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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Holy smokes, that Falcons collapse. They were up 21-0 at the half against a Detroit team so depleted that I was joking they'd be suiting up equipment guys soon. Then the second half happened, including a Matty Ice interception so shockingly awful (seriously, there wasn't a Falcons player within 15 yards of where he threw the ball) even Bad Romo got a chuckle out of it.
  2. YOU POOR THING, YOU'VE BEEN RUN FROM YOUR HOME BY AN ANGRY MOB OF THREE PEOPLE WHO AREN'T ACTIVELY ATTEMPTING TO BREACH YOUR HOME! Surely you must be in need of donations to help you get through these troublesome times. I'd set up a patreon account but I'm not a minority so there'd be no takers. Just get some doctor to declare you as suffering from some bogus syndrome or another, you visit enough of them and one will diagnose you with something. Maybe something like, Acute Defenestration Phobia (are you afraid of being thrown out of a window?). Once you've been diagnosed with something the victim flag practically applies itself. At that point, all you have to do is start planning how you'll spend all that sweet sweet victim money.
  3. Bayonetta. It's awesome. It's really hard to top the satisfaction of pulling off a perfectly timed last second dodge, going into witch time, and absolutely thrashing a massive angel 20 times your size. The game has so many insanely over the top moments that induce a full on **** eatin' grin, like getting hold of a freakin' building and swinging it around like an Olympian doing the hammer throw, then launching it into an enemy. Good times. I'm only up to chapter 3 because I've replayed some chapters to get more halos coins, and also because I limit myself to how long I play at a time to keep from completely wearing my thumbs out (it's a game where you work the controller pretty hard).
  4. Well, I watched the premiere last night, which, I guess, was the pilot. There's no denying it was a disappointing start. Still, I'm going to keep an open mind and give it at least a few more episodes to get better.
  5. Oh man, how had I not heard of this before? https://soundcloud.com/hennessyyoungman/cvsbangers CVS Bangers, where have you been all my life?
  6. Yep. The game would have never happened had Nintendo not stepped in and funded it. Obviously, the chances of a Nintendo funded and published game appearing on any non-Nintendo system is pretty much zero. Yes. The goal of the game is to make sure every American owns a gun, abortion gets abolished, and Obama is exposed for the muslim he is.
  7. I believe it's tentatively scheduled for Q4 2015. As with any crowdfunded game, I fully expect that date to slip.
  8. I'll always like Nash for the reason that he was an integral part of one of the most entertaining teams I've ever seen, the 7 Seconds Or Less Suns. They may not have won any titles, but they sure were tons of fun to watch.
  9. So, is Steve Nash's career over? For those that don't know, he's done for the season with back problems. I mean, why come back if you're him? What's the point? He's already a multi-time league MVP. He's not winning a championship in LA. Why go through all the trouble to come back? For what?
  10. In fairness, with Friedman gone, why in the world would Maddon want to continue working for one of the cheapest teams in the league?
  11. Pretty cool that the first nurse in Dallas is fully healthy and Ebole-free. Also cool that the Seahawks owner donated $100 million to Ebola research.
  12. I think it's just best to just let her comment stand on its own and speak for itself. I can't imagine anyone with a clear, level-headed mind reading that comment, in light of current events, having any reaction other than being disgusted and appalled. I mean, to use a tragedy like this to throw a low blow is horrible. That's Fox News level shameful.
  13. Für Elise, everything. Pippi Långstrump? I doubt she's half as badass and awesome as Pippi Långstrump. Speaking of which, why hasn't Pippi been rebooted/remade (in the states, at least)? Tons of much ****tier children's characters are rebooted/remade all the time, isn't it time for a new Pippi tv series/movie? Pippi is the freakin' best.
  14. With so many games being remade these days, many of which, in my opinion, have no need to be remade whatsoever, Arcanum is right at the tippity top of my list of games I desperately wish would be remade/rebooted. As said, the writing and the setting are so so good. The actual gameplay is so so bad. Never mind a graphical upgrade (not that I would mind one), just remaking the game exactly as it was, but with non-complete utter **** combat and balance that was at least somewhat sane would make me squeal with delight.
  15. She's not. I believe I remember reading you rescue her at some point in the game (Why is an assassin rescuing a templar? Are they going to do a Romeo & Juliet type deal?), because teh wimmins always be needin' rescuing. Pirate Creed was damn good.
  16. Gotta love Bayonetta with her utterly impossible proportions. Look at how long her legs are! So wrong, yet so right. Gotta love the Luigi plushie. I didn't manage to get a screenshot of it yet, but she's got fire flowers embroidered on the ankles of her stockings. Also, instead of halos, enemies drop coins, and it even makes the Super Mario coin collecting sound when you pick them up. Gotta love the attention to detail.
  17. Who's got two thumbs and a copy of Bayonetta and a copy of Bayonetta 2? This guy. Double the misogyny! Double the fun!
  18. But Nonek, look at this latest trailer (which Malcador posted in the The Witcher 3 thread, all credit to him), look at how oppressed Yennefer is in this trailer. The misogyny practically drips off the screen as she's ****ing **** up.
  19. Nice. We got a Yennefer trailer with bonus Vesemir. In a related story, CD Project RED are still the Heavyweight Trailer Champions of the World.
  20. Can you provide links to this? Polygon.Kotaku. Gamasutra. IIRC one of those sites was celebrating record views recently. Sure, because of the hoopla surrounding GamerGate and the smear pieces they've posted, they are drawing in people from the mainstream, from the non-hardcore gamer, or even non-gamer pool (note: I'm using the term "gamer" to mean anyone who plays games on at least a semi-regular basis, because that's the dictionary definition, I'm not using it to just mean horrible, toxic, misogynist, cisgendered neckbeards), hence the temporary boost in page views. The operative word here is "temporary". The mainstream non-gamer crowd doesn't regularly visit video game sites, they may do so occasionally at best, under normal circumstances. They're visiting game sites now because of the media ****storm, but that will eventually pass, whether those sites continue to post smear pieces or not. A new flavor of the month will inevitably come along (it always does) and those people will move on to that new trendy scandal. So, where do video game sites get their regular viewership, the people that visit those sites on a daily basis providing steady traffic? Why, that happens to be the exact group of people those sites attacked and alienated.
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