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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. As usual, Ubi came strong with the cringe.
  2. Bethesda's presentation was pretty good, certainly far more enjoyable than EA's for me (admittedly, if I was into Madden or FIFA I would likely have been a lot more hyped for EA, since they spend like 2/3 of their time on those games). Prey looks really interesting, even if it seems like it's in no way connected to the original game bearing that name (I liked that game). Dishonored 2, well it looks like more Dishonored in a new setting (works for me), plus it has time-travel.
  3. Except they're not. That's completely false. Mass shootings have happened and continue to happen all over the world. In fact, if you take a ratio of mass shooting deaths compared to population, the US doesn't even make the top 5 (admittedly this chart doesn't include 2014, 2015, or 2016):
  4. [ ] Collect 20 Spaceroot [ ] Herd 12 Space Cattle [ ] Close 3 Space Rifts
  5. That would be nice. Much more likely it will lead to the polar opposite. Those with radical views will use this to further erode our already dwindling freedoms, meanwhile the terrorists will continue to hate and kill us just the same.
  6. Like I said, ***holes will use this to further their agendas and line their pockets.
  7. Here we go again. Next step, overreactions, finger pointing, and backlash against innocent people (we're probably already there). Then the next step after that is ***holes using this tragedy to further their own agendas and line their pocketbooks.
  8. Right now the game includes California, Nevada, and Arizona. The plan is to eventually include all 48 states of the continental (or contiguous) US. If ETS2 is anything to go by, some of it will be free updates (like Arizona was) and some will be part of a larger paid expansion. Maybe they'll add some of Canada and Mexico as well eventually, that would be cool. Cali has some really lovely coastal roads, but some of them are also rather narrow and windy, leading me to question what bit of lapse in judgement possessed me to drive a big rig on them.
  9. Jed's Hard Root Beer. It's not bad. Not something I'd drink regularly, but I can see myself drinking it once in a while. I wish they'd gone a bit heavier on the birch and eased off on the vanilla a bit, but otherwise the balance is pretty good.
  10. I imagine you would have appreciated a heads up.
  11. Home from a hard, long week of work. We were short handed so everybody was pulling extra weight (well, almost everybody). That's over now (until Monday) and I put in lots of overtime for another fat paycheck. The downside to working lots of overtime is that it shoots me into a higher tax bracket so I actually take home only a little bit more for several hours more of work and Uncle Sam takes a bigger cut. The upside is a bigger return come February. This weekend is supposed to be a scorcher (we might hit 100 on Sunday, which is unusual for June) so most of my outdoor stuff is going to happen in the morning or evening/night. During the day I'll be enjoying the comforts of central air conditioning.
  12. Tacking Loose: Perfect Sounds like a yacht racing game. I'm more than a little interested in playing that.
  13. Disclaimer: Trailer footage does not represent the quality of the final product.
  14. I'm playing SteamWorld Heist. It's a pretty damn good side-scrolling turn-based tactics game.
  15. The term "BioWare-style RPG" doesn't exactly make me reach for my wallet.
  16. It looks like a N64 game except with higher res graphics, which is exactly what I want it to be, so cool.
  17. Dubstep - check Slow Mo - check Catch phrases - check Yup, that was a trailer.
  18. Twice baked potatoes, onions steamed in butter on the grill, and chips with fresh homemade guacamole.
  19. I stared Sword Coast Legends: Rage of Demons. I've only played about an hour so far and haven't had a single battle yet (which is fine by me). Right now I'm investigating some thefts and getting involved in a Drow assassination plot.
  20. For me the ideal temperature is 73F (about 23C). I'm very happy with anything between 60 - 80F (16C - 27C).
  21. I finished Magrunner. Decent puzzle game. I'd put it behind The Talos Principle and Portal Stories Mel and ahead of Attractio as far as Portal-alikes go. Fairly good looking game with... acceptable voice acting. The story was nothing to write home about, but I did appreciate the Lovecraftian theme. The puzzles were generally decent, though a little easy for my liking. Portal Stories Mel and especially The Talos Principle had more challenging puzzles, which is partly why I rate those games higher (The Talos Principle had some truly devious puzzles).
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