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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Messi or Suarez puts that ball in the back of the net 98 out of 100 times. Heck, Higuain puts that ball in the back of the net 90 out of 100 times. He had the ball on his foot in the box dead center several yards past every defender. The only thing a keeper can do in that situation is charge him and hope he shanks it, which is exactly what happened.
  2. I'm undecided as to who got the better end of the deal.
  3. Higuain is going to have nightmares about the gift wrapped goal Kroos handed him that he failed to put in the back of the net.
  4. Ideally, far enough out so that I can see everybody on the screen at the same time, all allies and all enemies. Or, at worst, so that I barely have to scroll to see everybody.
  5. Football is a simple game. 22 men chase a ball around for 90 120 minutes, and at the end, Germany always wins.
  6. This is going to go to PKs, isn't it? Please tell me this isn't going to PKs.
  7. Hoewedes lucky to still be on the pitch. That absolutely should have been a red. Studs out to the knee and nowhere near going for the ball.
  8. What a terrible giveaway by Kroos and Higuain fails to make them pay for that horrific blunder.
  9. Klose pulling a Robben. Nothing came of the free kick, though.
  10. Still doesn't zoom out nearly far enough for my tastes.
  11. Early access is evil, isn't it? Ever since I bought Grim Dawn I've been drooling at it, trying to fight back the urge to play it as they are still adding stuff and tweaking the existing. At least Wasteland 2 is supposed to come out next month. I personally think Grim Dawn is a game that's perfect for early access. I have no qualms about playing it before it fully releases, and I have played it. There are several reasons for this. The first is that it's not a story-driven game. While the game does have a story and already includes more narrative than Titan Quest, the story doesn't drive the game. It's driven by loot and combat. Second is that it's the type of game that naturally lends itself to running through the same content again and again and again, either to grind for particular loot drops, or to test out different builds (or both). It definitely helps a bit that the map and champion enemies are at least partially randomized so you're not running through an identical map every time. Third, a loot em up like Grim Dawn benefits immensely from the feedback of the people playing early access. Not that other types of games wouldn't benefit from feedback, but loot em ups, in particular, go through hundreds upon hundreds of iterations as the loot, classes, and skills are balanced, and rebalanced, and rerebalanced, and rererebalanced, and rerererebalanced, and so on in the name of allowing as many viable build combinations and gear setups as possible.
  12. I don't know if it was just because it was indoors, but it didn't zoom out nearly enough to make that view point particularly useful. Hopefully you can zoom out further. If not, someone could always just mod the game to zoom out further, I guess. Outside of that, I wasn't particularly thrilled about the chip away at the boss' ridiculous life bar for a while, kill off a bunch of adds, chip away at the boss' ridiculous life bar, kill off a bunch of adds, lather rinse repeat boss fight. Though DA:I is hardly the first, nor will they be the last, to use that tired old boss fight trope. I mean, that kind of fight was cool a couple of times, but it's gotten super stale when 80% of boss fights in 75% of RPGs follow that same exact pattern to the letter. Who was it that first unleashed that plague on us? Was it a MMO? I bet it was a MMO.
  13. Still playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Mario Kart 8. Man, it's tough going getting 3 stars on 150cc, I'm still stuck only having gotten 3 stars on one cup so far. I'm also contemplating installing Wasteland 2, which has been sitting, undownloaded, in my Steam account for quite some time, just to check out what character creation looks like. I still have no intention of playing the game proper until it's finished.
  14. Knowing how much displeasure Robben gives people just made me a bigger fan of him. Well done, you bald beautiful bastard!
  15. 3-0 Holland. The Brazilian nightmare continues. The only thing left that could make this worse for them would be Argentina winning tomorrow. #DarkestTimeline
  16. This is easily the worst officiated game I've seen in this tourney. This ref needs to lay off the crack.
  17. Holland scores again! Will we see another monumental collapse from the host nation? Blind was able to see that one quite well.
  18. Jesus F Christ, Thiago Silva really doesn't want to play in this game either, does he? He should not be on the pitch right now. How the **** was that not a red?
  19. Because the Earth is only 6000 years old and Jesus rode a dinosaur?
  20. Alice: Madness Returns is an excellent game?
  21. So, CNN decided to interview Captain Jack Sparrow: http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/bestoftv/2014/07/11/exp-erin-intv-vine-alix-catherine-tichelman-boyfriend-death.cnn.html To the best of my knowledge, this was not a very poorly timed April Fools joke and is a real thing that happened and completely serious. Also, the whole Google exec dying by heroin overdose is a weird story in itself.
  22. If it makes you feel any better/worse, literally moments after the Hand of God goal, Diego Maradona scored the Goal of the Century. The real goal of the century was Michael Thomas for Arsenal vs Liverpool in 1989. Not some fancy schmancy showboating by Diego 'smellybum' Maradona. It went into the back of the net, didn't it? Dude smoked half the England National Team all by himself. Don't hate him because he's beautiful. The whole reason it's dubbed "The Goal of the Century" is because it happened against the England National Team. Anything causing England to fail in the World Cup is instantly 75% better and 300% more comical (to everyone outside of England).
  23. Ahhhhh, the jealousy! I was planning on buying a Wii U but for some reason they only sell NTSC Wii U consoles here. I can't go NTSC now, I've been PAL my whole life! It would have been to everyone's benefit if Big N hadn't region locked the machine. WTF Nintendo, WTF?
  24. Sick John Myung bass. One of the things about Dream Theater is that they have a bassist who's quite content to just be in the background doing his thing without nuch recognition, laying down phat basslines for the band. That said, when the bassline is this phat, it's hard to ignore:
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