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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. They put out a patch today that adds some outfits, some weapons (though I've yet to see any new ones yet), improves the textures on some items, and (this may just be placebo effect) the parkour feels a little bit smoother and more Mirror's Edge like.
  2. I'd probably be pretty comfortable with that trackpad, more so than most, because I use a trackball, which is a very similar movement to how that trackpad controls. What's more, the ball on my trackball doesn't spin quite as freely as on some trackballs, so it's not great for quick, large angle turns (unless I turn up the sensitivity, which would make precision aiming more jumpy), thus I'm used to spinning the ball 2 or 3 times to make a large angle turn in games. That said, I don't think this controller would ever replace m&kb for a first or third person shooter for me. I am curious how it would perform in different genres, though.
  3. Hopefully they add in natural disasters in the futures, as one complain I've seen is that nothing ever bad ever happens to your city (outside of crime, pollution, traffic jams, etc.). I would also love to see unnatural disasters. I won't lie, I'd plop down $4.99 for a Kaiju DLC.
  4. Cities Skylines looks really good. This is a game I'll very likely get in the future. I'm tempted to get it now, especially given the extremely reasonable price, but a deep, complex city builder, like this, is a massive time sink, and Pillars of Eternity, which I also expect to be quite a time sink, is just around the corner. Running 2 big time time sinks at the same time doesn't make sense to me. Also, knowing Paradox, there will be 800,000 DLCs for this. The plan is to get this in a few months at 25% or 33% off and with a few DLCs.
  5. Color me interested. I'll have a look at this Kickstarter of theirs in a couple of days. I grew up on the Gold Box games and have many fond memories.
  6. Scooped up Quest For Infamy during the Insomnia Sale for $4. If I finish Pier Solar before PoE comes out, then I have something to play until then. If not, then I have something to play afterward.
  7. Still Pier Solar and the Great Architects. It's amazing how far a somewhat interesting story and a group of likable characters will go toward making me enjoy a game with otherwise meh gameplay. I mean, the gather system does add a bit of depth to combat beyond what is barebones, standard, menu-driven jRPG gameplay, but it's mostly useless outside of boss battles, since regular battles don't last long enough to make sacrificing a turn to power up worthwhile. Still, I want to keep playing since I'm invested in the characters. I'm also still playing a bit of Dying Light here and there. I'm almost done with all the side missions, but I have some challenges left, and maybe one more quarantine zone. That DLC with the added extra hard quarantine zones can't come soon enough. Beyond that, I'm waiting for Pillars of Eternity. I wonder of Pier Solar will be a long enough game to get me through to PoE's launch?
  8. An interview with Our Lord & Saviour himself My man holding the microphone has got some serious statue skills.
  9. Same here, the game just never grabbed me.
  10. Inspired by part 4 of my Pier Solar Let's Pay (super shameless plug), here's my 2nd favorite Michael Jackson song and my favorite Michael Jackson video ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDLykurJIMA
  11. Holy ****, my man rocks a recorder and a flute at the same time, then breaks out a saxophone, because, why the **** not? Meanwhile his band is dropping down jazz deliciousness. I can get down with this.
  12. ♫ And so it was that later As the miller told his tale That her face, at first just ghostly, Turned a whiter shade of pale ♫
  13. I almost pledged, but I didn't. I was not fully convinced, plus the $25 entry fee put me off. I do hope the game is a success, though. I'll buy it when it comes out if it turns out well.
  14. Is there supposed to be a New Game+ ? I just continued and kept doing challenges, side missions (which are, for the most part, much better than the main story missions anyway), and just parkouring around Harran. I'd read on the internet there was. Apparently you can play through the story again, but with all your weapons/inventory you've amassed, and with tougher zombies. But I can't see a way to do it. I'm waiting for that first DLC to become available to non-Season Pass holders, the one with the 2 new extra hard quarantine zones. I like quarantine zone challenges. The other 2 DLCs that will come in the future (one with a bunch of outfits and weapons, and the other with an arena horde mode) don't interest me in the least bit.
  15. Is there supposed to be a New Game+ ? I just continued and kept doing challenges, side missions (which are, for the most part, much better than the main story missions anyway), and just parkouring around Harran.
  16. The Dschingis Khan goodness doesn't stop there. That fact that these songs exist gives me a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, the human race isn't completely ****ed.
  17. As a long time Linux user, the one rule of thumb to follow if you plan on gaming on Linux (SteamOS in this case) is to stick with Nvidia. Hopefully AMD gets their **** together before the "official" SteamOS launch and gets their driver in shape, but, as it stands, the Nvidia Linux driver is in much better shape than the AMD Linux driver. Nvidia's Linux driver is pretty much on par with their Windows driver, AMD's Linux driver, not so much. That's not to dsay that you can't game on and AMD GPU on Linux, you'll just have more problems to deal with. Hopefully Valve will light a fire under AMD's ass and this will be a non-issue by November and you can choose whatever manufacturer's card you want without caveats.
  18. Not liking what I'm seeing here, but I don't know what I was expecting to begin with. Might just do a $4-500 build myself and save on OS costs with Steam OS. If you know what you're doing you're almost certainly better off building a rig yourself. Even if you add in the cost of the controller, you can still build a better rig for cheaper.
  19. More Pier Solar and the Great Architects. One thing that really bothers me about this game is the complete lack of instructions. There is nothing resembling an in-game tutorial, there is no in-game manual, no manual on GOG, and no manual on the developer's website. Supposedly there was an actual physical manual for the original SEGA Genesis version, but I guess the developer never bothered making one for the new versions. Now, I've played plenty of jRPGs, so I'm not completely clueless, but you look on the character page and the stats are PP, DP, AP, LP, MA, and MD. How the **** am I supposed to know what any of that means? Plus there is a gather system in the game that's never explained in the least. How do you release a game with no instructions whatsoever? Anyway, after searching for about an hour, I managed to track down a GameFAQ someone wrote up that explains all this stuff, but I shouldn't have to do that, there should be a manual included with the game. As for the game itself, I'm having fun with it. Combat is a lot better now that I actually understand how the system works (imagine that). Also, the characters in the game have tons of charm and the game has a good sense of humor. It also helps that the game hasn't fallen into the YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE THAT MUST SAVE THE WORLD FROM A GREAT EVIL trope, at least not yet.
  20. That flak didn't stop them from breaking the Kickstarter video game record, though, did it? Plus, when they did the TToN Kickstarter, the Wasteland 2 beta was out to the backers at that point, so at least some that backed it had seen what they had funded (in an unfinished state) and the feedback was generally positive, if I remember correctly. You are correct, though, that Wasteland 2 had not released fully yet at that point. All the more reason for Obsidian to have confidence they can get good funding through crowdfunding again if they do so after PoE is fully released. On topic: Underworld Ascendant is past the 800k mark with 11 hours to go. 850k is almost a sure thing, 900k is very reachable, 1 million is not out of the question if they get a big final push.
  21. While working with Khronos on the new Vulkan API, Valve made a Vulkan driver for Intel graphics. This is a very preliminary driver running an alpha version of the Vulkan API running on Linux, running DOTA2 on the Source 2 engine: The driver will be open sourced by Valve. Since it will be open sourced there will be nothing stopping Intel, or anyone else for that matter, adapting the driver for Windows and Mac. No doubt Nvidia and AMD will have Vulkan drivers too in the future.
  22. https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/4C4C46ED941185102281209991168_32c6607bfd5.1.5.12318846076656858204.mp4?versionId=dmFL85tZYVXvpZF1UlU9eciKyMG_1gZc Ferocious dunk is ferocious
  23. I didn't mind the climb since parkour and platforming is my jam, but the QTE boss fight was horrendous. That's a trend that needs to die a fiery death right away.
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