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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I played me a bit of FlatOut 2. Hot dang dem Bugbear folks know how to make a smash em up racing game. It's so ridiculously fun.
  2. You're just trying to get Brucie to get punched by a townie, aren't you?
  3. I certainly don't expect this to wind up being Road Warrior good. But heck, if this winds up being Beyond Thunderdome good I'll happily watch the bejesus out of it.
  4. I wonder if Charlize Theron went method and actually had her arm amputated for the movie? Now that would be commitment to your role.
  5. I take what I can get. Connecticut doesn't have much in the way of mountains, certainly not sizable ones. If I want mountains, then I can drive 4 hours north to Vermont or New Hampshire. Not this year, though, as I'm not doing any real vacation this year and don't want to pay travel expenses. I'm in super tighten the belt mode for the next year, maybe 2, trying to save up enough to comfortably move a couple years down the line. It will suck in the short term, but will hopefully be worth it in the long term. I haven't solidly decided where to move to yet, but I'm thinking around Virginia, North Carolina, or Tennessee. I'm wussing out. I'm tired of harsh winters (you live in Austria, so you'd probably laugh at my concept of "harsh winter"). I don't ski or snowboard, nor do I have any desire to, so winter does little for me, except piss me off. I'm tired of shoveling snow, I've done it all my life, having lived in Poland, (West) Germany, and Connecticut. I want to go somewhere that still has some winter, but a pretty mild winter. The areas I mentioned would seem to fit the bill with average highs during the dead of winter in the mid to upper 40s (Farenheit) and lows in the upper 20s. I don't want to go too far south like Georgia or Florida, where winter doesn't exist and summers are flat out brutal.
  6. I facepalmed when he went into dark, brooding, gruff voice in the beginning. The rest of the trailer was pretty badass, though. Plus it's got Charlize Theron with a mechanical arm, which is a plus. I hope this turns out well.
  7. Yeah, I can't believe I'm going to agree with Volo also, but I'm not sure how righteous it is for a Paladin to kill a couple of people, unprovoked, without ever witnessing them commit or attempt an act of evil, even if a spell tells you they are indeed evil. I've been playing Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. I played the game before, years ago, but it never grabbed me and I wound up losing interest and abandoning after a few hours. I've done about 10 hours so far, which is an improvement already. I find it's definitely more interesting to go with a slow weapon (I went with a hammer this time) than a fast weapon (I did daggers the last time I played), since you can't just button mash your way to glory, not as much, anyway. Since hammers are so slow, you have to pay attention to timing to keep from getting constantly interrupted. I'm not sure how long I'll keep playing since I should get my copy of AssCreed4: Live Free or AssCreed tomorrow. I found a copy for Wii U dirt cheap, and I read it's the least AssCreed of all the AssCreeds, plus it's got sea shanties, and sea shanties rock. I imagine the combat is still insultingly easy, right?
  8. I'm in the metropolitan area of Hartford (the capital of Connecticut), but not in the very center. Regardless of which direction I go, I have to bike at least 4 miles before I get to less congested roads and don't have to deal with traffic lights that much. I did a shorter, distance and duration wise, ride today, just under 2 hours, but it was more intense. I did the Avon Mountain climb today, but from a different side than I usually do it. There are (at least) 3 different sides to go up Avon Mountain. The West Hartford side (the way I go most often), the Farmington side (the way I went today), and the Avon side (the side furthest away from where I live). Both the West Hartford and Farmington sides are about 2 1/2 miles of climbing. The West Hartford side is mostly at a 7 to 8% incline with one section of respite, conveniently placed a little over halfway through the climb, that flattens out to about 3% for a couple hundred yards. The Farmington side starts out brutal, with about 200 yards at about 12% right off the bat, but the rest of the climb is on average about 6, maybe 6.5%, and there are a couple of sections where it flattens out completely for a while, letting you get your legs back a bit. The Avon side, which I've yet to do this year (I will), is the shortest, but probably most difficult of the climbs. It's only a little over a mile, 1.2, I think, but it's 10% the entire time, no relief whatsoever until you reach the top.
  9. Well, Mother Nature cooperated after all. The rains stopped about an hour and a half ago and the sun came out. More rain is on the way, but it's several hours away. The roads are mostly dry now. I just ate a sammich and I'm going to hit the bike in about 20 minutes or so. I should have no problems getting in a good ride and getting back before the next round of thundershowers.
  10. You killed Xzar and Montaron? You're going to miss out on some pretty fun dialogue.
  11. I have no problem with riding when it's raining, in fact it rained when I rode yesterday. I don't ride when there are large standing puddles, though, or when it's downpouring. I live in the city. Not only does it suck to ride through a standing puddle (with tons of traffic I can't very well pull out into the middle of the road to go around the puddle), it's quite dangerous when there are cars all around you. When I write "large standing puddles" here's an example of what I mean:
  12. Pics, please! Mother nature is currently throwing a monkey wrench into my bike ride plans. If there is to be any realistic chance of me getting a ride in, it will have to stop raining by about 3 PM so that there are a couple of hours for the giant puddles on the roads to drain away and evaporate. The forecast says that is unlikely.
  13. I would pay good money for Grand Theft Effect. Main character a sympathatic, but still criminal Krogan on hard times. Gets dupped into crimes. Breaking into flying cars, punching people, paying for Asari prostitutes. Bioware, take my money now. Genuine interest: I like the idea, NKKK, that would likely be a lot more fun than whatever Bio is actually cooking up. Matter of fact: However, no playable Elcor, no sale.
  14. That's cool as long as it doesn't handle like a methodone addict going through the shakes again. On the down side, looks like you're stuck being a ****ing human again. No playable Elcor no care.
  15. Yes, I ride with a green Tasmanian Tiger daypack on my back, thats also where I put the water, the keys and the helmet when I go for a long uphill climb. Never had a flat on my bike in my life, but I don't go off road. The pack is small enough not to interfere with the aerodynamics: Fun fact: I've caught a lot more flats riding on the road than off-road. Granted, much of that has to do with the fact that I ride a lot more on the road than off-road. Now I ride exclusively on the road, because I have a road bike, which, obviously, doesn't work too well in rough terrain, but most of my life I've had either a mountain bike or a hybrid, and even then I still rode on the road some 75% of the time. Most of my problems with flats came when I lived in Torrington, CT. I swear I caught more flats in the 5 years I lived there than in the entire rest of my life combined, and I've been riding a bike pretty much every year since I was 6. They did a really ****ty job sweeping the streets in Torrington, I guess.
  16. I haven't had problems with my ass getting sore from riding either. Usually my first ride or two of the year (usually in late March or early April) I'll get a little sore because my body hasn't ridden in several months, after that there's no problem whatsoever. I did a nice long bike ride today, about 2 1/2 hours or so. I would estimate I did about 35 miles (56k), though that's just an educated guess. I could have gone a lot longer because I felt really good. I had all types of stamina today and was powering through the last few uphills before getting home like I was just as fresh as I left the house (except significantly sweatier). That bodes well for tomorrow's bike ride, assuming I can find a suitable gap of decent weather between tomorrow's projected thunderstorms. @Woldan - Do you ride with a backpack? I notice you don't have a bag under the saddle to hold a spare and some tools (like I do). I would never ride without a spare and some basic tools. I've had real good luck this year and haven't caught a single flat yet (knock on wood), in fact, I haven't caught a flat in the last 2 years, but I would still never chance it.
  17. Maybe its just me, but "my opinion as fact" rants don't amuse me. Not to mention that dumbasses like this shouldn't be retweeted, shared, or whatever. These people should be shunned, not have attention brought to them.
  18. Sweet, I've been meaning to run through Dragonfall again somewhere down the line.
  19. Is that the Star Wars game that famously has one of the worst final boss fights ever (Vader, I think), or is it the other one? I know there were 2 of these games, Force Unleashed, or whatever.
  20. I hope you get to play as smoke head rather than guy with hoodie.
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