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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Spain's defense was quite bad. Their keeper was atrocious. That was some seriously embarrassing goalkeeping. They need to figure something out and do it fast or they might not even come out of the group. Chile looked fairly shaky as well, so it should be an interesting match when those two teams square off.
  2. Definitely a great franchise and a great run even if they don't recover to win this year. What the Heat have done over the last 4 years is nothing short of amazing. I may not like them, but they have been great, there is no denying that.
  3. What about broodmothers? Surely Bioware feels that the tentacle sex crowd deserves representation as well? Well, if they want to sell well in Japan, including that would certainly be advisable.
  4. I demand a transgender gimp mount romance option. If BioWare doesn't deliver they are filthy swine discriminating against the LGBT community and I say we get out the torches and pitchforks.
  5. Well, the Socceroos lost but they can hold their heads high. They gave a good performance, especially after those first 15 minutes when it looked like they were going to get run out of the stadium. They made Chile sweat right down to the end. Also, Spain is currently last in Group B after getting taken to the woodshed by the Dutch.
  6. As predicted, the Socceroos are getting whooped up so far. Edit: Woot! Soccerros stirke and close the gap to 2-1.
  7. I can has 2D Metroid? It's a pipe dream, but it would be awesome if they hired Iga to do the 2D Metroid.
  8. I like blowing them up with a steam vent.
  9. Dang, Spain got OBLITERATED by the Oranje.
  10. Far Cry 4 gameplay I gotta admit, trampling dudes while riding an elephant looks really fun.
  11. That pretty well describes all of Larian's games, granted I have not played Dragon Commander and Original Sin yet.
  12. I sort of feel that way about GTA4, because Niko is such a despicable, unlikable character, with almost no redeeming qualities. GTA3 had The Mute, so basically no character whatsoever. It's part of the reason the game doesn't hold up at all, in my opinion. GTA: Vice City and San Andreas had, in my opinion, likable protagonists, which helped me immensely in enjoying those games and getting past the horrible stuff I wound up doing. Tommy was a lowlife scumbag, but he was a cartoonish scumbag and he was funny. CJ seemed like a somewhat decent dude that was legitimately trying to do the right thing. Niko was just a scumbag, but less cartoonish than Tommy and without Tommy's great sense of humor (Niko's jokes always fell flat for me). It may be weird or even "wrong" justifying shooting a whole bunch of people and driving over hookers on account of the character I'm playing being likable, but there you go. It is what it is.
  13. Well, my experience with the series is limited to mostly AssCreed2: Italian Boogaloo, but my take on it is that the stabby stabby parts of the game pretty much suck, due to the childishly easy nature of the combat. Also, the story is so convoluted and nonsensical that even Hideo Kojima is shaking his head in disapproval (Pro-tip: Ignore the story). On the other hand, the game is pretty and does capture the hustle and bustle of city life pretty well, plus it's a pretty bitchin' jumping around on rooftops simulator. France does look like it has some mighty fine rooftops, so if you like jumping around on rooftops, I'd say go for it. If you like stabbing people, I'd say look elsewhere (unless they've seriously overhauled the ridiculously easy combat).
  14. I always find it interesting when the typical response to some issue of inequality is something like "no need to stress or make a big deal about it, there must be a reason for it. SJW just need to stop making an issue about something that is not an issue" It's a video game, hence "no need to make a big deal about it". If women were being denied jobs IRL based solely on their gender then it would be reason to make a big deal about it. As for the "video games need more female heroes" stance, I don't necessarily disagree, though I'd argue that stabbing people in the neck isn't particularly heroic. As an aside, I really liked the idea of Assassin's Creed: Liberation, in part due to the fact that the protagonist was a woman of color, and seemed like she could be a truly interesting character. It's too bad that game was the very definition of mediocrity.
  15. I'd be bummed if I had plans to play this game, since I play female characters about 50% of the time, given a choice. But since I have no plans to play this game I don't care all that much. Sucks for the people that do plan to play it, though. I highly doubt there was any sort of ulterior motive beyond simply "**** we ran out of time and the Ubisoft taskmasters are cracking the whip to get this out the door because greed." Nothing to blow a gasket about, anyway. For fun they should change the name of this particular installment to Assassin's Creed: Sausage Party.
  16. I also loathe how unerringly dogged and prescient those ctos scans are, as well as police's nitrous-boosted SUVs that are somehow able to keep up with me on a crotch-rocket. Being able to outrun anything on the streets should be well worth the risk of a wrong move causing Aiden being propelled 120 meters headlong over the handlebars into the pavement/traffic light pole/back of a truck/etc. Add me to the list of people that despise the shake the cops fixer contracts. I will never finish all of them, in fact, I won't do a single one more of those fixer contracts ever again. My completionist impulses are not strong enough to make me go through that **** again. There's a lot I like about Watch Dogs, but those shake the cops fixer contracts are a crime against humanity.
  17. Oh Japan, never stop being Japan: http://www.destructoid.com/cuddle-up-with-your-own-alpaca-lover-in-pacaplus-headed-to-steam-276510.phtml
  18. Well, that was a thorough ass whoopin'. Again. The Spurs are playing some spectacularly good basketball.
  19. Okay, I take it back. This game is over. No way the Heat can come back from 24 down after 3. LeBron has been really good in the second half, problem is that the rest of the Miami Heat have failed to show up. I'm not going to declare the series over, but obviously the Heat's chances are very slim. Beating the Spurs 3 times in a row is a ridiculously steep hill to climb.
  20. Plenty of time and only a 13 point game. Let's not call this one over with 20 minutes left.
  21. There's one ctOS trower that requires a fairly extensive game of camera tag and also going to the parking garage next to the building, climbing a couple floor up, but not all the way to the top floor, and crossing over on top of a connection between the two buildings. Maybe this is the one you are thinking of? Otherwise I'm drawing a blank. Maybe post a screenshot so we have a better idea of the place you're talking about.
  22. I'd like to give the ref the benefit of the doubt, but the foul call that gave Brazil the penalty kick which resulted in the winning goal was so egregiously bad that it's hard for me to put it off as human error. It wasn't even a case of a guy taking a dive and the ref falling for it, there was literally nothing during that play that even remotely resembled a rough, poorly drawn caricature of a foul. This wasn't a case of the ref giving a 50/50, or even a 70/30 play to Brazil, this was a case of the ref conjuring a foul out of thin air.
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