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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Come on Japan, knock Greece out of the tourney. I can't stand watching Greece play. Dreadfully boring team.
  2. Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW8E3y1PAfQ Pop is awesome.
  3. If not a striker, then what would you call a footballer that puts the ball in the back of the net, and at an alarmingly high rate? Edit: I meant "striker" more as a guy who scores goals, has great ability to put the ball past the keeper, rather than a someone playing a specific position on the pitch. Maybe I should have used the term "finisher" instead for clarity?
  4. How would you folks rate the best strikers in the world in right now? Here's my list: 1) Messi 2) van Persie 3) Suarez 4) Ibrahimovic 5) Falcao
  5. The hatred for Suarez is certainly strong with the crumpet eaters. Today's events can only possibly fuel that hatred further. The ****er is really good, though. And he wasn't even fully fit.
  6. A true elite world class striker can have that effect.
  7. England looking super shaky to start the 2nd half. They're lucky not to be down 3-nil right now.
  8. Oh the Troll Gods have smiled upon us. Double helping from the Troll Gods with Suarez scoring and Godin staying on when he should have gotten his second yellow.
  9. I wouldn't expect more than 20% off on a game that new, if it goes on sale at all. You never know, though.
  10. That was a super entertaining game, even if it contained some rather questionable sportsmanship. Colombia's counter is a thing of beauty, though they go forward so quickly that it can leave them very exposed to being countered themselves. Nevertheless entertaining to watch.
  11. Ivory Coast strikes back 2-1. I was wrong, it's not over yet. This game got super duper exciting, really quick.
  12. Wow, off the crossbar. Edit: And Colombia strikes first in the 63rd minute. What a magnificent corner and beautiful header finish. This didn't come directly off a counter attack, but Colombia's counters are so insanely lightning quick. They are a very dangerous team. Edit 2: Ivory Coast certainly isn't going to go down easy, though. Edit 3: Colombia strikes again on the counter. 2-Nil. That should do it. Colombia will be moving on to the knockout stages.
  13. The Great Wallet Rape of 2104 has begun! Right off the bat I'm going to scoop up XCOM: Complete, seeing as it conveniently debuted on Linux today, which fits in with my own personal policy of only buying PC games that support Linux going forward.
  14. Which hand do you want him to score with, his right or his left? Either or, I'm not picky.
  15. Will the Troll Gods grace us with a Suarez goal against England later today? Edit: Wow, what a horrible shank by Gutierrez on a golden opportunity. You're not going to get scoring chances much better than that.
  16. I wouldn't be shocked if Ivory Coast won, but I definitely expect Colombia to win.
  17. I just assumed Colombia was the favorite. I could definitely have no idea what I'm talking about.
  18. Scoreless doesn't necessarily have to be boring. For example, the Brazil/Mexico nil-nil draw was highly entertaining. Anyway, since I have no real favorite in this next game, I'll cheer for Ivory Coast since they're the underdogs.
  19. As an aside, my favorite dive ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiesHBBOGQg It does not get any more shameful that this.
  20. The best solution I can think of is to add a rule stating that any player that gets taken off the pitch, for whatever reason, cannot return on to the pitch for at least 5 minutes. Having to play a man down for 5 minutes might make teams think twice about pulling that kind of crap, and if a guy is legitimately hurt, he'll likely spend at least 5 minutes being tended to on the sidelines, if not exit the game entirely.
  21. That would have been great even with some standard piped in music, but the beatboxing took it from great to glorious.
  22. I wish the refs would do something about the insanely blatant time wasting when a team is up and trying to hold on to the lead. Like when a player goes down, lays on the ground in "agony" like had just been stabbed by Brutus, Cassius, Casca, and the other senators, they bring out the stretcher, carry him off the pitch, then, MIRACULOUSLY, he's back on the pitch 15 seconds later. That should be at least a yellow, shouldn't it? If it was up to me I'd red card the guy on the spot, because that's some seriously flagrant, despicable bull****.
  23. It's pretty crazy that as bad as the Sawx have been this year, and they've been terrible, they're only 6 1/2 out as we near the halfway point. Really, everybody in the AL East is still in it, the only team that's in any real trouble is the Rays. Ironically, they were everybody and their grandmother's sexy pick to win the division. I haven't been following them, what happened? Are they riddled with injuries? Are they eating fried chicken and drinking beer in the locker room?* *As a Sawx fan, the fried chicken and beer joke will never get old. Remembering that fateful season where the Sawx had that EPIC collapse down the stretch and Terry Francona became the scapegoat as John Henry and Larry Lucchino threw him under the bus, drove over him, put it in reverse, backed up on top of him, put it in neutral, mashed the gas, then threw it in 1st and peeled out on top of his mangled body... only to drop the tranny and come to a stop a few feet down the road. Ah, memories.
  24. Is it any coincidence that ze Germans have been on the winning end of so many of the most lopsided games? Proof positive that they're not partial to only slaughtering Jews. I'll see myself out.
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