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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Many people consider the album this was off of (Midnight Marauders) to be Tribe's best, not to mention one of the best of all time. I, personally, think The Low End Theory is better, but I won't put up that much of a fight. I miss Tribe.
  2. Never mind those new fangled pretender anthems. Here's THE CLASSIC: And, the back up anthem:
  3. A SSD will make you system and games load faster, but it won't do anything for their performance (framerate). It can reduce loading times, though it you have enough RAM it won't matter, but it won't affect framerates one bit. That said, I've definitely enjoyed the change from 7200 RPM HDD tro SDD. It's not life altering, or anything, but everything loading up faster is nice.
  4. I live in Hartford, Connecticut, I don't have to go anywhere, I get the best fireworks in the state right at home. I'm not even going to bother driving, I'll just make a 15 minute walk to get a better vantage point.
  5. Moar Daisy Dominance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF3BP4-xnCU
  6. You just summed up all that is right about The United States of America. Breast implants? I'm pretty sure they have those in other countries as well.
  7. More Mario Kart 8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rn-fBe1Ig90 This game is amazing. I can now safely say it's the best Mario Kart ever made, which is really saying something. Also, Daisy + Sport Bike = Dominance
  8. Standalone, to the best of my knowledge.
  9. Solid Snake and the Ladder of Doom
  10. Civilization: Beyond Earth will release October 24th.
  11. Looks like the Thunder are going after Pau Gasol. I'm a bit torn on this one. On the one hand, Pau hasn't played any actual defense in several years. On the other hand, offensively, he's a MASSIVE upgrade over Kendrick Perkins (admittedly, pretty much anyone is an upgrade over Perk on the offensive end), plus he could be the main center for the Thunder for a couple of years until they round Steven Adams into form (Adams has tons of potential, but he's still green as ****). If they could motivate him to play some defense once in a while, the tandem of Gasol and Ibaka would be a pretty scary force in the paint.
  12. Cool. 3-4 hours is plenty. The gamepad goes directly back on the charging cradle whenever I'm not using it, so it shouldn't ever be a problem, though it's good to know there are larger capacity batteries available.
  13. Humaniod, how long does it (the Wii U tablet gamepad) last before the batteries run out? It's uncommon for me to game more than an hour straight, rare to game 2 hours straight, and almost unheard of for me to game 3 hours straight, so as long as it can go 3 hours straight, that should suit me fine. Also, do you have Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate? If so, we should do some co-op in the future. I'm going to get it next week. Granted, it will take me a while to get used to the game, I'm a total n00b and have only played the demo a few times. That series is like digital crack in Japan, so I wanted to find out what all the hoopla is about.
  14. Some Mario Kart 8 100cc time trial action. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkgq7kkMbGs I definitely need to do a bunch of time trials on each course to get comfortable with the best lines, find shortcuts, and get comfortable pulling tricks off jumps and drifting around corners before going back to grand prix mode.
  15. I, personally, find the Wii U gamepad to be surprisingly comfortable. It's big, very big, but it's also surprisingly light. The back has some nice molded ridges (not sure if "ridge" is the best description, but it's the best I can think of right now) to give your hands something to comfortably grab on to. I like it a lot, but your mileage can vary. Some people find it uncomfortable. And, as Humanoid wrote, there are plenty of other control options available.
  16. Mario Kart 8, as awesome as it is, and it is awesome, is still a Mario Kart game, through and through, and, as such, delivers some truly infuriating moments. Nothing makes a man want to rip his hair out more than leading on the final lap of the last race of a cup, about to 3 star it, then getting gang raped by a barrage of blue shell, red shell, green shell, all in the span of about 3 seconds, going from 1st to 5th with nowhere near enough time to recover. On the other hand, there is serious perverse satisfaction in hitting someone with a shell a split second after they've gone off a jump over a chasm, sending them plummeting to their doom. I guess you gotta take the good with the bad. Supposedly, it is possible to escape the wrath of the dreaded blue shell in this installment, though I haven't been able to pull it off yet. If you have a mushroom and use it to go turbo the split second the blue shell begins to plunge to ruin your day, you can escape it, though it takes insane timing (better timing than I have). There may be other ways, but it's the only way I know of.
  17. I've never been a proponent of multi/dual class characters, particularly in a game that lets you field a party of 6. Fighter/Cleric is about the only multi/dual class combo I somewhat like, mainly because there's almost no drawbacks. No edged weapons, but you can still **** **** up with a mace or flail.
  18. They are allegedly a rather mediocre team which is led by one very good player, whom some people also think is overly hyped. I'm not one of the people that thinks Messi is overhyped, I think he's legitimately the best footballer on the planet, but I agree with the rest of that statement.
  19. I never realized that competitive gaming was such a big business. I figured that for it to be lucrative there would have to be a sizable audience. I tried watching gaming on TV before and I literally fell asleep on the couch. Maybe I was just watching the wrong type of game? I think it was Starcraft 2, but I say that with less than 100% certainty.
  20. More Mario Kart 8. Pretty much everything else is going on the back burner for a while, including Skyrim, Divinity: Original Sin, and Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD (which I got for free for getting Mario Kart 8, score!). Maybe it's just because I haven't played a Mario Kart game in a long time, but this game feels faster. 100cc feels like 150cc and 150cc feels like... like... like something faster than 150cc.
  21. I blame this loss squarely on those unpatriotic Americans that neglected their duty to their country and played Divinity: Original Sin today. You're all traitors and should be tried for treason.
  22. Damn those ****ing waffle eating mother****ers. I'll never* play Divinity: Original Sin. *never = until another one or two days
  23. It all fell apart in extra time. Edit: Wait a minute, wait a minute, there's still hope!
  24. Tim Howard and the Stars & Stripes have been
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