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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. In CoD you are playing a role of a soldier so by this definitio it would also be an RPG In CoD you have no player agency. Heck, some of the time you can't even open doors, you have to wait for an AI squadmate to do it for you. You are guided down what's effectively a corridor moving from setpiece A to setpiece B (Ironically that also describes FF XIII) For me player agency is a key factor, though not the only one, in what makes a RPG. You have choices in how you build your character, how you respond to people, how to approach battle, how to approach obstcles, where to go, who to talk to, etc. You character's build, the first choice you make, ties into most, if not all, of the choices you make later, as it influences what is the path of least resistance for said character. Not all RPGs give you control over all these factors, but most give you control over some or many of them.
  2. When your team's best QB ever is Matt Schaub...
  3. I know for a fact that if some of my friends knew you were giving that (and the other horrible anime games) away, they would claim it specifically to gift to me to torture me in making me play it. However, because none of them are on here, I do not have to worry about such sick, twisted scenarios playing out. The match 3 gameplay in HuniePop is actually pretty doggone good. The game also has a great (and crude) sense of humor. And boobs. It has boobs. I know this from personal experience.
  4. Not to disparage Peyton's career, he's one of the greatest of all time, but let's not pretend like Peyton won SB 50 for the Broncos. Denver won that SB in spite of Peyton, not because of him. The defense won that SB. As an aside, I wonder if the Broncos will take a chance on Kaepernick. I wonder if he can be salvaged. One thing's for sure, he needs a change of scenery.
  5. Use imgur and use the BBCode link, like this: Then people can click the picture and it blows up to full size.
  6. That is one seriously uninspired announcer. Put some damn feeling into those lines.
  7. My issue with KotOR combat was that it was turn-based dressed up to look like real-time. They tried to get the best of both worlds and wound up with the worst of both worlds. It was combat that was neither real-time, nor a well structured and thought out turn-based. I really hate it when developers try to combine the 2 systems or mask one as the other. Just pick one or the other and focus on that. Making a hybrid almost never works out well.
  8. To each their own, I guess. I I thought the combat in KotOR wasn't just bad, it was horrendous.
  9. They lost Ramszes' keyboard. Again. Dude's keyboard was lost twice during the event. You can't make this stuff up.
  10. It would have been stupid for him to do anything else. It's obvious his body was breaking down. He got to go out Elway style, you can't do much better than that.
  11. M&B2 looks really good. I would have settled for just a prettier M&B, but it looks like they spruced up a bit other parts of the game too.
  12. I found Dead Island fun for the first few hours but it rapidly got very tedious. Much of the problem was with the level scaling of the zombies. You basically never made any progress in the game, everything depended on you having maxed out weapons for your level. It became a real slog, in my opinion. In Dying Light I think there is limited level scaling, but it's more about stronger types of enemies being the threat, regular zombies are a pushover unless in very large numbers. What makes Dying Light so much better for me is the focus on parkour. The game is much more about avoiding enemies and getting around quickly rather than slashing your way through a metric ****ton of zombies. I mean, you can still slash your way through a ****ton of zombies if you like, but the parkour lets you get out of dodge quickly. The best part is the night chases. At night crazy strong enemies come out. You can kill 1 or 2 of these, but they will MURDER you if you stick around too long. You need to run and get to safety but they're just as agile and fast as you. It's f'n intense. Edit: Another thing I like about Dying Light is the skill system. I call it the anti-Borderlands skill system. In Borderlands you level up a lot, but the level ups mean almost nothing as you generally get a 1% bonus to something in the skill tree. Whooptie doo. In Dying Light you level up less often, but you often acquire new abilities and skills that profoundly change how you play the game. There is a real feeling of "wow, I'm significantly stronger" after many level ups. Eventually you get the grappling hook, which is basically the cheat button, but you don't get it until late in the base game, so it doesn't bother me that it's such a ridiculous upgrade.
  13. It's a really good game, I highly recommend it. It's basically a significantly superior Dead Island with a larger focus on movement than combat.
  14. When devoid of zombies, the countryside looks beautiful Tolga & Fatin. I'm really glad they brought these 2 "geniuses" back for the expansion.
  15. One of the fears is that UWP will make it artificially difficult to port games outside the Microsoft ecosystem and if the system is closed, what's to stop Microsoft from doing exactly that? They could never make it impossible, but UWP could utilize unnecessary proprietary software that would make it that much harder for a developer to port their game to Vulkan or OpenGL or whatever in order to get their game on PS4, Wii U, Linux, Mac, iOS, Android, etc. This may seem paranoid except Microsoft has tried (with a good bit of success) to squash competing APIs before through a combination of FUD, misinformation, and strong-arm techniques, so there is precedent.
  16. Spectral Mike Tyson's Punchout Mike Tyson And you even get to play a Mike Tyson's Punchout mini-game
  17. We went through some of this in the Random Video Game News thread. Phil Spencer is saying the platform will be open and won't prevent developers from putting their game on other stores. You'll have to excuse me if I am suspicious and don't take Microsoft at their word until it's been shown that UWP is indeed open, I've head enough FUD and BS from Microsoft over the years to fill several memoirs. If nothing else, I am convinced that UWP is going to be used to try to put the kibosh on Vulkan, much the same way Microsoft successfully crippled OpenGL back in the day when they made the original XBOX and threatened to remove OpenGL support from Windows, forcing developers to use DirectX if they wanted to continue to put games on Windows. They never did actually remove OpenGL support, partially because several prominent developers called their bluff and refused to stop using OpenGL, but the scare tactic was enough to get a bunch of developers to drop OpenGL and move to DirectX. In fairness, after that Khronos didn't do OpenGL any favors when they scrapped plans to streamline OpenGL 3, like they originally planned and instead stapled more extensions onto the big pile of cruft OpenGL had become and DirectX 10 & 11 became much better APIs to work with than OpenGL 3.x and 4.x because they were so much cleaner. Still, it was largely the original scare tactic that kneecapped OpenGL at a time when OpenGL was the dominant API and DirectX was trying to became dominant.
  18. I mean, I hope what Phil Spencer is saying about UWP being open is true, but, as always with Microsoft...
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