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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. I was asking a question in general whether it contains kiting or not. Regardless who I quoted. Since there was quite a few posts between my posts about bullfighting, it was necessary to keep the discussion in context by quoting Fatback. The fact that you then responded immediately after my post suggests you were referring to my post. Otherwise why immediately respond after mine? Why not respond earlier? No, you were basically referencing my post even though you didn't quote it. I then responded by asking the same question to you. And you dodged and weaved and you're still dodging and weaving with this response. It doesn't just contain the act of dodging and counter-attacking. There's more to bull fighting than those two things. There's also the tactic of using the cape to misdirect the bull. The same tactic can be used in a crpg by a solo player to use something to misdirect the enemy while the player continues to move and damage the enemy from a distance. The Matador will also continue to move away to keep a certain distance from the bull. They don't just stand there and dodge. They often move back to keep their distance as can be the case in a crpg. I can see similarities with kiting a bull, regardless of whether the bull is intelligent or not. It's not about the bull's intelligence, but the act itself.
  2. I'm not asking what's more or if it's torture or if you're using other tactics or anything else you want to include. I'm asking does it still contain the act of kiting? Yes or No.
  3. Bullfighting. Matadors encountering a hostile bull, utilising their arguably superior move and dodge speed and ranged attack rate to slowly whittle it to death while just avoiding ever being actually attacked by it. And I'm sure there are examples of real life hunting examples where hunters used kiting techniques.
  4. I seriously doubt there will be any delays with releasing the game when we've had multiple Obsidian employees including Feargus himself state the game will be released this year.
  5. Jagged Alliance 2 is part of a sub-genre of RPGs called Tactical Role Playing Games. Much Like Shadowrun Returns and Wasteland 2 that's already been mentioned. It's not a game I automatically refer to as a RPG either. But when looking at similar games in this sub-genre, I can see its inclusion.
  6. Hang on. You say there were a few exceptions. You just made my point. Women can get into combat roles. And there weren't women hacking away with swords? History says otherwise. Read up on stuff like Celtic women and Shieldmaidens. There are other historical records that show women have been in battle through the centuries. And the analogy is just plain silly. Professional footballers against cheerleaders? You couldn't get a worse analogy if you tried.
  7. I'm sure Governments at the time when they locked away dissidents thought the same way too.
  8. No. There's a minimum bar you need to meet to get into a combat role. There would no doubt be many women who could get in but for different reasons choose not to. It's not that they are physically unable to do so, they may have other reasons not to apply. And it's not about being one of the strongest women, it's about meeting a minimum bar to get in. Also, the article I linked is a year old and was only reported three months after the ban was lifted. So it's not surprising only 20 women applied at the time. Sure, if you get the strongest woman and the strongest man, and test both. No doubt the man will win. But this is not about seeing who is the strongest. It's about who can fit a combat role. And there would be many women who could do it. It's just many women choose not to even if they're physically able to. And that was my overall point. Women can and do fit into combat roles, it's just that most women choose not to for their own reasons.
  9. Actually, women are allowed on the front lines. Also history has recorded that women have served on the front lines over the centuries. Also, I know from personal training that there are women who can run rings around the men. There's one woman from the Army in our boot camp sessions that's like a machine. You wouldn't think it if you saw her.
  10. Seriously. Using the word 'female' is creepy? That's a new one for me. I've never heard that before. Can you elaborate on this? Why is it creepy? Where does this creepiness come from? And does it also apply to the word 'male' as well? I just find it a little odd.
  11. I prefer the IE games with their spell effects. The only thing I was never sure was if my party members were close enough or out of range if they were spread out. I do like the circle idea of knowing if your party members are in the circle and (it seems to me) the spell effects in the PoE videos are a little excessive. The IE games had effects like your characters glowing after the spell was cast. Some effects lasted longer than others. In the videos, your characters don't glow afterwards. I wonder if they're going to show your characters glowing with different effects in the game.
  12. I think it speaks volumes that more than 1/2 the games listed were released last century. At least to me anyway.
  13. I wasn't responding to you Chris. I was making a general observation. Some people are quoting games like Chrono Trigger. This thread is about PC games.
  14. It seems some people have missed the part that this is for PC games. Not sure why people are mentioning console games. If it was a list of all time RPGs, then yeah, I can understand including consoles games in the list.
  15. Even Australians don't drink Fosters. That's why we export that ****.
  16. I'm fairly sure guns have been mentioned in previous updates. They're primitive. And will apparently be balanced in such a way that they won't overpower other weapon types. Inaccurate and very slow rate of fire. Update 10 has Cadegund's portrait with the gun. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/obsidian/project-eternity/posts/317536 Would have been good to see an updated portrait of her in this update.
  17. It's a D&D 4th ed / MMO reference. In 4th ed, you have four roles; Strikers, Leaders, Controllers and Defenders. PoE is taking the four roles from these type of systems.
  18. With the voices in the videos. Does this mean Obsidian has now hired the voice over talent and a lot of the voice over work is done? Be interested know how the VO work has gone and how much is completed.
  19. I haven't played D3 or any games for a week now. Life and stuff at the moment. Will get back into D3 by the weekend though.
  20. Okay. So it's a personal definition and nothing from a dictionary. I'll have to remember in future when discussing and debating on forums to make my own personal definitions, not tell anyone the criteria that fits into that definition and argue from that point.
  21. I've made it a point a few years ago that I don't buy games unless I play and finish them. So now I usually only buy one game per year. The only game I've bought this year was D3:RoS. I can't see myself buying anything else and I've found I usually buy one game a year now. This has helped with playing the back log of games that I bought 10-15 years ago. Even if I spend the next 20 years playing the back log of games, I still won't be able to play and finish them all. It's great that I have so much entertainment for years to come and it will be all new to me. So the new games (being released) I'll be playing next will be Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity. As far as new games for me in my backlog, I'll probably be taking out some rts games. I'd like to get around to playing Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds and Empire at War.
  22. Sounds like if something doesn't fit your own personal multiple criteria, it's not a revolution. At least that's how your post comes across.
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