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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I'm not down for anything rapey happening to Leliana either. However, I am down for her getting her bowels slashed open and her guts spilling out. You know, tasteful and classy like.
  2. Aw yeah, a horribly scarred villain, and he's Russian on top of that. Double movie cliche bonus! Woohoo, a mine cart section! This just keeps getting better! I love the scoped Kar98k so much. It's not even fair when I get my hands on that rifle.
  3. Ran into my first QTE in Deadfall Adventures. And just after I had sung the game's praises for not having any. Figures. At least it was an easy QTE and it's not an insta-fail one. Still, though. *sigh*
  4. This doesn't below in a funny things thread. This belongs in a sad, sad, no, God no. Why? Why would you do this? thread.
  5. 5. The future of gaming Future of gaming my ass, modern games have felt like that for a good while now. Future really is now in that one. But that arm cast is a welcome change! I, for one, welcome our new sentient trash can overlords.
  6. Wuxia RPG. Please let it be a Wuxia RPG. If BioWare won't do Jade Empire 2, then let Obsidian fill the void and make a Wuxia RPG, except better, because they're Obsidian.
  7. Well, this was bound to happen eventually. Actually, we've already had a high profile Kickstarter failure in the form of Clang. I didn't pledge to Yogventures, nor have I even heard of it until now, but sucks for the people that did.
  8. MMA fighter unleashes EPIC TROLLFACE
  9. New Fatal Frame reveal trailer. It's all in Japanese. Oh boy, I hope this comes west and soon. I would love me some Fatal Frame on my Wii U.
  10. I wound up scooping it up a few days ago from GamersGate at 75% off. I like the game a lot so far, but I get why it didn't get particularly good reviews: Cons: Super cliche Indiana Jones ripoff story Subpar to cringeworthy voice acting and dialogue Poor animations during cutscenes Uninspired enemy AI Checkpoint autosave system with no manual save (checkpoints are spaced out really well, but still, WTF?) Pros: 50/50 mix of combat and puzzle solving Great pacing and mix of gameplay elements Solid gunplay and weapon variety Ability to use the environment in combat (set off traps to kill enemies, shoot stalactites off the ceiling to kill enemies) Cool exotic locations to visit Decent bit of exploration (the game is fairly linear but there are plenty of treasures to find off the beaten path) It's a game that sort of tries to be a AAA title, but is clearly not. It can't deliver action setpieces with the same bombast that the big boys do and the production values are certainly not AAA. At the same time, its got its charms. Plus, I haven't encountered a single QTE yet and no one has tried to rape anybody, which are pluses in my book.
  11. It's Deadfall Adventures. It's sort of a Tomb Raider type game, except first person and much less rapey.
  12. Next to the MG 34, which, sadly, I've only gotten to use twice so far, and for very short periods of time, the Karabiner 98k (preferably with a scope) is my favorite weapon in the game so far. Sniping is the best. Solving puzzles in ancient temples, now this is my jam.
  13. My old friend, how I missed you! Let's never be apart again. Sadly, a mere minute later we were parted.
  14. Nothing weird about this, but I didn't want to start a separate thread just for this. Here's Kacy Katanzaro's EPIC American Ninja Warrior semi-final run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfZFuw7a13E#t=14 I still can't believe she got past the Salmon Ladder (and didn't completely burn her arms out in the process). She's got some INSANE grip strength. That would be amazing if she wound up making it to Sasuke.
  15. Well, so far so good. Through about, I'm guessing, a quarter of the game, Deadfall Adventures has continued with about a 50/50 split of puzzle solving and exploration/combat. I'd prefer something more like 80/20 puzzle & exploration/combat, but I can live with 50/50. Also, in just the few levels I have played, I've already spent significantly more time exploring ancient ruins and solving puzzles than in the entirety of Torture Porn Raider. As a bonus, no one has tried to rape me or my feisty female sidekick yet either. I'm even enjoying the combat more, probably partly due to there not being quite as much of it, partly due to it being first person (which I much prefer to third person), and partly because they break up the monotony once in a while and give you something special and fun to use like a Sturmpisotle or a MG 34. I have to admit, mowing down Nazis with a MG 34 was thoroughly fun (Sadly, I didn't get to hang on to the MG 34 for very long. Admittedly it's a rather large weapon to be lugging around while doing adventurer type stuff). It's already a much better game than Torture Porn Raider as far as I'm concerned.
  16. Gray Matter has been out for several years.
  17. That party will work fine it's 3/4 the same as the party I first beat the game on. I had a shaman instead of a druid, the rest of the party was the same. You should have no problem beating the game with that party, on whatever difficulty, I didn't with my nearly identical party. The game actually gets easier once you hit about level 20 and even easier once you're nearly maxed out. As others have written, don't try to be a jack of all trades, pick a handful of skills for each character and specialize in them. Magic is actually not very good in the game used purely for offense, I find it;s best used for defense and to debuff enemies. You'll want to get access to burning determination and regenerate as soon as possible as both those spells are extremely useful. Whispering shadows is great too for finding secrets, but you could always use scrolls and later a companion for that purpose.
  18. Deadfall Adventures - So far it's about 50% FPS and 50% puzzle game. That's a split I can definitely live with, though I'm early in the game, so it might change (hopefully it doesn't get too combat heavy). The only part of the combat that's at all "different" is that when you encounter mummies you have to Alan Wake them with your flashlight before shooting them does anything. Other than that, it's as generic as generic gets, though the gunplay is decent enough with different weapons feeling distinct and the firing feeling nice and meaty from the weapons that should feel nice and meaty. I like that there are separate difficulty settings for combat and puzzles. I set combat on normal and puzzles on hard. I've yet to encounter any combat that was the least bit difficult and I've yet to encounter a puzzle that was the least bit difficult. Still, I'm just starting off so I imagine (hope) things get more challenging later on. The game features some cringeworthy dialogue and voice acting, particularly from the protagonist, and some hilariously bad animations during cut scenes. Other than that, the game looks pretty good, not amazing, mind you. It's been pretty fun so far. As long as the game keeps throwing in a lot of puzzles and doesn't just have me kill nazis and mummies for prolonged periods of time, and so long as the puzzles actually present a bit of a challenge eventually, I think I'll be happy playing this. I just want to travel all over the world to cool locations and poke around ancient temples and catracombs solving puzzles and avoiding traps and hopefully not having to kill TOO MANY mooks in the process.
  19. That explains why it feels so disjointed.
  20. That trailer felt oddly disjointed, like it was rather haphazardly thrown together. The elements of a good trailer were all there, but there was little rhyme or reason to how they were put together.
  21. 3 starred Shell Cup in Mario Kart 8. 3 down, 5 to go.
  22. That whooshing sound you hear is the joke going over your head. Of course I wan't being serious, hence the emoticon.
  23. Who's to say it's even real? Some say it's just a chemical reaction in the brain. Some say it's just lust explained away to make it sound more wholesome. Others swear it goes deeper than that. Here's a video that can explain a lot better than I can: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhrBDcQq2DM
  24. Yes! YES! YEEEEEEESSSSS! I finally 3 starred Flower Cup on 150cc. That cup includes my worst track, Shy Guy Falls, it's the last track in the cup. I can beat the other 3 tracks, Mario Circuit, Toad Harbor, and Twisted Mansion, blindfolded while getting blue shelled into oblivion. I routinely win those tracks by almost a quarter of a lap, but Shy Guy Falls gets me every time. I'm talking pro wrestling style screw job complete with the ref getting "accidentally" knocked unconscious and a guy running in from the back and hitting me with a steel chair a dozen times in the head. After 7 or 8 tries, I finally managed to get 1st place on Shy Guy Falls and win the cup with 3 stars. Here's the video of my triumphant run, complete with me getting hilariously red shelled just after crossing the finish line. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b9OZ6RkiN0
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