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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I live in the south now, so heat is something I have to deal with. Luckily, central air conditioning is a wonderful thing.
  2. My Titan X after flashing the ROM for a decent overclock (1215, 1430 turbo, 7400 memory clocks) and more aggressive fan profile should easily take the Pepsi challenge with the GTX 1080. I don't intend to upgrade for at least 3 years anyway. I'll let 3D memory mature then think about doing an upgrade. With Vulkan, my ridiculously overpriced Maxwell card should be good to go at 1440p for the foreseeable future. Ideally, in 4 or 5 years I build a whole new machine with 4K in mind and turn my current rig into a server.
  3. Barbecue chicken, taters, and onions off the grill. The only chicken I had on hand was skinless, so I had to start it off on some foil. otherwise it would have gotten super dry. Making the best of a less than ideal situation, once I moved the chicken off the foil directly onto the grill to char the outside, I put the onions on the foil that had a pool of barbecue sauce and juices and folded it over to steam the onions with the collected goodness. The onions came out bursting with juices and flavor and I got just the right amount of crunch. Good times.
  4. So, Magrunner just went Cthulhu on me. Unexpected but welcome.
  5. Condolences Oerwinde, that's a lot of loss to deal within in a short period of time. I mulled over taking a trip to Hotlanta over the holiday weekend, but I decided against it. It would have likely cost me several hundred dollars total between gas, hotel room, and money spent on nightlife. While I could afford that, I decided that it was wiser to save the money given I'm putting money away to buy a new car in the somewhat near future. The car I have now runs fine, but it has 180K miles on it, so it could run another 4 years or it could **** the bed next week. Seems smarter to make sure I have enough in the bank for a nice size down payment before going on a trip like that, for contingency purposes. I might make a trip in the fall. Instead, I'll go to a baseball game tomorrow and take advantage of the cool weather today and go for a nice long bike ride then grill up some chicken this evening.
  6. I started playing Magrunner: The Dark Pulse, it's a game I got for free from GOG a while back but never got around to playing. No Linux version but it runs perfectly via WINE (and since I didn't pay anything it doesn't break my own personal rule of buying Linux supported games only). Much like the other Portal-alikes I've played recently, it has decent graphics and wooden voice acting. The jury is still out on how good the puzzles are, given I just started. The story seems to be going down the standard conspiracy path.
  7. Well, while you can't have specific characters always execute specific orders, you can sort of predict what a unit will do and in what order if you're familiar enough with the unit's composition, their chosen skills, and their loadout. The problem with the game is that these things are not very well explained to you and the battle system is insanely complicated. Then there is character progression which is easily the most confusing I have ever encountered in any game ever. There are literally 15-20 page long online guides dedicated to attempting to explain the character progression system in the game. Back when I played the game actively I spent many an hour trying to understand it. I failed.
  8. I finished The Detail. Pretty grim ending to a pretty grim game. I maybe could have gotten a better ending with some different choices, but I don't metagame choice driven games to get the "best" ending, I make my choices and deal with the consequences. I find the games more compelling that way. Overall, I enjoyed the game. Hopefully they do another season.
  9. I wonder how this will stack up against Chivalry, the current genre leader?
  10. Chorizo scrambled eggs for breakfast. Classic.
  11. I can't believe that's a Unity game
  12. The forecast calls for a 40% chance of bull**** with a chance of scattered frivolous lawsuits.
  13. I'm not a Blizzard fanboy, never have been, so I have no interest in this movie, since Warcraft lore means nothing to me. With that out of the way, for disclaimer purposes, I thought the trailer was awful. Never mind the fact that the dialogue in the trailer was cringeworthy, the female orc was nothing more than a woman painted green with hilariously bad plastic fangs (seriously, even a tiny bit of effort would be appreciated), and no effects I saw impessed me in even the slightest. I mean, I expected garbage acting and delivery, but I was hoping for at least cool effects and action, but, judging by the trailer, those are garbage too.
  14. Yes, I keep posting Iron Maiden songs. I'l keep doing it too MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (They have a ****load of awesome songs, that's what legendary bands do)
  15. For no reason whatsoever here's a gif of Kenny Omega kicking a 9 year old girl in the head: Japan: Where people are still allowed to have fun and can appreciate a good heel being good at his job and having fun instead of losing their **** over a fictional bad guy fictionally kicking a girl in a match where she whooped his ass for a good portion of it and nobody got hurt and everybody had fun. (As an aside, props to the girl for her sell on the enzuigiri) Kenny Omega is the best, here he is chainsawing a dude with his arm:
  16. What, you mean just because he's handsome, smart, educated, talented, a bonafide WWE superstar, and a YouTube celebrity?
  17. The Dubs season is RAPIDLY coming to an end. As I said before, I'm not saying they can't beat OKC 3 times in a row, if anyone can, they can, but holy **** is that a difficult ask, especially given than the Thunder are peaking at the exact right time, right now. I mean, on any given night you might get the Durant goes ape**** and drops 50 on 65% shooting night or the Westbrook actually hits his 3s and goes 32-10-12 night, and there are 3 chances for each of those. Also, It took Billy Donovan an entire season, but he seems to have figured out how to coach an NBA team, again, at just the right time. Dubs gotta dig real deep now. Edit: I said before this series started that OKC was the Dubs' greatest threat in the west (possibly their greatest threat period now). OKC can match Golden State's starpower man for man. Before the playoffs it seemed like GS had the edge as an overall team, but Ibaka got his groove back, Steven Adams has developed into a legit threat, and Andre Roberson is inexplicably hitting shots. OKC has the one man on the planet that can match Steph as a pure scorer and they are one of the few (maybe the only) more athletic teams in the entire league. When OKC is firing on all cylinders, they are nearly impossible to stop. The crazy thing is that they weren't even firing on all cylinders tonight. Neither Durant nor Russ shot well tonight and they still smoked the Dubs. When a team's 2 star players both have off shooting nights and they still trounce you... Yikes.
  18. KD, definitely. With Russ, you need to do some coaching. Russ is an amazing athlete and can go off, but he can also shoot your team out of the game. Overall, it's worth it since Russ's positives FAR outweigh his negatives, but you do have to reign him in sometimes.
  19. It's been 8 weeks now since I moved to Charlotte. I live in a MUCH nicer neighborhood than before, the weather is glorious, it's quiet, clean, my cost of living is slightly lower than in Hartford and I make significantly more money, plus I get along with everyone I work with, which is rare and a nice bonus. Too early to declare my move a rousing success, but so far so good. I think I'm going to make a trip to Hotlanta in the near future for a weekend and partake in its awesome nightlife. It's about a 3 1/2 hour drive. Not too bad and well worth it.
  20. The Dubs really need to win game 4. I'm not gonna say they can't beat OKC 3 times in a row, but that's a tall order.
  21. We had the close, exciting game in game 1 of the western conference finals, then 2 big time stomps by each team on their home floor. Hopefully we go back to close exciting games, I wanna see games where the 4th quarter means something.
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