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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The Hack-A-Dwight worked to perfection. Edit: Or is the correct term Hack-A-Howard?
  2. Dang, Aldridge went for 46 and 18 in Portland's overtime win. Beastin'.
  3. I got the black box from the choppa in the mine field. The flesh and boars charging the mine field and blowing themselves up is still every bit as entertaining as it ever was. While waiting for Nitro to decode the blackbox, I went to the cement factory and got all the radio supplies for him. Now I reckon it's about time I head on over to the Jupiter factory.
  4. Wow, what a collapse by the Mavs at the end of the game. They had the game firmly in control halfway through the 4th, then went arctic deep freeze cold the rest of the way not making a single field goal until a meaningless garbage time layup at the very end when the Spurs were basically already walking off the court.
  5. Keyrock


    Happy birthday!
  6. Keyrock


    Woot! I won our family wide egg battle with my pink egg. You don't mess with the pink egg. Happy Easter everybody!
  7. Hmm, I'm at the point in Call of Pripyat where I should start thinking about either siding with Duty or Freedom. The armor you get for helping either side is mostly irrelevant as I'm currently wearing the CS-3a and I intend to stick with it until very late game, possibly throughout. It's a good balanced suit offering all around protection with very flexible upgrade paths. I'm leaning toward siding with Freedom at the moment.
  8. What's crazy about the Dubs win is that Curry, Thompson, and Barnes shot a combined 17 for 47 (ouch!) and they still won.
  9. Nice relatively easy win for OKC in the final game of the night and they become the only home team to win on the opening day of the playoffs.
  10. Pacers got whooped up by the Hawks (the final score was a lot closer than the game was down the stretch) at home, which shouldn't be a surprise since 2 weeks ago the Pacers also got whooped up by the Hawks at home.
  11. That Warriors/Clippers game 1 was pretty fun to watch. Nice win for the Dubs. I only got to watch the second half of it and I haven't seen any other games until now (start of second half of Haws/Pacers) since I've been at my folks' helping out with Easter preparations.
  12. Moving on to a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game is never a bad decision.
  13. Well, I think I'm pretty much done in Zaton for the time being. I gassed the bloodsucker lair (damn that's satisfying), finished the missing stalkers questline, and disrupted the arms deal. At this point I have a somewhat upgraded Mossberg 88, a well upgraded LR-300, and a well upgraded SVD. Once Nimble comes back with my armor order (I'm thinking it's the CS-3a, if I recall correctly) I'm off to Jupiter.
  14. In fairness, item duplication infinite money exploits are a staple of the RPG genre. There are dozens of RPGs that have had such an exploit.
  15. Keyrock


    Yea.. because the word 'pagan' means the festival wasn't religious.... Point taken, but what I meant is that christians adapted a festival dedicated to Cybele into a holiday dedicated to the resurrection of Jesus. It's always been religious, but it originally served a completely different purpose than it does now. Christians repurposed a festival to a completely different goddess into a holiday for their lord and saviour because the time frame sort of coincided and there was conflict between the pagan worshippers and the christians in christianity's early years, so while the christians initially tried to abolish the festival they adapted it to their own purpose as a compromise.
  16. Mars' gravity is too little and would cause many long term arterial, cardiovascular and bone related health problems, human bodies are not designed to live in near zero gravity environments, I don't think sustained life could be possible up there. Not to mention due to the immense UV and x-ray radiation because of the missing magnetic shielding you couldn't leave your habitat for very long. A long term solution would be building underground habitats. Sustained human life wouldn't be possible that way, you'd better of living on the moon. I think we would adapt. Mars' gravity is a little more than 1/3 of Earth's gravity. The first several generations living there would indeed have serious problems, but eventually the humans' on Mars bodies would change in accordance to the gravity present and to those humans (Martians at that point, for all intensive purposes) that gravity would be normal. Now, if they ever went to Earth they'd have severe problems.
  17. Keyrock


    The religious aspect of Easter is, at best, iffy, considering, like so many religious holidays, it was adapted from a pagan fastival.
  18. Not necessarily. With artificial lighting you could grow food inside the ship and you could set up a filtration system to recycle fluids. It would be extremely difficult (not to mention prohibitively expensive) with our current technology, but it's not inconceivable for the near future.
  19. Went through the bloodsucker lair. I'll be back with some gas later (/rubs hands together). Then I went to the substation workshops. I gave Hatchet some food, it's a small price to pay to get the fine tools, plus a firefight with those mercs would have been very detrimental to my health with my current gear. While I was in the area I also visited the Iron Forest and the crash site there. That takes care of all the crash sites in Zaton. It's almost time for me to move on up to some meaner and nastier areas, and with fine tools I was able to upgrade my SVD and my TRs-301 (zorry, Zoraptor) LR-300 to serious killing machine levels. I often leave the SVD behind in my stash, opting to carry a shotgun in addition to the assault rifle or submachine gun I almost always lug around and not wanting to take on the extra weight that comes with carrying the SVD in addition to my other 2 weapons, especially since it's mostly completely unnecessary at this stage of the game. Still, it's well worth upgrading for the few times I do bring it along for a specific purpose, like when I cleared out the mercs at the waste processing station. I set up on to the catwalk above the bridge, as far away from the station as I could, then sniped most of the mercs from there. When I went into the station to finish the job, only 2 mercs were left alive and I cleaned them up nice and easy. That would have been 5 times as hard without my trusty SVD.
  20. Keyrock


    Unlike in the video, we do only one tap in our egg battles, and we use the round end (using the pointy end is cheating).
  21. Keyrock


    We do the egg battles in our family. Egg battles are pretty fun. Maybe it's a Eastern European thing, since I'm Polish.
  22. Time for me to head to the bloodsucker lair in Call of Pripyat. It's an easy mission, but that place gives me the creeps.
  23. The biggest con I can see is that it's a locked chip, so no OCing. If you don't plan to OC, then that's a moot point. I might think about doing something similar when it's time for me to build, several months down the line, since integrated graphics is completely useless to me.
  24. To me that's step 1 before we do anything interstellar, or even make manned journeys to the far reaches of our own solar system. We expend an enormous amount of energy escaping the Earth's gravity well. Starting the journey from the moon would save massive amounts of fuel.
  25. Nice. That would be a fairly cold place to live, based on the amount of energy it's getting from its star, though there may be other forces at work heating it, such as tidal friction or a run away greenhouse effect.
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