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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Well, if I'm trying to stab a rhinoceros or a crocodile with my knife then Woldan's knife is CLEARLY superior. On the other hand, if I'm trying to stab a rhinoceros or crocodile with a knife, I'm probably ****ed anyway. Any chance I happen to be packin' a .45 pistol? Please? Pretty please?
  2. Well, we'll have to agree to disagree, because I sawed through wood with my little saw blade way faster and easier than with a larger straight knife blade (yes, I own a large knife, it's quite sharp). Sure, if I had to saw through a 12 inch diameter tree the little blade would cause problems, but in a survival situation, how often do you have to saw through anything larger than 3 or 4 inches in diameter? Ideally, I'd carry a machete and my Leatherman, which covers me for almost anything, but I'll never go anywhere without a Leatherman. Likewise, you can carry your knife and a Leatherman, since the Leatherman is tiny and weighs very little, then you're covered.
  3. Talking about dumb, you don't know how to respond because you ran out of arguments, which hardly surprises me anymore. A hiking knife has to be able to do multiple things than just cut. When hiking for several days every ounce counts, and I'm not going to take a hammer for the tent poles with me, neither am I going to put a little shovel, a saw, or my entire toolbox into my already heavy backpack. Go do some serious hiking and gather some first hand experience. I'm not knocking the knife you bought, Woldan, it's a quality blade and has many uses, but for versatility, my multi-tool has got your knife all types of beat. There are certainly areas where your knife will outperform my multi-tool, such as cutting through dense foliage. However, need to saw some wood, my multi-tool's little saw blade will outperform your big knife blade's many times over. Need to pull something out, yeah, you can do it with a blade, pliers are much better. Need to screw in a screw, it can be done with a blade, much better with a phillips or flat screwdriver bit (the multi-tool has both). Simply put, for versatility, you can't beat a multi-tool, whether it's a Leatherman (my preference), or Swiss Army, or a knockoff. Simply put, a multi-tool is the single best tool you can bring outdoors with you.
  4. I have a Leatherman multi-tool. Yeah, the blades aren't the largest and you can't get great leverage on it, but it's small, light, extremely portable, and can do a whole bunch of useful stuff. I'll usually bring an axe if weight is not an issue, but I'll never go anywhere outdoorsy without my Leatherman.
  5. All things considered, Gothic 3 looks pretty decent for an 8 year old game
  6. I still think that Corsair would have been okay, but I couldn't pass that X Series up. I'm not very knowledgeable on PSUs, hence why I asked for advice, but I do know that the SeaSonic X Series is well known for excellent quality. I just expected an X Series 850 watter to be in the $200 ballpark, which would have been kinda out of my price range. When I saw the $145 pricetag, which is still a little more than I wanted to pay, but within my acceptable boundaries, I couldn't pass it up.
  7. I hope that Cyanide Styx stealth RPG turns out well. That could be really interesting, though they need to make a way better stealth system than the super basic stealth they had in Of Orcs and Men.
  8. I zigged when everyone expected me to zag and wound up getting this instead. There's a 15% off promo on it (which ends today), bringing the price down to $144.49. It's a little more expensive than the Corsair or the other Seasonic, but the X Series from Seasonic is pretty renown for its excellent quality and I'd rather pay 20 or 30 bucks more and be able to sleep well at night knowing I have a top-notch power supply powering my 1440p monster machine.
  9. The RM750 and 850 don't use capXons. They are made by Chicony, as opposed to CWT (who make the lower power units) and use mostly Ltec capacitors. Not the greatest, but a step up from capXon. Edit: How about this one?
  10. I did, but it won't apply right now for whatever reason. It tells me that it won't work for my email address, even though they sent the code to my email address. I'll give it a few hours then try again, no hurry. Hopefully I can get it to work. That PUS seems to have everything I want: Plenty of power, fully modular, gold certified. Plus, it's Corsair, I trust Corsair.
  11. I'm thinking about this PSU. Thoughts?
  12. I had a big greasy breakfast, then I put those calories to good use and went on a spectacular bike ride. It's absolutely gorgeous out today and I spent a good two hours and ten minutes out on the road. It was my longest ride of the year, not in terms of time spent on the road, but in terms of distance covered. I was haulin' ass out there, powering through small hills like they didn't exist, and even going up long, but gentle, inclines in very high gear. I did one rather beefy climb, about a mile and a half up a 8% grade, and a bunch of smaller ones. Between the bike rides, the weight lifting, and cutting chips and candy out of my diet, I'm starting to get into pretty good shape again. I still have a good bit of blubber to lose around the belly, but in terms of energy, endurance, and strength, I feel pretty good. Just gotta keep it up. I'm going to chow down on some Jamaican food to recharge, then I'll hit the weights in about an hour or an hour and a half. Then a bit of quick cleaning around the house (luckily, not much to do this week ans the place is in pretty good shape), then I'll reward myself with the sweet water of life (vodka).
  13. Personally, while I do think some pranks can be clever and funny, I find the general ratio of just plain stupid and mean pranks to clever and funny pranks is about 4:1. The tell your kids you ate their candy "prank" is neither clever nor funny. Hey, let's lie to our kids and make them miserable, it will be hiiiiiiigh-larious. No, it's just mean. Also, while children will, unfortunately, learn to lie and be cruel eventually, one way or another, it may not be the best idea in the world that they learn to lie and be cruel from their parents.
  14. I don't get how making children cry equals funny. Oh look, the kids are miserable and crying, ha ha. To me that's mean, not funny. Maybe I'm weird like that.
  15. Gothic 3 - I'm in Montera fighting in the arena to get my reputation up. I'm still playing both sides. I'll do some work for the mercenaries, maybe rescue a slave for the rebels, do some odd jobs for them to get them to trust me, then I'll move on to the next town. Eventually, I'll have to wipe out a reberl outpost and cement my aliegance to the orcs, but I'll hold that off as long as I can.
  16. 15 points, 9 rebounds, and 3 blocks per game. Clearly useless. One of the 10 best defenders in the league. Also useless.
  17. Just like that the Thunder's chances of winning the title may have just evaporated. Hopefully it;s not as bad as they think and he can come back before the end of the playoffs.
  18. Remaking the Oblivion areas and the dungeons should be super duper simple. They can just make one Oblivion area and one dungeon, then just copy & paste it a whole bunch of times to make the rest, just like Bethesda did.
  19. I've gotten to the point recently where my vision went dim, legs wobbled slightly, and I saw stars while I was throwing the barbell up to do military presses. I don't have a rack where I live (nor do I have room for one) so I have to clean & jerk the weight up over my head to do military presses. Luckily it was very brief, I remained conscious, and my legs held out. Edit: Probably a sign that I should back the weight off a bit.
  20. It's becoming harder and harder to differentiate and separate ethnic groups as so much interbreeding is going on that we're all moving toward one mixed race (fine by me), with the exception of a few remaining remote and isolated regions. As long as we remain an interconnected world and something doesn't come along to knock us back 1000 years technologically and start another dark age, splintering groups into isolated pockets again, this will continue until there are no more separate ethnic groups. That is, until we colonize other planets/moons, then we'll splinter off into Earthers, and Martians, and Europans, and so on. Anyway, I've derailed this thread long enough. Sorry about that. Looks like they're remaking Oblivion in Skyrim: Remaking Morrowind in Skyrim I understand, since it was far and away the most interesting (full) game Bethesda has ever made, but why remake Oblivion? Why put Cyrodiil, a land even more generic and boring than Skyrim, into Skyrim?
  21. A lot of Slavic people have Asian features. While the Slavic peoples originated in Eastern Europe, they spread pretty deep into Asia and there's obviously been a lot of interbreeding. At what percentage does one stop being Slavic and starts being Asian, I'm not certain. I'm Slavic. So am I.
  22. A lot of Slavic people have Asian features. While the Slavic peoples originated in Eastern Europe, they spread pretty deep into Asia and there's obviously been a lot of interbreeding. At what percentage does one stop being Slavic and starts being Asian, I'm not certain. It depends on the Slavs in question. For example, you take someone who's Polish, like this guy (/points to self), and there's not much in the way of Asian features, since Poland is on the western end of the Slavic countries. Poles do tend to have a little bit of Turkish features mixed in since we had a lot of contact (both friendly and very violent) with Turks, particularly when Poland was larger and extended further south. You take someone who's Russian, especially from the eastern areas of Russia, and you're likely to find more Asian features.
  23. If this starts playing in Far Cry 4 then we'll know for sure:
  24. Gothic 3 - I did enough in Cape Dun to earn the orcs' trust and get in to see Uruk. I'll hold off on killing the rebel in the town and wiping out Reddock for now, I don't want to decisively side with either faction yet. Currently, I'm wiping out Ortega and his thugs with Cyrus. I got about 3/4 of the way through wiping out the thugs in that cave when I had to stop to go to work (damn work, always ruining everything). I'll finish that up when I get home, then leave the Cape Dun area behind and move on to the area around Montera.
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