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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. It happens on PC too, I can speak from experience. Ini tweaks can lessen the effect, especially if you have a lot of memory to work with, but you can only really lessen the problem, never completely get rid of it.
  2. Though great looking is the only positive thing one can say about that garbage. It's too bad since the setting was great and the concept was good, but the game was dreadfully boring. Ironic that a game called Remember Me was so forgettable.
  3. I can't recall what pop-in is Here's an example from Mass Effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiKy4LrnymM Maybe the most glaring texture pop-in I've ever experienced was in GTA IV: And in Rage:
  4. The graphics in the Mass Effect games were never particularly remarkable, but they worked well with the mostly clean and industrial designs of the areas, which worked miracles to mask the lack of fidelity. What always stood out the most for me, and this isn't confined to just Mass Effect games, this is symptom of Unreal Engine, is the horrendously jarring texture pop-in.
  5. God is Jerry Garcia? I always suspected, but now it's been confirmed.
  6. Similar. I weight lifted and went for a bike ride yesterday before visiting my folks for a few hours to give my mom flowers for Mother's Day (they're away today so I had to go a day early). Today I went for another bike ride and I'm going to hit the weights shortly. Unlike Raithe, I had a big greasy breakfast (hash and eggs), so I had plenty of energy for the ride and have some left over for the upcoming lifting. After that, I'm going to suck down a protein shake, then kick back, pour myself a glass (or two) of Malbec, and watch some basketball.
  7. Where are you getting a $330 CPU for $100?
  8. Haswell refresh, supposedly, launches tomorrow, with the K variants coming next month. I've almost got my new build budget fully set aside, so the timing works out well for me. Part of me is gnawing at me to wait for Broadwell and 20nm Maxwell, but who the hell knows when desktop Broadwell and 20nm Maxwell will actually show up? If it even happens this year, it will be very late in the year. Plus, the "wait for the next thing" game is almost never a smart game to play, simply because there's always a next thing coming soon. Not to mention, the die shrink for Broadwell in no way guarantees any significant increase in IPC. So, I guess I better start looking out for a good deal on a 27" 1440p monitor and a Z97 motherboard. I have yet to dabble in the SSD business. Should I specifically look for a mobo with SATA Express or do I just get a SSD that goes through PCIe? To me, it seems that there is no real reason for SATA Express to exist if you can just use an existing PCIe slot and get the extra bandwith (over SATA III) that way. Of course, I have oly the most basic knowledge of the technology involved, so I may be looking at this all wrong.
  9. There are obviously similarities between Fallout and S.T.A.L.K.E.R., with the irradiated wasteland and mutants, but, to me, the games feel completely different. I just don't develop the same kind of relationship with the Mojave Desert, or Washington DC, for that matter, as with The Zone. I'm not sure if it's the anomalies and/or the emmissions, but The Zone demands a certain level of respect and constant vigilance. I've never had that same kind of reverance for any of the areas in Fallout. Plus, Fallout, while not exactly a comedy game, is a lot more lighthearted and humorous.
  10. Not even close, and I love Fallout NV.
  11. I finished Call of Pripyat today. I've been through it before, so it didn't come as a surprise, but that final mission is just so anti-climactic. It's really my only complaint about the game. I mean, the mission makes sense as far as the story goes, it's just that there's really no challenge whatsoever in it, especially after having survived some of the earlier missions. It's like the game becomes Call of Duty or Gears of War for that final mission, in terms of how difficult it is and how it plays out. I haven't tested the theory, but I bet you could get through the final mission without firing a single shot, just letting all the others mop up the enemies. Oh well, it's a small stain on an otherwise brilliant game, one that I will likely play again, because there's just nothing else out there like the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. Metro comes the closest, but it's not S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  12. Time for me to head to Lab X-8. Considering my armor (fully upgraded CS-3a and Sphere M-12) amd armament (fully upgraded Strelok's SIG 550 and Predator, no need to bring Lynx along since there's nowhere good to use it), this should be a piece of cake as long as I play it smart. No mutant or Monolith can withstand my sheer firepower.
  13. The Boys picked up Demarcus Lawrence with the 34th pick. I'm very happy with this pick. He's an extremely athletic and versatile outside linebacker. He could stand to bulk up a little bit, but a proper nutrition and conditioning program could solve that, he has the frame to gain another 15 lbs of pure muscle.
  14. Back to Call of Pripyat for me. I've done a lot of the things to get the "good" endings: Cleared out the bloodsucker lair, Hunted down the chimera (both times), made sure everyone survived the trip through the underground. Any other things folks can think of that contribute toward the "good" endings as I approach the finish line?
  15. Yeah, Gruden was unbearable, even more than usual, last night. He was even more unbearable than Ray Lewis. Ray I can give somewhat of a pass to, since it wasn't him trying to cram Johnny Football down our throats every second, he's just not a good speaker and doesn't belong as a commentator. Maybe he'll get better with practice? Gruden, on the other hand, is comfortable enough on camera and with a microphone, annoying, but comfortable. Him going on and on and on and on about Manziel was making me physically ill, though. Mel - "This team doesn't really have a need at quarterback but has pressing issues on the offensive line and in the defensive backfield." Gruden - "Yeah, but what if their quarterback slips in the shower, won't they regret not taking Johnny Manziel then?" Later on... Boomer - "This team is already paying their starting quarterback big bucks, and most people agree that quarterback isn't their problem." Gruden - "But what if an asteroid crashes down and kills their quarterback? That could happen, then they'll be wishing they had taken Johnny Manziel. Later on... Gruden - "Listen, I get there are other critical needs, but when there's a quarterback like Johnny Manziel on the board, you gotta take him, nothing else matters." It was horrible.
  16. I won't likely have much time to play any games this weekend since I'm going to visit my folks for Mother's Day Weekend, but I'll pick up where I left off in my Call of Pripyat playthrough and see if I can finish that up before I head over there. After I get back, or if I finish up CoP early (doubtful), I'm going to jump into Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Joint. I'm also getting an itch to play Gothic 3 again, so I may have Tex split time with that.
  17. The different responses you have as Tex have always been great. It usually comes down to either playing it straight, being a smartass, being confrontational, or trying to be a smooth operator. It's a little bit like Alpha Protocol, in that respect. Figuring out what resonates with certain people, and falling flat on your face in the process, is great fun.
  18. Squirrel MMA. Watch out for that up kick.
  19. Teddy Bridgewater, at one time considered most people's projected #1 pick, winds up going to the Vikings (they got the pick from Seattle in a trade) as the very last pick in the 1st round.
  20. And Johnny Football goes to the Browns. Cleveland - Where quarterbacks' careers go to die.
  21. LOL. I don't necessarily think Manziel is going to be a bust, but he would have been an awful pick for the Cowboys. Last thing the Boys would have needed is the distraction of Manziel on the bench with Romo starting, that would have been a disaster waiting to happen. While I would have preferred someone on the defensive side of the ball (Aaron Donald would have been perfect, but alas he was gone), I won't complain about beefing up the O line.
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