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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. It's not revolutionary, it's a simple arcade game, it's just executed quite well. If anyone here is old enough to remember the old Beach Head games, this is a modern version of that. It's simple arcadey killing fun. My biggest gripe is that it only has 3 maps. On the other hand, it costs the price of a burger, fries, and soda at a fast food joint, so the price fits, I guess. It does have modding support, or at least it has a mods section (currently empty) in the main menu, so hopefully more maps get made by someone or conversions where you're shooting unicorns or, better yet, liberals.
  2. I don't consider mail in rebates as part of the price: I've been screwed out of too many for literally no given reason for me to do so. It's also just such a crappy process in general. It is indeed a hassle, but of the dozen or so rebates I've sent in during my life, I've actually gotten money for all of them, shockingly enough.
  3. Oh they're definitely milking controversy again, but the game is actually pretty good.
  4. Got back to basics today. Slow cooked peppered pork tenderloin and boiled potatoes. Simple and delicious.
  5. I'm playing IS Defense. It's from the devs that made Hatred, you know, the controversial game that was evil incarnate because you murdered a whole bunch of people in it, which had never ever been done before in video games ever. Anyway, you know the turret section that devs always feel compelled, for some reason, to put into shooters? This entire game is the turret section. Sounds terrible, right? That's what I thought too when the game was first announced. Who would want to play the ****ty turret section from shooters for an entire game? Turns out I was wrong. This game is really intense and quite fun. If the turret sections in shooters were anywhere near as good as this, I would actually look forward to them. The game doesn't have much story. Basically, it's 2020, ISIS has grown completely out of control and now they're invading your shores. You're a dude in a turret mowing down wave after wave of them. The turret is motorized and can rotate full 360°. Most of the attacks, so far, have come from in front, but the enemies will flank you occasionally. You have a machine gun and a rocket launcher. The machine gun has infinite ammo, but you do have to reload. The rocket launcher only has so many rockets. You can also call in supply drops, infantry, artillery support, air strikes, and helicopters to help you. You earn skill points during the game which you can use to give yourself bonuses such as faster reloads, faster moving rounds, incendiary rockets, more health, stronger infantry, etc. It's basically survival mode. You're eventually going to get overwhelmed. The goal is to last as long as possible and kill as many enemies as possible. To unlock the next level you have to (cumulatively, you'll never do it in one try) destroy a certain amount of infantry and vehicles. I've only gotten to the second level so far and I don't know how many there are, so I couldn't tell you how long it is, but it's only $8 and it's good mindless killing fun.
  6. I think it's safe to say that Johnny Football's NFL days are behind him now. At this rate, I'm not sure he'll even have much of a CFL career.
  7. Makes sense. You don't trade away a king's ransom to move up to #1 and take a guy who's going to sit for a year or two. If you're trading up to #1 you're picking a guy who's going to start week 1. Just about everybody, even the people who think Wentz will be the better QB eventually, thinks that Goff is more ready to play in the NFL right now.
  8. Seasonic is indeed the gold standard in PSUs. If you buy Seasonic you know you're getting top notch build quality, Japanese capacitors, no corner cutting, just a rock solid product. You can probably get something that will work just as well for less, but when you buy Seasonic you know for sure you're getting top quality. When I bought my Seasonic X Series 850W PSU I got it on sale plus a rebate, so I managed to buy it for what I would have paid for a cheaper 850W PSU, thus it was a no-brainer. Generally, though, you are going to pay a premium over other brands when you buy Seasonic.
  9. I'm ****ing around in Saints Row 2, but not really playing anything seriously. I still have the itch to play more point & clicks, despite having played several lately, but I don't have one started currently. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm looking for something fun and lighthearted, rather than super cereal.
  10. I went to a rasslin' show today down the street from where I live. I drank a few overpriced beers, bought a t-shirt, took some pictures and videos, and watched sweaty mostly naked guys grapple for 3 1/2 hours. It was a great time.
  11. Looks like they're getting close to the 1.0 release. I still have my Morrowind discs from when I bought the game over a decade ago. I might give it another play again once this project reaches 1.0
  12. I'm getting some laughs out of Boston's fat third baseman saga.
  13. How do you put a monetary value on a life? Some people get more attached to their pets than others. To some people, pets are little more than toys, to others they're legit members of the family. I don't think it's possible to find a one size fits all value.
  14. It's definitely not genetic. My dad is the master flipper. He just flicks his wrist, the pan contents go up into the air then land perfectly back in the pan upside down. Like most things, it probably comes down to practice, but practice would mean eating a lot of floor omelettes, so I'll pass.
  15. Cheese and onion omelette. I am a terrible omelette flipper, so I have to use the technique where I slide the omelette off the pan onto a plate, flip the pan over and put it over the plate, then flip both together to get the omelette flipped in the pan. If I try to flip it with a flick of the wrist I'll have a floor omelette and if I try to flip it with a spatula I will have a scrambled omelette.
  16. Same problem with Crusader Kings2.. They need to learn to let go, almost a unique problem in the industry. They should have stopped with Sons of Abraham with CK2. IMHO, that was when that game hit its peak. Hilarious scenarios like you having a son that's essentially the anti-Christ be born and that son manipulating his way into becoming the leader of the Catholic church became possible with that expansion. After than, the expansions didn't add that much, not anything I really wanted, anyway, while also messing with core mechanics I would rather have seen left alone.
  17. A straight line between the tackles runner is the exact type of runner that Dallas' O-line was built for, though. There's value in having a guy who you can just hand it to on 3rd and 2 and he can just lower his shoulder and get the 1st consistently, even if the defense puts 8 in the box.
  18. I hope the Cowboys take Deforest Buckner at #4. They desperately need a pass rush and Buckner seems to have all the tools to be an elite edge rusher. Hopefully Derrick Henry slips to the second round and the Boys can scoop him up at 34. I know Dallas needs a lot more help on the defensive side of the ball, but I feel Henry is a rare talent. A big, beefy downhill between the tackles runner is a perfect match for the Boys offensive line, plus he has decent receiving skills, deceptive speed for a guy his size, and good pass protection skills (which is extremely important given Romo's injury history).
  19. If it will be anything like other Paradox grand strategies it will have a broken or non-existent or woefully inadequate tutorial, have a brutal learning curve, and be totally worth it if you can get past said learning curve.
  20. BioWare would license that for ten games, slap a poorly design combat rule-set on it and their fanboys would call it an innovative RPG. Don't forget clumsily shoehorned gender politics. That would be good for at least 4 or 5 Polygon articles masturbating all over the game.
  21. It makes sense with their move to LA. They want to make a splash, pick up a QB, and give fans hope to drive ticket sales. It's just, as I've written before, I don't think there is a franchise QB in this year's draft. The top QBs this year are Goff, Wentz, Lynch, Cook, and Prescott. A couple of those guys could become mid-tier starters, but I don't see a Peyton Manning or Tom Brady, or even a Russel Wilson in this draft.
  22. I wonder if that's similar to kefir? I freakin' love kefir.
  23. I finished J.U.L.I.A. Among the Stars. It's a very interesting game and I'm happy to report that all questions are answered and the game doesn't do a cop-out ending. That game has a ton of mini-games, so many that it might be more proper to call it a collection of mini-games tied together by a point & click adventure than simply calling it a point & click adventure. Many of the puzzle mini-games are not well explained, though I guess figuring out the logic of the puzzle is part of the challenge. The only puzzle mini-game I really didn't like was the very last one, simply because it didn't use any logic, it was a puzzle based entirely on trial and error and memory. All the other puzzles had logic behind them, even if the logic wasn't immediately clear. I do very much like the diversity in the mini-game puzzles, a lot of them are vastly different form one another. Overall, it was a worthwhile experience.
  24. It seems like there's no quality checking at all, they'll allow literally anyone willing to pay the fee to use their license, which is why we wind up with 8 bajillion Warhammer video games, 5% of which aren't complete garbage.
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