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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. What a goal from James Rodriguez! Phenomenal strike from distance. Keeper had no chance whatsoever. Colombia 1 - 0 Uruguay.
  2. I'm playing Football Manager 2014. I decided to start over and give myself an bigger challenge than managing Wisła, a perennial powerhouse in Ekstraklasa (which literally translates to "Extra Class" or "Above Division"), so I decided to manage Cracovia, a club that has bounced between 2nd division, 1st division, and Ekstraklasa recently, and is in a dogfight just to stay in Ekstraklasa and avoid relegation. In my first year, I'm keen on doing just that, avoiding relegation. I have no delusions of making a run at the title, that's not realistic, especially with the changes I'm making. Cracovia's squad, as I inherited it, is likely best suited to 4-4-2. While I am keeping that formation as a backup I can switch into, along with 3-4-3, I am keen on playing 4-1-3-2. There will be some growing pains as my club learns to play that formation and as I look to get the necessary personnel to make it work. 4-1-3-2 is an attacking formation that can take advantage of quick counters and exploit the wings, but it can leave the defensive midfield heavily exposed. It relies heavily on having very fit attacking midfielders on the wing and fullbacks to run back and forth when switching from defense to attack to fill in the gap on the wings in the defensive midfield. Obviously, you need to have a strong defensive midfielder too. I'm okay when it comes to attacking midfielders, but I started with a real need at fullback. I acquired a good youngster for the right fullback/defensive winger position who's raw but has immense talent and potential, I'm still very weak on the left. My hope is to get through the season and keep from getting relegated, ideally finishing around 11th or 12th, as my club learns the formation and I get the youngsters into shape and acquire assets. I'm not looking for guys in their mid 30s, I'm looking for young guys to grow with the club. This is a marathon, not a sprint for me. I'm also loaning out quite a bit of players to get them match experience elsewhere. It's risky because it leaves me a bit thin, but I need to take those risks if I'm going to climb up the ladder eventually and take Cracovia to the promised land.
  3. After that match I may need to have a defibrillator on standby going forward. Holy **** that was a great match!
  4. And Brazin win. First the crossbar then the post saves Brazil.
  5. Holy **** this match. I'm going to be my own puroresu announcer. "Crossabaru! Crossabaru! Ah! AHHHHHHH!!!" I think I've had like 6 near heart attacks during this match.
  6. No matter how this match ends, I wish we could get a Japanese puroresu announcer going bananas for the winning score "BWAINBUSTA! AH! AH! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"
  7. Wow, Wolfenstein 50% off. I'm shocked a game that new got a discount that deep.
  8. This match is so great. Anyone that says football is boring needs to watch this match. Holy smokes this has been thrilling and there is more to come!
  9. Neither the Brazillians nor the Chileans are talkin' 'bout love.
  10. Oh wow, that referee just made Hulk angry. You don't want to see Hulk when he's angry.
  11. This has definitely been an entertaining match so far. With as many defensive giveaways both teams have has and the speed with which both sides have attacked off those mistakes, I'm very surprised we're only looking at a 1-1 score right now.
  12. Wow, the Chilean keeper was real lucky as he made a horrible mess off that ball in the box and was caught out in no man's land. He's real fortunate no one put the ball in the back of the net. If you're going to go out that far you have to be absolutely sure you get the ball. I'l be surprised if less than 5 goals are scored in this match as both teams have had some terrible defensive breakdowns.
  13. Brazil score their first off a corner. The way this match has been going, the first of many, likely. Edit: Chile equalizes off a HORRIFIC giveaway by the Brazilian defense! Great finish by Alexis.
  14. This suddenly makes me want to build a castle in the swamp. Sure, everyone said I was daft to build a castle in the swamp, but I built it all the same. It sank into the swamp. So I built another one. That one also sank into the swamp. So I built a third castle. That one burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one, oh, the fourth one is still standing.
  15. Yeah, I built my manor near Falkreath Real pretty view out the back It's not finished yet, but it's getting there.
  16. That's a rather lovely cavern. I wish I could build my manor in here, or at least pitch a tent or something.
  17. II thought it was empirical fact that Popeye's > KFC and not disputed by anyone? This is not something that should be debatable. As for me, I struggled through my weight-lifting today. I pushed through it, but I just had no power or energy to do anything, and it wasn't a lack of calories. Even adrenaline wasn't really helping. I think I may need to take a break from my usual 2 on 1 off routine and throw in a couple extra days of rest. I feel burned out and need to recover. It sucks getting older.
  18. Did you watch the video? How is that even remotely like Game of Thrones? Anyway, my biggest complaint about what I saw was how the trunks were all conveniently placed right near where the guards were for easy body disposal. Otherwise, I like how open the environments are allowing you to take many different paths to get past guards and I really like the clone mechanic.
  19. Steam user reviews are mostly useless, or, at least, it takes some work to find useful reviews. Sadly, Steam reviews are now basically dominated by childish dip****s making joke reviews and their little mafia upvoting all these useless joke reviews because LULZ or whatever. It's now become a competition to make the funniest joke review and the actually useful reviews get buried several pages down because all the useless joke crap gets voted to the top.
  20. Appropriately enough, Styx: Master of Shadows seemed to go mostly unnoticed during E3. Here is some gameplay footage from E3 with commentary: I definitely like what I see. This has a good bit of potential.
  21. I really hope you're both right about that one.
  22. The game is insanely fun. It's everything I had hoped it would be.
  23. So, tomorrow we get Brazil vs. Chile and Colombia vs. Uruguay. I'd love for Chile to pull the upset, but I don't see it happening. In the other match, I see Colombia winning now that Uruguay is no longer sponsored by Barq's Root Beer.
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