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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Holy **** Cowboys! Wow they were great today and even overcame a bunch of special teams derp. It would be really hilarious (in a very painful way for me) if they still managed to go 8-8 after starting 5-1.
  2. It works on so many levels.
  3. Oh man, that Bengals/Panthers game. That made me so happy. That was the most fun tie I can ever remember.
  4. Neither. Thrown, bladed, brawling, or blunt. Why? No ammunition.* *note: thrown weapons have ammunition, but you could pick up almost anything to throw, making ammo almost unlimited.
  5. The female version of Michael Bolton: I'm not generally a fan of this type of music, but, much like with Bolton, Sade's music is just so insanely good than even though it's not my thing I can't help but get into it and acknowledge how awesome it is.
  6. Another installment of Name That Famous Musician: By the way, anyone is free to participate in Name That Famous Musician, whether guessing or posting a musician's picture for others to guess. My only guideline, and this isn't strict, is that the picture is of the person at at least the age of 16. Posting pictures from before that age just seems unfair.
  7. @Valsuelm - We have a winner! It's crazy how different Jerry looked without his trademark beard. For your effort you get a Jerry Garcia Band cover of a Bob Dylan song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv7DY27aPyk
  8. Sounds like it scales well and was made to work on older hardware while also take advantage of newer, more powerful hardware. If so, thumbs up BioWare. We'll find out for sure soon enough.
  9. Nobody? Okay, let me give you folks a picture of the same musician slightly older, hopefully that will help:
  10. In defense of the level 50 cap, beyond more HP, what does anything above level 40 get you, anyway? Shouldn't you have all the skills you really care about maxed out by then?
  11. @Fighter - Yeah, Sandy Beidge will be good to go on the CPU side for some time to come. To the best of my knowledge, even a GTX 980, which is the most powerful single GPU card on the market, won't get bottlenecked by PCIe 2.0, so you're good to go whether you get a 970 or a 980. Those new Maxwell cards are very impressive, not nearly enough for me to even entertain the idea of an upgrade, though, power savings (which are thoroughly impressive) aside. My superclocked 780Ti will beat a vanilla 980 in most games. Obviously, an overclocked 980 will beat my 780Ti, but not by nearly enough to warrant an upgrade. I'm waiting for at least Pascal to upgrade. For anyone upgrading from several generations ago or making a new system entirely, though, Maxwell makes all the sense in the world. There is really no reason to buy a Kepler card any more, Maxwell has pretty much obsoleted them completely. I'll be curious to see whether Pascal does indeed wind up being the introduction of 3D memory. The features on Nvidia's roadmap have certainly gotten pushed back enough times (including of late) to warrant skepticism. Still, if it happens, it should be a major step forward, though the 1st iteration will almost certainly not reap the full benefits.
  12. I ran through NWN OC earlier this year. I did it because I love myself. My plate still consists of Bayonetta 2 demo and Wasteland 2. I can only play the Bayonetta 2 demo for so long (same will go for the full game, once I have my grubby little hands on it), because it's a game where you're constantly pressing buttons fairly rapidly, and my thumbs can only take so much. Wasteland 2 makes for a perfect break from that, as it's a turn-based game where I only use my thumb for one of the mouse buttons (I use a center-ball trackball), plus it's a different part of my thumb than what I use to mash gamepad buttons.
  13. That is pretty much every Sunday for me. Liquor stores are closed then as well. I feel your pain. Here in Connecticut alcohol sales used to be prohibited on Sundays also, but they finally got rid of that stupid law a couple years ago and now they're open until 5 PM on Sundays.
  14. I'm starting to improve in the Bayonetta 2 demo. I got my first gold for a segment today in my best ever run through the demo level going silver-silver-gold through the 3 segments of the level. I'm still far from getting that platinum and light years away from pure platinum, but I'll take any progress as a positive. I'm starting to get pretty good timing on the dodging and am getting rewarded with a good bit of witch time (if you dodge at the last split second you go briefly into witch time, where time slows down for everyone except you). I definitely need to spend a lot more time learning different combos, though. Right now there are 3 combos I can do instinctively and a couple more I can do about half the time and mess up half the time in the middle of an intense battle. I'm going to need much more variety than that if I'm going to strive for pure platinum.
  15. Nah, she chopped her hair short of Bayonetta 2 and retained all her powers. If she was Samson she's be pretty much useless in the sequel.
  16. The black swirly things are her hair. All her magic is done via hair.
  17. More Bayonetta 2 demo. I actually did worse overall today than yesterday. I had short bursts where I was kicking ass and playing really well, but then it would all fall apart. I've gotten more of the combos down, but I'm still thinking too hard about using them and it's messing up my timing on dodging. I need more practice until those combos become second nature, then it will be on to a new set of combos to master to up my variety. I've got a couple of the enemy types in the demo timing down pat as to when to dodge, but a couple other enemies I'm still struggling with. I tend to dodge too early for those enemies. More practice needed.
  18. Much better than new Emo Dante, though. Emo Dante is the worst.
  19. Her figure is all types of absurd and disproportionate, head included. Her legs are ridiculously long. Platinum's not exactly shooting for gritty realism in their games, though, so I'll give them a pass.
  20. Technically, any story based on Earth is post apocalyptic, since the Earth has been through several mass extinction events during its lifetime. I'll show myself out.
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