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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. That is a pretty compelling reason to kill the guy. Still, the game has no shortage of bare breasts, so I can go without seeing one set of them to spare what seems like a pretty stand up guy, in my canon playthrough, anyway.
  2. Humanoid is taking the everyone must die approach. I take it you killed Aryan La Valette as well?
  3. Wow, I can't believe there are people out there giving LeBron crap for leaving the game with cramps (not anyone here, mind you). When you get hardcore cramps it's not a matter of playing through the pain or willing yourself to play, your body simply will not allow you walk around. It's not a question of will or competitive spirit. Suggesting that LeBron quit on his team is just ridiculous. I guess with just how stunning Miami's collaps in the 4th was last night it's overreation time as usual.
  4. Yeah, hitting enemies with a melee weapon feels appropriately chunky and powerful. The bodies exploding is maybe a bit too over the top, but satisfying nonetheless. Similarly, firing guns just feels powerful, and the recoil animation is just right, something that was lacking in the very early builds of the game. Also, they're really nailing down the balance in the game, another area where Grim Dawn is superior to the Val Helsing games, in my opinion. Occultist skills tend to be a little underpowered at the moment, especially if you're going to a primarily Occultist build, but it's a continuous process getting the masteries and the multitude of mastery combinations just right and Crate Entertainment have the game pretty well dialed in right now.
  5. I'm pretty sure that's who Humanoid was talking about. In my Roche path playthroughs I killed him, err, let Roche kill him. My canon playthrough is a Iorveth path playthrough, though, so he lives.
  6. Naah, he didn't need Geralt for anything, he was just collateral damage, in fact it kinda bit him in the rear. He did maybe overestimate Serrit and Auckes' abilities, but it was necessary for him to get to Loc Muinne in time. 2 kings were already dead and so he hedged his bets Was talking about the fat king, who I will take to be canonically dead in my game if at all possible. Would've been great to go four out of four! You want Radovid the Stern dead too? If anyone is going to save the Northern Kingdoms from becoming provinces of the Nilfgaardian Empire, it will be him. He's far and away the most overall competent to rule and stand up to Nilfgaard of those still alive or now dead.
  7. Good for you. I tried twice and was unlucky both times. That's the way she goes. Yep, it's a roll of the dice with cheap Korean no name monitors. You get lucky and you essentially get a monitor every bit as good as a brand name monitor that costs almost twice as much, you roll snake eyes and you get something with cringeworthy backlight bleeding that looks like it was assembled by a 6 year old with a learning disability. Lady luck, she was on my side this time. Why not contact XFX before getting the card to find out about the warranty from the horse's mouth? I, personally, would get the 265. I'd be mother****ing myself every time I had to turn a setting down in a game if I got a weaker card for essentially the same price.
  8. He completely f*cked the north for his nostalgic reunion. The north done ****ed itself. Sure, Letho didn't help matters, but the northern kingdoms were already in the process of disintegrating. In my canon playthrough, I spared Letho also.
  9. I gotta say, I lucked out on the no name Korean monitor. No dead pixels whatsoever and a surprisingly small amount of backlight bleeding. A little bit in the lower right hand corner, but fairly minor, less than I expected.
  10. SteamOS Rig Intel Xeon E3-1231v3 3.4GHz (3.8 max turbo) ASRock Z97X Fatal1ty motherboard 16GB ADATA XPG V2 DDR3 2400 (PC-19200) EVGA GeForce GTX 780Ti Superclocked 3GB GDDR5 Seagate 600 Series 480GB SATA3 SSD WD 750GB 7200RPM SATA HDD Antec GX500 Mid-Tower Green 27" ITC Lava 2560x1440 monitor Cooler Master Rapid Quick Fire 10-Keyless MX Brown keyboard Kensington Orbit Trackball Microsoft XBox 360 wired controller Thrustmaster Hotas-X Flightstick
  11. The Witcher 2. I am limited in what I can play until my new 360 controller arrives (hopefully tomorrow, likely Monday). Also, I want something that pushes graphical boundaries so that I can see what the 780Ti can do and orgasm to 1440p glory. The Witcher 2 will surely achieve that. It's downloading at the moment. In the meanwhile I'm de-gimping SteamOS into a more full featured Linux system. I understand why so much stuff is hidden from the user in the default setup, since it's meant to function like a console, and in its default setup it does just that, booting you straight into Steam Big Picture Mode. So far I've changed it to booting to a login screen from where I can go straight to desktop (also, I'm not a fan of having a computer, even a private desktop in a locked apartment that bypasses login and boots straight into the system with no password needed) and I've added in official Debian repos so that I can install more programs. Next order of business is to replace this Gnome 3 desktop with something I like better, either Cinnamon or XFCE. The great thing about Linux is that ifi you don't like something, even parts of the base system, you can replace them with something else, and there will likely be several, if not dozens, of alternative choices. As an aside, I am THOROUGHLY impressed with how quiet the 3 stock 120mm fans in my ANTEC GX500 case are. They essentially make no noise at all even when running full bore, all you hear is the movement of the air.
  12. The only thing that trailer is missing is someone from CDPR dropping the mic and walking off the stage at the end. They are the undisputed heavyweight trailer champions of the world.
  13. It's alive. It's aliiiiiiiiive! Of course the official SteamOS installer is garbage, so I'm in the process of downloading a custom installer iso one of the Linux hackers made that has way better... everything (Seriously, GabeN, you used to work for freakin' Microsoft. Can't you make a decent installer?). But I booted the beast up and it ran, went into BIOS (the ASRock BIOS looks sexy as ****), changed the XMP mode for my RAM. Everything works fine so far. Monitor looks good, no dead pixels noticed. Granted, this is all from a few moments of experience. It only took me 3 tries to get everything hooked up correctly. I actually had all the switch and LEDs hooked up correctly first try, but neglected to connect the 12V CPU power connector (doh!). Once I got that hooked up I noticed I neglected to hook up the chassis fans to the power supply (doh! doh!). Now I think everything is hooked up properly.
  14. Moot point for this particular CPU since the paste comes already applied to the heatsink.
  15. Well, medallion is in indeed. You buying it? :D I'm going digital on gog.com So no Triss Merigold body pillow?
  16. I use a card to spread a thin layer covering the whole surface myself.
  17. Nobody HAS TO die. You get the No One Left Behind achievement if everyone survives the suicide mission.
  18. I'll get the digital edition from GOG unless they put out a collector's edition with a Triss Merigold body pillow.
  19. Same way you boot to disk in Windows. Linux installers come with formatting and partitioning tools, generally far more robust tools than the ones that come with Windows installers. There's a splash screen booting to Linux, you can even customize it yourself if you know what you're doing. I'm going to toss a SteamOS iso on a USB stick (possibly a custom one with better partitioning tools than the official SteamOS iso) and adjust BIOS to boot from the USB stick. From there in a few steps SteamOS will install itself on my SSD. It will be a few extra steps for me since I like to do custom partitioning schemes. Once everything is installed and I reboot and remove the USB stick, I'll get a screen that will look something like this: If I was doing a dual-boot setup then it would look something like this: But I won't so the first image will be closer to what it looks like. If I don't press anything then after 5 or 10 seconds it will boot into the first option (I'll likely fiddle with this myself and change it to 2 seconds). From there it boots up just like Windows into a login screen then either straight to Steam Big Picture Mode or the desktop.
  20. But blue LEDs are purrrrrrrrdy.
  21. Sick is the feeling when you hit the power button and nothing happens. But then it turns out it's only because you forgot to flick the switch at the back of the PSU. At least, that's how it is for me. That, or the power switch wasn't properly connected to the motherboard header. I always get tripped up by that. The ASRock mobo documentation and the actual writing on the mobo itself are fairly clear, so I think I have it all connected properly, but I won't know for sure until I put the chip in place and plug the PSU in later today. Why can't all the mobo manufacturers get together and make one standard layout then make that whole thing one connector that can only fit one way instead of several small connectors you need to **** around with? Is it because it makes too much sense?
  22. Okay, the argument of "I put LeBron 3rd in MVP voting behind KD and Blake, and since both KD and Blake are forwards, I voted for them 1 and 2 for All-NBA 1st team, which left no forward spot for LeBron" makes sense from a since I voted this way for MVP I should also vote the same way for All-NBA perspective. That doesn't answer the question of what possessed him to put Blake ahead of LeBron in MVP voting in the first place? Blake had a great year, that's for sure, but no one was even in the same stratosphere as KD and LeBron during the regular season this year. That's just silly.
  23. The box art for The Witcher 3 has leaked out: Everything shown in the picture comes with the standard boxed edition of the game.
  24. Everything is showing up today. My Tux super key keycaps, yay!
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