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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. No, killed in an accident (whether that accident involved another person, was just a freak thing, act of nature, etc.) is perfectly acceptable and the way I would expect to hear it more often than not. Died in an accident is also acceptable and common, but in my experiences I tend to hear killed in an accident more often. Killed by heart attack or killed by heart failure I have heard plenty of times, though I agree that died of a heart attack is more common. These things will of course vary from region to region as people use somewhat different terminology in different parts of the world or even different parts of the country. The rule of thumb is that "killed" is commonly used when the death comes suddenly and unexpectedly.
  2. Yes. Killed implies there was a killer, but the killer does not have to be a person, it can be an object, a disease, etc. If you die of a heart attack you were killed by the heart attack. If you die by falling off a cliff you were killed by falling off a cliff. The only time you wouldn't use killed is if the death was expected (e.g. the person had a terminal disease, they were really old and their health was failing). In those cases, killed would still technically be correct (killed by old age), but people don't generally use it like that. If the death is something that's expected you'd generally say "He died of old age". To bring this back to video game, I was ironically discussing this about a game recently, The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy. You can tell the dialogue was translated by non-native English speakers (understandable for a small studio) because while all of it is technically correct, some of it is structured in a way that native speakers wouldn't say it like that. It's understandable that non-native speakers wouldn't get all the nuances of English. I'm sure it works the same way for other languages too.
  3. "Killed" is perfectly acceptable, in fact it's the proper term, when anyone dies unexpectedly, whether it's accidental or premeditated. Another person doesn't have to be involved. Whether a tree fell on them, someone shot them, or they were in a car and a drunk driver ran into them, killed is appropriate in all those circumstances.
  4. killed? i know it may be technically correct, that tree really wanted him dead but still... What word would you use besides killed? Killed doesn't imply that it was premeditated. You're thinking of "murdered".
  5. Pokemon Company International Creative Director killed in freak accident.
  6. Is this game going to be like Pillars or will it be fun?
  7. I got a bit of a Dark Sun vibe from the trailer.
  8. I'm going to start packing a few things today for my upcoming move to Charlotte *excited squealing*. The move isn't for a couple more weeks, so I'm only going to pack the things I am absolutely sure I won't use during that time. All the regular use items will get packed up the last week before I leave. I'm making an effort to clean out the fridge and freezer now too, and once I've used everything up I won't be buying any more food to make at home, I'll just eat at restaurants for a week or two. Everything that doesn't get used in the fridge or freezer (mostly condiments) goes in the trash. Any canned goods I don't use before the move I'll donate to a soup kitchen or whatever. No point in bringing any food along, I'll buy food when I get there. I'll also plan out a trip, probably over a weekend, to Boston to see my sister and visit beantown again before I move almost 1000 miles away. I haven't been to Boston in several years, so it will cool to see it again, though I don't look forward to driving there (to those that have never been in Boston, it's a maddening labyrinth of one way streets). I'll probably just park at my sister's place and take a bus or walk.
  9. add zero escape 1,2 and 3 to it and i'll be a happy man Also, 999.
  10. This. The brotastic adventures of Michael Thorton and Steven Heck would be awesome. I'd settle for a spin-off starring SIE.
  11. Also, the game is just really good. The character building system is very deep. There are so many different ways to go. The amount of viable builds is almost overwhelming. This is one of the games that really benefited from an extended stay in early access. Games like this need an extreme amount of iteration to dial in the skill and loot balance just right.
  12. With any luck, Spike Chunsoft will have Abstraction Games port V3 shortly after their PS4 and Vita releases.
  13. My guess is that devs want to make the final showdown spectacular and cinematic and the easiest way to do that is to just make a cutscene. They add in QTEs so as to have some interactivity. The problem is that QTEs are a piss poor substitute for actual gameplay. It is possible for QTEs to enhance gameplay. My best example of this is The Last Remnant, where you'd get QTEs sometimes during battle to trigger criticals or block an attack, you never knew when they would happen and the timing on them was always different, if you failed the QTE the battle would go on you just wouldn't get a special effect. This kept you on your toes throughout sometimes quite lengthy turn-based battles. However when the QTEs themselves are the only gameplay, that just plain sucks. It's such a cop out to just make a QTE battle rather than to make an actual engaging battle with real gameplay. I'm really glad Techland took the time and effort to make an actual engaging final encounter with actual gameplay this time around. It leaves me happy and satisfied at the end of the game instead of with a bad taste in my mouth.
  14. I finished the Dying Light: The Following main story. The final boss fight, what a night and day difference compared to the garbage QTE battle at the end of the base game. They learned from their mistake and this time delivered an actual battle, and a pretty fun one at that. I mean, it was frustrating at first when I was just getting my ass handed to me again and again, but once I figured out what needed to be done and learned the tells, it became manageable. Really, the entire final section I thought was well done. There was a part to test each of the skills you use throughout the game in the final push. That's pretty much all I can ask for. Overall, I feel it was a damn good expansion, absolutely worth the money. I'll still play the game from time to time. I have a couple more volatile hives to clear out, plus I just like hauling ass throughout the countryside in my buggy. They did a really good job making the buggy fun to drive.
  15. I figured out a sneaky way to clear out volatile hives in Dying Light: The Following. You can even do it during the day. First you need to find a zombie near the entrance of the hive, the closer the better. Any zombie will do, a garden variety biter is ideal since they're super easy to kill. Kill the zombie and use the camouflage skill to coat yourself in its entrails (hopefully you're eating while reading this). If you have any speed boost I'd recommend taking a swig of that too (honestly, speed boost is recommended for clearing out volatile hives even if you're doing it the old fashioned way) as time is of the essence. Now run into the hive. You need to keep an internal clock as camouflage runs out eventually, so if you think it's about to wear off then find the nearest biter, kill it, and reapply the camouflage. So long as you're camouflaged every zombie in the hive will ignore you; you can walk right up to a night hunter and look it in the eyes and it won't attack you. Obviously, if the camouflage wears off you're in deep ****, so you gotta make sure to keep applying it, but so long as you remain camouflaged you can clear those hives out at whatever time of the day you like.
  16. Final Score: DANGEROUS Your brand of evil is bold and invigorating, like a fresh cup of coffee that someone may or may not have spat in. You’re dangerous, and you like to let that out once in awhile -- it’ll keep the rest of these peons in line.
  17. Dying Light. I've now put 75 hours into this game, loved all of them minus the bogus "battle" at the end of the base game. The game is just really good. I could probably finish The Following storyline really soon, but I'm off doing side quests and just hauling ass around the countryside in my badass buggy. Now that I've upgraded it and increased my driving skills a good bit I rarely need to repair it so I'm not worried about doing ridiculous stunts that damage it. Catching air and smashing a biter in the face with the bumper is so worth it.
  18. EverQuest Next bites the dust This was the game that was supposed to redefine MMORPGs. So much for that.
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