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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I still can't get over how amazing that little snippet of Zelda looked. The WiiU is obviously lacking in horsepower when compared to XBone and PS4, but Nintendo does a fantastic job of using art style to mask/overcome that. I'm still a bit miffed that there was no Metroid announcement, though E3 isn't over yet, so you never know, but seeing a blurry screen behind Miyamoto with what was obviously a Starfox game running on it filled my heart with joy. Also, Little Big Planet 3 looks pretty dang sweet.
  2. Splatoon looks pretty interesting
  3. Claymation Reggie LOL @ Lincoln Mii in Smash Bros.
  4. If nothing else, the art style in Cuphead is magnificent. Nintendo presentation coming in a half hour. Come on Metroid. Come on Metroid. Come on Metroid. /crosses fingers
  5. Shovel Knight in approximately 2 1/2 weeks. /rubs hands together
  6. Vivienne a mage with both ambition and incredibly oily skin. And yeah, I'd like to see someone play a combat encounter from "tactical view" because that dragon fight, in what I'm assuming is "action view", looked pretty bad. It was incredibly hard to tell what was happening. That is a terrible camera angle for a party-based game.
  7. This guy conducting the Sony presentation should not be trying to make teh jokez. Freakin' cringeworthy.
  8. Who are the people asking for more zombie games? Yeah, there certainly aren't nearly enough zombie games out right now.
  9. The presentation I'm waiting for kicks off the day tomorrow. C'mon Nintendo, give me the Metroid game for WiiU. Give it to me! Stop dragging your feet and announce Metroid already.
  10. Well, the Ubisoft presentation was frankly quite boring. Far Cry 4 at the beginning and Rainbow 6 at the end looked great, but everything in between had me yawning. I should probably just come to terms with the fact that I'll never see Beyond Good & Evil 2, right?
  11. Not a fan of the cut-scene killing of the Gryphon. I'd rather kill the monster myself. I though the rest looked great.
  12. Two of them, even. One I am interested in: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris, a sequel to Lara Croft and the Gaurdian of Light. One I have no interest in at all: Rise of the Torture Porn Raider.
  13. They're launching a beta of Battlefield: Hardline today. But I thought Battlefield 4 was still in beta?
  14. So it sounds like there is more focus on combat in the new Mirror's Edge. In a related story, I've lost all interest in the new Mirror's Edge.
  15. I also noticed that he switched signs without bringing up a radial menu, or any kind of menu, for that matter. Obviously, also a plus.
  16. Hopefully you can have the Inquisitor wear a lion helm, because that helmet they always show the Inquisitor wearing is fugly something fierce.
  17. Gryphon Hunting Gameplay I wonder if it's possible to save the guy getting attacked by the thugs? Also, I'm assuming you have the option to get some sexy time with the attractive lady (witch? herbalist?) later on.
  18. Sunset Overdrive looked pretty cool. It is far and away the most interesting XBone exclusive I've seen.
  19. I thought the DA:I trailer was okay. I was neither wowed nor disappointed by it.
  20. Which team will take the coveted Diving Cup this year, Italy or Argentina, or is there a dark horse?
  21. What, like this? Speaking of which, has it officially started yet or is this still a "pre-E3" trailer?
  22. Yeah, Civ games are make up your own story as you go along type games.
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