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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The 295X2 is absolutely a better bargain overall, but it comes with several caveats, not the least of which is the absurd power draw and the fact that the card is massive and will simply not fit in some cases. Size is not an issue for me and I like AMD, but I simply will not buy from them because of the state of their Linux drivers. It's too bad, since I would love to have a brand choice, but until the day comes when AMD's Linux drivers aren't light years behind Nvidia's I'm sadly attached at the hip to Team Green.
  2. It has 1/3 more transistors than a 980 and is roughly 1/3 faster on average. What kind of performance were you expecting? The (absurd amount of) extra VRAM will make zero difference in the vast majority of cases, even at 4K, at least right now. Possibly games will start using more than 4GB of VRAM in the near future... maybe. Anyway, my reasoning for spending that absurd amount of money on that card is that it should have me set at 1440p for the foreseeable future. Right now it can play pretty much anything completely maxed at 1440p, it might... might be able to handle TWitcher 3 maxed at 1440p and maintain 60 FPS, if not, really close to maxed. I don't expect games to get that much more demanding over the next several years because the PS4 and XBone will be holding them back.
  3. Many years ago when I was young and super poor I lived an entire week eating pretty much nothing but ramen (with hot sauce, of course).
  4. Don't worry folks, I'm here to fill in as the Why In The World Did I Just Spend So Much ****ing Money On a GPU guy. I ordered a Titan X. Did I need to buy it? No. Is it overpriced? Absolutely. Am I regretful? Sorta. My bank account hates my guts right now. Am I crazy? Plenty of people might say "yes". That card's going to be the 1440p champion, though. I'm going to be eating nothing but rice and ramen noodles for the rest of the year.
  5. I'll get The Dig eventually, probably. I've never played that. Still waiting for Curse of Monkey Island... /taps foot
  6. The Cowboys do need a pass rusher.
  7. OKC is just snakebit this year. KD out most of the year, Russ out a short bit, and now Ibaka possibly done for the year. They've had like 10 games all year with all 3 of their top guys on the floor at the same time. It will be a struggle to even make the playoffs, and without being at full strength, they'll likely get smoked by GS even if they do make it. Ironically, this is the one year where they've actually made the right moves during the season and seriously strengthened the rest of the team through trades, but it may not matter because their top guys are all getting hurt.
  8. Looking frightened and panicked when captured by someone who is well known to be a sadist, psychopath, and murderer seems like a rather natural expression, it doesn't imply rape to me. Sure, that could have happened and it could be why Batgirl is crying, or she could be panicked because "Oh my god, this psycho is going to kill me!" Are characters, particularly women, not allowed to show fear and distress any more? Are anger and determination the only feelings allowed to by shown when in danger?
  9. I'm confused as to what the "sexual undertones" of the Batgirl variant cover are? I don't see anything the least bit sexual about it.
  10. More importantly, Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem better still be happening. I desperately want that game. if it goes the way of The Last Guardian, I will cry.
  11. The Nvidia Titan X is officially out. 3072 Maxwell cores, 12 GB GDDR5, 1002 MHz core clock, 1089 MHz boost (supposedly lots of room for overclocking). Interestingly, compared to previous Titans, it has much lower double precision floating point performance. For gaming, that makes no difference whatsoever. I imagine Nvidia saw the Titans cutting into their Quadro card sales, which is why they removed the double precision performance from this card (I'm surprised they ever included the high double precision performance before). $999 like the previous Titan and Titan Black. Estimated performance is about 30-35% greater than a GTX 980, roughly in the same ballpark as a Titan Z or a R9 295X (note: the Titan Z and R9 295X are dual GPU cards, while the Titan X and GTX 980 are both single GPU). This is by far the most powerful single GPU gaming card on the market, and will be until the R9 390X comes out. If the rumored specs of the upcoming R9 390X are to be believed, that card will be a bit more powerful that the Titan X. It will be an especially good deal if the R9 390X winds up being a couple hundred bucks cheaper. The rumor is that the R9 390X isn't coming out until June, though.
  12. Keep in mind that consoles are routinely in r&d several years prior to release. So whatever "NX" is may not see the light of day until 2017 or even 2018.
  13. Still playing Pier Solar and the Great Architects. I'm starting to think I won't finish it before PoE. Oh well, off to the backburner it will go if I do indeed fail to finish it by March 26th. Beyond that, I'm running my Cannon Engineer in Torchlight 2, where I'm about halfway through the game, and still occasionally playing some Dying Light. I have 2 side quests left to finish and a couple challenges. Sadly, I'm all out of quarantine zones to go through, which is a bummer, because I really like those. Mostly, I'm in clear the plate, if possible, and don't start anything substantial before march 26th mode.
  14. I watched exactly zero minutes and zero seconds of college hoops this year, so I have no clue about anything. I'll still watch much of the tourney, particularly the opening weekend, which is arguably the best 4 days of sports every year, but I'm not even going to pretend to fill out a bracket.
  15. To follow up on my earlier post, I think DeMarco Murray is definitely a downgrade from Shady McCoy. Maybe he fits Chip's system better as a between the tackles runner? That's the only explanation I can think of for paying more for a downgrade, and even then it doesn't make sense to me. That's not to say Murray isn't good, he is, he's definitely above average and will get you tough yardage, but much of what he did in Dallas last year was due to the O Line. You could have plugged an average back in there and gotten 85-90% of what Murray got. On the other hand, Shady McCoy is special, he's a difference maker. As a Cowboys fan, I can tell you that every time Shady would be on the field playing against the Cowboys I would be praying they didn't give him the ball, and anytime the ball was in his hands I was honestly frightened. There are no words to adequately convey how happy I am that he's no longer playing for a rival NFC East team and I won't have to watch him torch the Cowboys twice a year.
  16. With the Linux version of Torchlight 2 coming out recently it's given me an excuse to revisit the game (I haven't played it in well over a year). It's still as fun as I remember. I'm playing a Cannon Engineer and it's a blast (literally and figuratively) to play. The game doesn't quite have the depth and flexibility of Grim Dawn, but I've settled on waiting for the full version to play Grim Dawn again. Torchlight 2 makes for a quite capable loot em up substitute until that day comes.
  17. Still Pier Solar and the Great Architects. I'm well into the meat of the game now. From a gameplay standpoint it;s still standard grindy jRPG fare. The characters and story continue to carry it. Most likely this game is it until PoE comes out. I wonder if I'll finish it before that day?
  18. That's the most bizarre one. He lets Shady McCoy go to free up cap space, then he picks up Murray for more than what Shady would have cost him. It makes no sense unless he thinks Murray is significantly better than Shady. The Cowboys ran Murray into the ground last year. That was his first (almost) completely healthy season ever and he had over 400 carries. What are the chances he plays all 16 games this coming season? 15%? 10%? I get they added Ryan Matthews too to share the workload, but their combined salary far exceeds what Shady would have cost them. I guess only time will tell if this is genius or madness.
  19. What in the world is Chip Kelly doing? He's either a mad genius who's logic goes well beyond mine, or he's completely nuking the Iggles. I'm hoping for the latter.
  20. I can't wait to see the full documentary. Fun fact: I've already scheduled a day off from work for March 27th. Once I get home from work March 26th I'll be all about PoE with no worries of having to go to sleep early to wake up for work the next day. I may not go to sleep at all. * * I'll probably go to sleep at some point, I'm too old to pull all-nighters
  21. Doesn't Cities Skylines also use Unity? I heard that game runs like a champ.
  22. Presentation on Vulkan. For the most part very techical.
  23. It's perfectly playable. The females starting out prone bug is annoying but can be worked around. Outside of that, I don't recall encountering much in the way of issues. I had quite a bit of fun with the game. It's not up to JA2 quality, but it's a decent tactical game, IMHO.
  24. I'm just waiting for it to finish getting ported to Linux (hopefully it's done by the time this expansion comes out). Once that happens, I'll scoop up AoW3 and all its expansions the next time it pops up on sale.
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