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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The first title announced from the newly risen from the dead "Sierra" will be a Justin Bieber branded F2P game for iOS and Android.
  2. Sierra died in 1996, as far as I'm concerned. They can bring back the brand, but it will be a completely different company wearing a Sierra nametag, sort of like Interplay, Black Isle, Atari, and BioWare. That's not to say they can't put out some great games, but it won't really be Sierra unless they can magically get Ken and Roberta Williams to come back to video games.
  3. The cases Big N uses hold the discs with an iron grip, there's almost no brute forcing them out of the case without breaking them, but if you just press the center the disc pops right out nice and easy, which I'm sure you know, but your son likely didn't before.
  4. Nice. I didn't even know there was a Lego GTA. I actually have the problem of too many Wii U games and not enough time to play them at the moment, mostly because I only got the Wii U recently and also because it's taking me so long to finish Pirate Creed 4 (a good problem to have). I already have Bayonetta 2 pre-ordered and will be playing that as soon as I get my grubby little hands on it, so I have about 2 months to clear my Wii U plate. Edit: Sucks man. I'm sorry.
  5. How dare they! How dare they besmirch the good name of Vanilla Ice and the Ninja Rap. That's it. /takes off glove //slaps Honest Trailers across the face with glove I demand satisfaction!
  6. Who's left at BioWare from the Infinity Engine days at this point?
  7. Hard to tell without her brushing her hair away so we can see the tops of the ears. I reserve the right to change my interest level if those turn out to be mini elephant ears, or mouse ears. If she turns out to be a human/rodent hybrid my interest level will be double what it was before I thought those were elf ears.
  8. This was legitimately the most interested I had been in a BioWare project since the Endinggate Scandal of 2012, mostly because what little vague glimpses we've seen so far made me think of The Secret World, which is something I would dearly love for someone to take a crack at again (and hopefully do a lot better job than Funcom did). Then I saw those ears and most of the interest I had it this, whatever it is, disappeared just like that. I know it's stupid and superficial, but it is what it is. All the excitement I had for this disappeared simply because elf ears.
  9. Hellraid gameplay and developer commentary
  10. http://losangeles.craigslist.org/lac/mis/4601986978.html
  11. Oh come now, hasn't Mario proven enough times that he can obliterate solid brick with his bare hands (he uses his fist, not his head as is falsely believed my most)? I would have figured he would have broken his hand many times over by now, so he's either hopped up on PCP, or he's got some kind of armored hand, maybe adamantium, like Wolverine, minus the claws.
  12. I'm certainly not opposed to any further graphical upgrades/added effects, but, to me, the game looks better than what I imagined when I made my pledge.
  13. Playable Ganondorf in Hyrule Warriors. Kind of weird watching him killing his own minions. I imagine there will be some kind of story where they're no longer his minions.
  14. Dropping your sword while approaching a target from a distance, only to get into melee range with said target then shoot the target with a rifle seems kind of bass ackwards.
  15. I actually preferred playing Mirror's Edge with a controller. I found the twin stick controls worked wonderfully for everything except shooting. All the free running parts felt significantly more comfortable to me with a controller than with m&kb (though m&kb was fine), and I've used m&kb significantly more during my life than a controller. To each their own, I guess.
  16. World's Greatest Girlfriend commissions painting for her boyfriend: http://imgur.com/gallery/ikNm6Qp You got yourself a keeper there, buddy.
  17. For my money, John Oliver is more hit than miss. He obviously exaggerates and overdramatizes a lot, but, well, that's part of being a comic.
  18. Oh yes, this is certainly a new low for humanity. This is definitely worse than Elizabeth Bathory torturing and murdering hundreds of girls, forcing them to eat their own flesh and smearing herself with their blood. This is worse than Emperor Hirohito ordering the execution of all war prisoners (numbering in the hundreds of thousands) and ordering women to be raped, sometimes forcing their own family members to rape them. This is most certainly worse than Joseph Stalin killing an estimated 30-50 million people, many of whom were his own countrymen. Yes, this Kim Kardashian mobile game is a new low for humanity. This game is a shameless cash grab, for sure, but it's hardly a blight on humanity.
  19. No whip that I've seen, but there are all types of pistols. You can carry a whole bunch of them too so that you can do a quick rapid-fire burst before having to reload. It's a lot more fun to just stick a couple of brutes with berserker darts and let them kill each other while I chill in a bush or a haystack watching the hilarious mayhem play out (or use the distraction to sneak by) than fighting them myself.
  20. 26 hours in and I'm at 33% completion in Pirate Creed 4. I've been doing all the contracts and getting all the collectibles in Kingston. Berserk darts are the best. You can create so much hilarious mayhem with those. Every game should have berserk darts.
  21. How's the climate in the future? Have the Jews and the Palestinians finally finished killing each other off or is that still happening? Did we end world hunger? What about cancer, did we cure that? Have we put a man on Mars yet? Have the Dallas Cowboys managed to finish something other than 8-8 at any time between now and the future?
  22. Hey man, as someone who's been dropped off at his home in the past piss drunk and has spent an embarrassingly long time first, trying to find his keys, second, trying to fish them out of his pocket, and third, trying to get them to fit in the lock, I can tell you that "how do I open this door?" can indeed be quite an adventure.
  23. Subject 13 An game by Paul Cuisset, who's best known for being the lead designer on the acclaimed adventure game Flashback waaaaaay back in the day. On the polar opposite end of the spectrum, Paul's most recent game, Amy, a survival horror, was, by all accounts, terrible, so keep that in mind. This looks to be a lot more like Flashback as it's an adventure game with a sci-fi theme and heavy on puzzles. The game is nearly finished as is and will come out regardless, according to them, and has already passed its 40k initial goal with 4 days left.
  24. Dang, that looks like some lovely work. Also, it's going to get so cease and desisted. There is no chance in hell Big N allows this to happen.
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