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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Sure, but the holy hand grenade not only blew the door open, it also sanctified the splintered remains. Could a normal hand grenade do that? Also, what happens if you run into the Rabbit of Caerbannog? Where will you be with your normal hand grenade then?
  2. Today's predictions (Lord knows my batting average hasn't been good lately): Belgium over Argentina Dutch over Costa Rica
  3. That sucks. No Neymar, no Thiago Silva. I don't see how Brazil can beat Germany. I would have picked Germany anyway, even if both squads were at full strength.
  4. Hopefully they have a different officiating crew for the semi against Germany. Because if the refs let the kind of **** that went down in this match go on against Germany, the Germans will gladly oblige them and send several Brazilians off the field on stretchers.
  5. Brazil won, and they probably deserved to, but, I will say this, the referee took about 45 minutes too long to start booking people. Ze Germans are going to take Brazil out in the semis.
  6. James Rodrigues gets Colombia back within 1 on the PK
  7. Wow! What a beautiful freekick goal by David Luiz! That was incredible.
  8. Finally the first yellow of the game, and what a ridiculously boneheaded play by Silva. I mean, even this ref will yellow card you for that. That was crazy.
  9. Yeah, it's pretty crazy there have been no yellows thus far. There should be at least 3 right now. I'm all for letting guys play, but there have been some real late and/or dangerous challenges. Also, Neymar should have gotten a yellow for charging a free kick. He was WAY inside of 10 yards. I'm not talking 8 or 9 yards, I'm talking 4 or 5 yards. It was insanely blatant and not called. I know that's a crappy thing to card a guy for, but when it's that blatant, you gotta do it.
  10. Extremely. I don't know if either team can keep up this pace for 90 minutes. Colombia is lucky to only be down 1-0, they could easily be down 3-0.
  11. I played a friend's copy and although it's fun it has still got that annoying "I have no idea what's road or what the hell is going on" problem when you first run through a track. Also no Diddy or Funky? dafuq!? Also, also, we've had 8 Mario Karts but only 3 F-Zeros. What the hell Nintendo?! Yeah, learning the tracks is part of every racing game, kart racers included, though. Also, this probably doesn't do anything for you, but, while there may not be Diddy or Funky Kong, there are all the Koopalings. I do wish they had some of the Kong clan (maybe also Toadsworth and Kamek) instead of the baby versions of Mario, Luigi, and the princesses, and the Metal Mario and Metal Peach.
  12. 150cc action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBNsCsslI4Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvp2827gmJM
  13. I love sushi and sashimi, I don't love how expensive it is. If it was more reasonably priced, I would eat it regularly. As it is, more often than not, on the few occasions I do dine out (I cook the vast majority of the time), I'll generally rather drop a tenner (yes, I am using British slang to mean $10) for a big ol' helping of Jamaican comfort food that will last me the whole day, rather than almost twice that for barely a meal's worth of sushi or sashimi.
  14. Alright, we got a couple hours of break then Brazil/Colombia. Come on Colombia, go go go! I will post Shakira pictures if and when they score, like this one I'd really like to post more Shakira pictures.
  15. To no one's surprise ze Germans dispatch the French. What I did find surprising was how flat footed and lackadaisical France was for the first 25 minutes of the second half. I was watching it and thinking the whole time "Guys, you do know you're down 1-0, right?".
  16. Too bad when you click on it and go to the page it has the correct -75%. If they really wanted to pay me $4 to add that game to my library I would have obliged them.
  17. Ze Germans score! Hummels heads it in off a beautiful ball in off a setpiece.
  18. The best part of that picture is that he's still got the beer in his hand. That's dedication. Yeah but it looks like the can in his hand is open. That's not dedication, it's just dumb. Unless he plans on finishing it once that dirty water gets in. Now THAT would be dedication! That's exactly what I meant.
  19. The best part of that picture is that he's still got the beer in his hand. That's dedication.
  20. Off-topic, and certainly not meant to disturb y'all's Indepence Day celebrations but... It really is ironic how that song with the lyrics... "Got in a little hometown jam So they put a rifle in my hand Sent me off to a foreign land To go and kill the yellow man Born in the U.S.A., I was born in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A., born in the U.S.A. Come back home to the refinery Hiring man said "son if it was up to me" Went down to see my V.A. man He said "son, don't you understand"" ... ended up seen by many as a tribute to the greatness of the USA. Not bashing, just... puzzled. That's precisely what makes it the perfect anthem. It satisfies both the sheeple and those fed up with the bogus crap that goes on in the US of A. So, whether someone's mindlessly 'Murica proud or "damn, ****'s kinda ****ed up" they can both sing the same song. It's perfect.
  21. Today's predictions: Ze Germans over France Colombia over Brazil
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