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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Not sure I understand what you mean, links to explain? So, Nintendo is putting out this silly Tomagotchi Life game for 3DS. I haven't played it, but it looks all types of weird. Apparently you couldn't do same sex marriages in the game, so the LGBT Nazi Mafia got the outrage machine going. Nintendo was all, look, it's just a game, we weren't even thinking about it, we weren't trying to make a social statement. but by that time the LGBT Nazi Mafia was already throwing rocks at Nintendo and setting their buildings on fire, so Nintendo had Mario and Link french kiss or have butsechs or something. Note: I may have exaggerated a tad, but that's the gist of the story.
  2. I played a bit of Race the Sun this morning. Really fantastic game. It's one of those just one more level type addictive games. I had to pull myself away so I wouldn't be late to work. I'm definitely looking forward to playing some more. The minimalist graphics work really well and are surprisingly pleasing to the eye. It's like flying at high speed through an Apple commercial, minus the pretentiousness.
  3. Are the Qunari capable of generating 1.21 gigawatts of electrical power?
  4. Great googly moogly, why was I not notified of this earlier? The illegitimate love child of Mirror's Edge and Jet Set Radio? Yes, please. Give it to me. Inject it into my veins!
  5. Peyton Manning arrested on drug charges. No, not that Peyton Manning. It's an 18 year old woman named Peyton Manning. No word on whether she'll get a Papa John's endorsement out of this.
  6. Pretty much every second of combat they've shown, in this trailer and the previous ones, is all cinematics, leading me to believe that this will be a Push The Awesome Button To Win type game. I hope I'm wrong.
  7. I'm playing Rubik's Cube on Google. I suck at Rubik's Cube.
  8. With the community fixpack it easily looks better than Risen. It's unfortunate it needs an SSD to not stutter like a madman. The stuttering doesn't happen too often if you don't use the extended visibility option, it still happens, though, which is unfortunate. The other issue is with lighting. I've never gotten the game to run with either Bloom or HDR selected, it's just a black screen, and this is with both AMD and Nvidia GPUs going back as far as 5 years ago until today. With "standard" lighting the graphics display fine, but as soon as you use a light source, such as a torch or a fire arrow, the game goes into slideshow framerate and it will stay that way until you restart it. I've never found a solution for this problem, not in all the years I've been playing it, not with any version of the community patch, not with any combination of options, not with any GPU. It's really annoying and just something I have to be wary of and put up with (namely, never use torches or fire arrows ever for any reason). It probably does that with spells also, but I don't play casters in Gothic, so it's a moot point.
  9. The price difference between the EVO and the Pro is very substantial, much too substantial to my tastes. The EVO is about 50 cents per GB while the Pro is about 80 cents per GB.
  10. Quite possibly. It's going to be very tough to top Careless Whisper. Dat sax.
  11. If it makes you feel better, the Sawx got thoroughly humiliated by the Tigers over the weekend. But, whatever. It's still very early in the season and nobody is running away with the AL East.
  12. As far as SSDs go, I'm thinking of getting a Samsung 840 EVO 500GB. Thoughts?
  13. SEGA (or someone else who bought the IP from them) came to their senses and decided to have Obsidian make Alpha Protocol 2: VCI Strikes Back starring SIE? Please? Pretty pretty please? With a cherry on top?
  14. Can't blame him. Why would a California guy want to stay in the frozen tundra to play for a garbage team? Indy did look impressive, the best they've looked in months. It's just one game, though.
  15. Not only that, you can just cruise around while listening to Manowar, Anvil, and Budgie. It's like GTA 4. There's a lot I can't stand about that game, but cruising around and listening to Radio Vladivostok is the best.
  16. I'm playing some Brütal Legend. The gameplay pretty much sücks, but it's worth putting up with for the awesome soundtrack. Oops, wrong thread.
  17. Agreed, which is why I am so happy to have Tex Murphy back in my life, since in those games you get to play a detective and do detective work, rather than playing a super soldier who also happens to do some detective work occasionally. Still, it looks kind of interesting and the big band soundtrack put a big ol' smile on my face (as well as making me want to listen to some big band).
  18. I agree, but here's mine.. Compensating? I should probably invest in some sun block. I gotta a pretty hardcore farmer's tan going on from riding around on my bike in sunny weather. Not quite sun burn, but closer than I'd like.
  19. Another gloriously beautiful day and another bike ride on the docket. I'm going to take it easy today, and by take it easy I mean I'll ride hard (it's the only way I know how) but only for about an hour or so.
  20. Flea and Chad Smith droppin' down the rhythym: Imagine being the drummer and having to keep up with Flea's accents?
  21. ♫ Feel the sweat break on my brow Is it me or is it shadows that are Dancing on the walls. Is this dream or is it now Is this a vision or normality I see Before my eyes. I wonder why I wonder how That it seems the powers getting stronger Every day I feel a strength an inner fire But I'm scared I won't be able to control it anymore ♫
  22. Here's Yes ~ Roundabout. I'm not going to search around forf an isolated bass track. Chris Squire is, in my opinion, one of the more underrated bassists out there, my man can lay down anything, but no nead to isolate the bass, you can clearly hear the phattness of the bass in the whole track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Tdu4uKSZ3M&feature=kp
  23. The bass guitar gets overlooked so often, and usually with good reason as it's some half-assed musician just playing the power chord notes an octave down that the guitar is playing. Then you get a virtuoso like Geddy Lee. Here is a really talented bass guitarist disecting the insane complexity of the sick instrumental "Leave That Thing Alone". This guy is extremely talented, and even he can't exaclt relicate one part of the song, because what Geddy does, routinely, I might add, is so ridiculous, Regardless, he goes through the insane arpeggios, key changes, and so on that Geddy does like it's no big deal to drop down this BOSS AS **** bassline. Here is Geedy & Co. throwing it down themselves. Pay attenition to how many variations and extra arpeggios Geddy throws in there like they're nothing, on top of an already ridiculously complex instrumental, just because he can:
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