oriented, as I would expect from Chris Roberts. I'm a lot more into trading and building a manufacturing and mercantile empire. With that in mind, Elite: Dangerous will likely be a much better choice for me.
  4. I agree about the first 3. Cody should be main eventing and Ziggler and Sandow should at least have meaningful storylines, but I actually love the heck out of the Bad News Barrett gimmick. *gavel* *gavel* *gavel* Can I have some decorum!? And yes, the divas division has been putrid ever since Michelle retired. Hopefully with Paige and Emma being called up this means a turn for the positive. I doubt the WWE will ever completely go away from the divas being comprised largely of models, but it would be nice if they had some actual wrestlers in there as well beyond just AJ.
  5. I definitely disagree with that. Yeah, you got Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton, and Batista, who are all part of the old guard, involved in the main angle. However, the other top guys getting the majority of TV time and having stories written around them right now (and going on for some time) are Daniel Bryan, The Shield, The Wyatt Family, and Cesaro. Those are all guys relatively new to WWE. Heck, The Shield is the best thing the WWE has done in a decade. Those guys have been crushing it for about a year and a half now.
  6. Is this out already? Are they doing pre-orders? I will pay for a hardcover copy right now.
  7. I had not even heard about this before, but it sound really cool and Bastion was great.
  8. My bad. I should have checked more carefully. From that video it looks a lot like Aquaria, which isn't a bad thing in my book.
  9. Child of Light trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8huneeBEI3Y
  10. So it looks like Josh Hamilton will be out for about 2 months after injuring his thumb. "This is a shocking turn of events" - Nobody
  11. Still don't get how that was a huge flaw for people, hearing some say they couldn't progress in the game for it. Camera-relative movement was pretty easy for me. Good work by the modders though I never found it to be game breaking, or anything like that, just annoying.
  12. That is pretty fantastic. That was the one thing that bugged the hell out of me when I played the game back in the day.
  13. Be advised that this mod currently costs $60 up front and another $15/month. There is a very real chance this mod will be free in the near future.
  14. Still doing my second run through Might & Magic X and also started up Guacamelee. The game is worth it for the music alone, but it's also been pretty fun so far.
  15. The game is basically entirely keyboard driven. I almost never touch my mouse, except when saving/loading games. It is completely turn-based, no need to pause ever. You can walk away from the game in the middle of combat, come back half an hour later, and it will be in the same exact state you left it. Can't give you a definitive answer on the text since I don't have the setup you described, or anything close to it (I'm playing on a laptop), but the text isn't tiny, so I doubt it would be a problem. I can't answer definitively whether this will run on Intel graphics (I'm presuming HD4600 or Iris Pro?) as I always run off my Nvidia 650M, but with lowered settings I think you should be okay. The game does experience slowdowns occasionally, even on high end cards, from what I've read, but, since it;s a turn-based game, it doesn't break gameplay. I sometimes play it in 30 minute sessions when that's all the time I have and can manage to get at least a little bit done.
  16. It's crazy. He was just on Raw cutting a promo yesterday. He was one of my favorites when I was a kid. I still remember the Royal Rumble moment when it was just him and Hogan left in the ring and the crowd was going bananas. Good memories.
  17. I would totally consider buying a RPG made by the samurai on Mt. Fuji.
  18. I have that same tendency. The more I'm itching to play a game the longer I generally spend on character creation (assuming the creation tool is robust enough to allow me to spend a lengthy amount of time designing a character), which seems counterintuitive since the longer I spend in the character creator the longer I delay myself from playing the actual game. And, yes, Oblivion was the worst. I'd spend an hour making a character, go through the escape the dungeon sequence, then step outside only to find out my character's skin color was many shades different and the complexion looked completely different than what it looked like in the creation tool. The Oblivion character creator is (fittingly enough) the Horse Armor DLC of character creators.
  19. I'm level 26 and all my characters are promoted, plus I have all the blessings except dark. I'm at the point now where I'm not the least bit afraid to go absolutely anywhere in the game as I'm just steamrolling a lot of enemies. I'll hit up that Temple of Meow place and then I think it's time to try out some of the DLC content, as that's supposed to be meant for end game characters, and I'm pretty much there, power level wise.
  20. While I share your dislike of FF X-2 (that game, for me, marks the moment where the Final Fantasy series fell off a cliff, quality wise), what exactly makes western RPGs any more "legitimate" than Japanese RPGs?
  21. Yes, that mobo does indeed have PCI-E 2.0 which will work just fine for the 750Ti. I highly doubt the max transfer rate of PCI-E 2.0 will limit the 750Ti in any significant way, if at all.
  22. Agreed. While most character creators let you change a decent range of features, they're basically mostly centered around you creating a sexy lingerie model or a super duper hunk. While you can certainly make a sex bomb in SR, you can also make all sorts of hilarious, ugly, bizarre, or just downright grotesque characters. Then they throw in outrageous outfits on top of that.
  23. First bike ride of the year. Nothing particularly taxing, I was out there maybe 35 minutes. It'll take me a few weeks to get into halfway decent riding shape, then I can see about tackling Avon Mountain, which is a hellacious climb regardless of which side you approach it from.
  24. Not for you, sure. Not everyone is wired the same way. I take great pleasure in fiddling with the fine details of my character. Heck, I spent a good hour and a half making my last Saints Row 4 character, and had a great time doing it. As long as they include a bunch of presets for people that just want to breeze through character creating to get to boring MMO that much quicker, I see no harm in including a ridiculous amount of sliders for people like myself to tinker with.
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