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Everything posted by PrimeJunta

  1. Mostly they were, but that was in the beta. I would expect that savegame compatibility will be a high priority with post-release updates.
  2. Funny that, I'm kind of the opposite. I always drop any "exclusive items" I get at the nearest rubbish bin and pretend they don't exist. Gonna do this for the space piglet and whatnot as well.
  3. Eh, probably just an elder silver dragon and Holy Avenger sword. Nothing that would affect difficulty.
  4. IME with the BB, the priest is useful mostly when things go pear-shaped, in which case her heals can buy you enough time to fix your mistake. These situations are usually avoidable though; if you're regularly taking so much damage in combat that you need the priest, you're probably doing something wrong. So yeah it's doable. Suppress Affliction is probably the spell you'd miss the most, I think.
  5. Oh not this again. The Social Injustice Warriors out in full force. :headdesk:
  6. I wonder what's in it for GoG and Steam, though? I doubt they're distributing 70,000 odd copies for free.
  7. I know, it's unacceptable that server overload doesn't discriminate between customer payment tiers.
  8. My P:E on GoG lists absolutely nothing. This is an outrage! (Srsly though, I'd expect the stuff to show before we can actually play it. Not that I'm impatient or anything...)
  10. Huh, I didn't even notice the profanity in Dragonfall. Guess it says something about the people I hang out with. In any case, P:E does have some fairly salty language. Also lots of violence and references to sex, rape, and incest, this just in the BB. So if you don't want that kind of thing in your games it's probably better to play something else. Or wait for someone to bowdlerize it in a mod. I'm sure that's gonna happen pretty quickly. Isn't there even a site specifically for chastity mods of various games?
  11. Seems pretty unknown at this point. There is a difference between cruel or aggressive dialogue and actually being able to betray a happy little village to the bandits outside of town, actually sell someone off into slavery rather than just threatening to kick them around, and so on. And I think the line needs to be crossed into actually doing things rather than snippy little dialogue options for it to mean anything at all. Then again, I'm completely unspoiled when it comes to story things, and will happily remain so. It was possible to do some pretty unsavory stuff in the Blood Legacy quest at least. Also, re "since PS:T," Mask of the Betrayer. Hands-down best "evil" path since, well, PS:T. After all these years I still feel dirty for actually having played it, and even I didn't have the heart to murder all my companions for my own aggrandizement.
  12. Finally had time to watch the video. :salute: That is all. Edit: Not quite all actually. Thank you for teaching me to play IWD and, eventually, BG2 properly, what with all the rest of the stuff you were doing. I think I may even be finally coming around regarding engagement. Maybe. We'll see after I'm done with P:E.
  13. (1) Difficulty: Based on the BB, I'd say it's in the same ballpark as the IE games. You can't just sleepwalk through even on Easy; you do have to pay attention to what the rules are and how things work. However, it ain't rocket science, and the rules are much more transparent than AD&D. But it's definitely harder than most games these days. (2) No pre-order bonuses in the BB. (3) Spells are per-rest. They said previously that at higher levels low-level per-rest spells become per-encounter, but I'm not sure if that's still true. Additionally there are some spell-like per-encounter abilities.
  14. Myth I and II were brilliant. Myth III was disappointing though. Soulblighter was the best of the three. Loved those suicidal gunpowder dwarves.
  15. I too am very upset about something or other. Just wanted to throw that out there.
  16. Yes and no. There aren't "hard-coded" spell combos but there are spell synergies: for example, if you're attacking enemies with high Reflex, it pays to hit them with a spell that attacks Will and debuffs Reflex as a side effect, and then hit them with a Fireball which attacks Reflex. edit: ninja'ed
  17. No offence, friend, but you're coming across as awfully entitled here. Sensuki's put a lot of work into these videos and many people prefer them to text. If you want a text guide, there's nothing stopping you from writing one. I'm sure someone will sooner or later, and probably sooner. (FWIW I prefer text as well, but that's neither here nor there.)
  18. You can always be a mensch and transcribe it yourself, then post it for the benefit of others, y'know.
  19. I have an irrational dislike for using cheats as well, even to work around game-breaking bugs, so I sympathize. Well, with that part anyway. Rest-spamming not so much. I'm actually kind of mad that the BG's allowed rest-spamming (and a number of other fairly obvious degenerate strategies), because that taught me to play the game wrong. I was just clever enough to figure out the obvious exploits, and then I stuck with them because they worked, rather than exploring the system to find a more fun and more efficient way to play. If the games had had limited resting, I would have had to do more work to figure out how to best use spells, how to get the AI to target your tank, how to backstab, and so on and so forth. Because it didn't I could just save-spam and rest-spam my way through the tough fights which made them feel like unpleasant chores rather than fun challenges. It's only lately, thanks to Sensuki, Stun, and a number of other grogs here that I've seen the light and learned what the hey these games really are all about. (Rather to my horror I'm finding that I might even actually ... dislike ... engagement. There, I said it. You guys have corrupted my soul.)
  20. No but it's easy to mod the camping supplies limit to 99999. There's already a mod for this in the BB, made specially for @Gfted1's benefit. I rather doubt it's going to be changed in the official version though, as the balance of per-rest and per-encounter abilities and the health/endurance mechanic is based around limited resting. It would throw the entire game balance out of whack, effectively turning everything into per-encounter abilities. It will make the game a great deal easier. I would suggest you explore the other ways to control game difficulty before changing something this fundamental. PS. You can't turn off friendly fire either. Just in case you're curious.
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