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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. No the looks of WD was actually degraded, it was ..controversial. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/8876-Watch-Dogs-A-Vertical-Slice-Of-Steaming-Bullshots I dub this The Dark Souls 2 Effect.
  2. I'm going to give it at least a month or two. Supposedly it's still quite buggy. Plus, I need to finish up my CoP playthrough first.
  3. Yes, most are located in graveyards, approximately 6 feet underground, though people have been known to put them under their decks or porches, or even in their homes, presumably hidden in their closet.
  4. 3 game 7s today. My predictions: Atlanta eliminates Indiana OKC eliminates Memphis LA Clippers eliminate Golden State
  5. So the story is the standard they killed my family, now they will pay, that doesn't exactly excite me in any way. Still, I suppose it could get interesting if the conspiracy you uncover isn't too cheesy and cliche. At the very least, the asymmetrical multiplayer has potential, and this is coming from a guy who usually stays as far away from multiplayer as possible.
  6. You may call me Keyrockstrodamus.
  7. An MLB game in May stressful? Seriously? I barely pay attention until August.
  8. So far I'm 2 for 2, now to see if Portland puts away Houston.
  9. To make matters worse for them, no Z-Bo for game 7.
  10. All 3 teams with a chance to close out the series failed to do so last night. 3 more teams have the same chance tonight. Will any of them close the series out? My prediction: Brooklyn forces game 7 Dallas forces game 7 Portland closes the series out
  11. Yes, it happens all the time at monster truck rallies.
  12. Yep. You can go in whatever order you like, the game will default to whichever character went first the previous turn then proceed in order to the right, but you can click or hotkey to any character to have them go next, as Tigranes wrote.
  13. Nice. Hopefully they strive for authenticity and have people cut me off on the road then flip me off.
  14. 'Murica, **** Yeah! Future Edition With any luck, this one will railroad you and hold your hand down a linear path from setpiece to setpiece.
  15. Same here. Maybe not so much pessimistic, just not interested in the product in its current state, much like with Kinect. VR is something I have no desire to own right now, but maybe in 5 or 6 years, when it's gone through several more iterations and the kinks have been worked out, then I'll consider it.
  16. Both Indiana and OKC staved off elimination tonight, will the Dubs follow suit? Unfortunately for me, I won't find out until the morning since the game is on way too late for me to stay up.
  17. They've already shipped a product, dev kit 1, and are about to ship another, dev kit 2.
  18. And the code you write for a company, is the companies property, otherwise why would you be getting payed. But the source isn't, I don't think you can sue someone for plagiarizing themselves. I seem to recall a case about that but I can't remember the verdict. In 1993 John Fogerty was sued by his old record label for plagiarising himself. The lawsuit failed. Not sure if this is what you were referring to, nor does it really resemble the Zenimax vd. Carmack case much.
  19. Because the internet is on the mother****er, there are already Winston Jameis crab legs photoshops out there. Here are a few of my favorites: I love you, internet.
  20. Every time you press Ctrl+Alt+Del Steve Ballmer Satya Nadella kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens.
  21. Caribbean! Mount & Blade & Sid Meier's Pirates! mashup? /masturbates furiously
  22. Hopefully the 295X coming out at half the price of the Titan Z slapped some sense into Nvidia as to just how absurdly priced that card was going to be. As for Fanboyism, I've generally bought Nvidia cards, but that's mostly down to me spending much of my time running Linux and Nvidia's Linux drivers being superior to AMD's. I want the companies to be competitive, that way the prices are kept reasonable. It's the same way I look at Intel and AMD. It makes me roll my eyes when Intel fanboys revel in the fact that AMD is so uncompetitive in the mid-high end desktop segment, because that's the very reason that Intel can set whatever prices they want in that segment and sit on their hands in terms of increasing IPC, opting instead to concentrate on reducing power consumption to try to push into ARM's mobile space. If AMD was more competitive with Intel, then Intel couldn't afford to sit on their hands, instead, we all lose. So the fanboys' prize (and, unfortunately, the fate for the rest of us as well) for Intel being so insanely superior to AMD on desktops at the moment is higher priced, lower performing desktop CPUs for all. Congratulations. Thankfully AMD and Nvidia are still neck and neck with GPUs. It would truly suck if we got the same situation with GPUs as we do with CPUs right now.
  23. Further thoughts on combat in Child of Light: Most of the reviews I read before playing suggested that the standard difficulty setting was a bit too easy and that it would be advisable to play the game on hard difficulty, which I am doing. I've never played on normal difficulty, so I can't comment on it, but hard difficulty seems to provide a decent bit of challenge. It's still not particularly hard, so far, but it does prevent mindless button mashing, forcing you to plan carefully. The first boss battle I encountered exemplified this, as I died my first 2 tries, which quickly forced me to learn how to best use Ignacius' abilities to help me in battle (he can light up to either heal an ally or slow down an enemy, but his light meter is limited). The interrupt mechanic adds a lot of depth to combat as I've found myself strategically changing targets or slowing targets down or even releasing the slow effect on them to time my attacks to interrupt enemies. Overall I find the combat quite satisfying, which isn't that surprising since I was a big fan of Grandia's combat system.
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