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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Out of curiosity, why are so many people so put off by a card game? Is it the disappointment that this isn't a traditional cRPG or is it a hatred of card games? I'm disappointed it's not a cRPG also, but card games can be quite fun. I'm interested in hearing more about the card game and how it will work.
  2. So, it's a card game? Not what I was hoping for, but I'll keep an open mind.
  3. HoMM VII Announced It's being made by Limbic, the folks who did Might & Magic X: Legacy, which I thoroughly enjoyed, so, who knows, maybe they can right the ship here.
  4. Here's the same video on youtube, so now folks can watch it embedded here, and not have to go to IGN:
  5. To me it looks like a MMO, and not a good one, with the kill a bunch of mobs in a room, lift the barrier, kill a bunch of mobs in a room, lift the barrier, lather, rinse repeat combat. Supposedly it's not a MMO, but 4 vs. 1 online co-op.
  6. IGN has 4 minutes of off-screen gameplay from Gamescom up. I can't find it on youtube yet, so you'll have to watch it through their page: http://www.ign.com/videos/2014/08/13/4-minutes-ofshadow-realms-gameplay-gamescom-2014 Obviously, that's a small snippet and there's gotta be more to the game than that, but that looks boring as hell.
  7. Slowly making my way through Chapter 1 in Neverwinter Nights. I've defeated the Intellect Devoured and the Yuan-ti so far, so I guess I'm about halfway though the chapter. I'm doing the docks now, just started in that district. My druid is up to lev 7, so I can unleash a decent bit of damage now with my magic. I scooped up Zen Archery making me more accurate with my sling, though it's only a small difference at this point, it will get more pronounced as I continue to pump up my wisdom score at higher levels. I still haven't bothered with a henchman, probably never will. Between my bear companion and summoning a creature, I basically have 2 free henchmen at all times.
  8. So, Orlando Scandrick got suspended 4 games for doing something called "Molly". Excuse my ignorance, but what is Molly?
  9. If it's anything like Heavenly Sword, you'll be able to beat it in a single afternoon.
  10. I'd still romance her... If she wasn't my sibling.
  11. I hope it is turn-based, is party-based, and is on PoE's engine. I'll be fine with RTwP, though. Pretty exciting news!
  12. The new King's Quest game is being made by The Odd Gentlemen, who made The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom. I haven't played TMoPBW, but it was well received. They also did Wayward Manor, which was not so well received. The resurrected Sierra Online is going to essentially be Activision's "indie" division.
  13. So now Sierra Online is back officially and the first 2 announced titles are a new Geometry Wars and a new King's Quest.
  14. Steve Jobs is turning over in his turtleneck in his grave.
  15. He sounds very different when he's not being Geralt. I suppose I should have expected that, but it still caught me off guard a bit.
  16. Like I wrote, slippery slope. It may be fairly innocuous now, but they'll keep pushing it just a little bit further, a little bit further, a little bit further, all nice and gradual like so that most people either don't notice or put up with it because it's not so different than before.
  17. http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/08/11/frontier-developments-to-potentially-introduce-dynamic-in-game-advertisements#disqus_thread Slippery slope.
  18. I think I'll just stick with a sling. Rapid Shot works with slings, right? It's only crossbows that don't work with Rapid Shot, if I remember correctly. Anyway, so far things are going smoothly. I haven't bothered hiring a meat shield for my druid since my bear Pookie and a summoned dire boar do the job well enough, letting me hang back and hurl rocks. Granted, I've mostly been fighting zombies so far, things will surely get tougher staying out of melee once I face faster and less mindless enemies. One more level until Call Lightning (/rubs hands together).
  19. Lifetime Hardware Sales: Wii - 101.04 million PS3 - 83.01 million 360 - 82.63 million Lifetime Software Sales By Platform: Wii - 921.30 million 360 - 897.70 million PS3 - 835.52 million
  20. Neither Sony nor Microsoft won the previous generation, Nintendo did, and by a rather large margin. The Wii sold poorly toward the end of its lifetime, but people often forget how insanely well it sold at the beginning of its lifetime. Microsoft really needs to turn the XBone around, it's still early so it can be done. They've already done a price cut (by removing Kinect), now they need compelling games. This may well be a make or break machine for Microsoft. They lost a bunch of money on the original Xbox, but you could justify that loss as that was the machine that Microsoft used to get a foothold in the console market, you can look at it as a loss that will pay off with profit in the future. They made very little, if anything, with the 360, in no small part due to RRoD, but you could justify that by saying that the 360 helped solidify Microsoft in the console market. So, it stands to reason, that they need to make a good profit on XBone. They've lost money to get their foot in the door and to solidify their place in the market, but if the XBone doesn't make them money then all that sort of seems for naught. I mean, do you take another disappointing outing and say, we'll get them next console cycle? Any reasonable CEO would definitely consider cutting their losses at that point.
  21. Look how much bigger I am than Aribeth, she looks like a child by comparison.
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