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Everything posted by Rosveen

  1. He isn't troubled. He's lived with Iselmyr for decades, he's used to her. And I think he secretly is relieved by her spontaneous actions - yes, she's annoying and gets him in trouble sometimes, but she also solves the big problems he can't deal with himself (because he has no spine).
  2. Perhaps the brain influences the soul, the shape it takes for the duration of this life. It takes one appropriate form and can't be easily molded into another. That's why souls ripped from animals did not work properly in human children. Maybe they can be manipulated to fit better, but animancy is too young a science to know how to do this. Maybe if they were intercepted before bonding with the animal, they would be more useful. Or maybe not. There is still a question of why Thaos didn't steal animal souls instead. If my first guess is true, souls of human infants - even fetuses - might be more valuable or powerful in a way. But I thought the souls were taken before entering bodies at all? Or were they whisked away as soon as they bonded with a living being?
  3. You haven't been to Australia have you? People do this to me all the time. Happens in Austria too. Just today I happened to have such a lovely conversation on the street. Not directed at me, but about a common experience we shared. Choice words were used. Never said it doesn't ever happen. I said it doesn't make sense and normal people don't act that way. It's a pretty good way to get punched in the mouth or even worse.So you're telling me your polite and well-mannered companions who dislike foul language are eager and willing to assault a complete stranger on the street? You live in an interesting place.
  4. Ashfall—Still one of the more contested territories in Dyrwood, Ashfall was the site of the War of Black Trees. Its eastern border shifts with pressure from Glanfathans and the boldness of settlers and explorers. The Abbey of the Cloven Wheel is technically part of Ashfall but the monks have never sworn fealty to any sovereign. All I've got. *shrug* I don't remember in-game info, but it was mentioned somewhere, I think. Maybe someone else has the quote.
  5. I see where you're coming from, but I still wouldn't take a companion on an 60+ hours journey with me only because of a quest that isn't even related to this journey and takes a couple of hours max to complete if you count the Endless Paths before Kana's level. Outside of Od Nua, his quest doesn't matter. Not even thematically, compared to Durance's divine and historical lore exposition or Sagani's insight into what happens to souls in the cycle of rebirth. Now, does Kana himself offer interesting insight? I admit I have no idea because like I said, I left him at the stronghold (not because of his quest or personality, I simply dislike chanters as a class). But considering this, I think the question shouldn't really be about the companions' quests, but rather about their general involvement - precisely because most of the quests are a very small part of the game, so what do you do with these people when you're not on their quests?
  6. I don't know why some of you mention Kana. The story is okay, but the quest itself is very short and you don't even need to keep Kana in your party. I left him at the stronghold as soon as I could and picked him up only to take him to that quest-related room. Eder is the best companion, keep him regardless of quest (which is also great). Durance and the Grieving Mother have quests requiring you to talk to them often after resting, so if you want to do them, it's best to keep them both in your party. The GM has quite a lot of interjections in other quests as well. Aloth's quests requires visiting a place that becomes inaccessible at one point, so it might be a good idea to keep him too so you don't accidentally miss it. Kana, Pallegina, Sagani and Hiravias all have quests that just require going to a specific place (or places), so I don't think it's worth keeping any these companions only for their quest if you don't like their personality. Kana's and Pallegina's are particularly short, but I enjoyed the other two. I would recommend Eder and Durance, the third companion being whoever you feel fits your party best. But it's important to note that Durance has an abrasive personality, so you might prefer someone else instead.
  7. You know, I'm perfectly fine without romances, but you all have some awfully unconvincing reasons for their exclusion.
  8. Compared to other games it felt rather important. Looking at Skyrim's totally inconsequential Dragon Born here. In my opinion you also have to look at what they managed with a rather smallish budget compared ot other titles virtually burning money in their development. Of course all your choices and your personality could have more of an impact, but apart from D:OS I fail to name even one title that managed more than scratching the surface of character development and the world reacting to the player. The sad fact is that within the last five or six years we've had only hack and slash and sandbox to choose from. Could you explain how you would have wanted it resolved in Skyrim? The way I play these games, the disconnection between the main quest and other questlines is actually a huge plus. I almost always ignore the main quest, which is a perfectly viable playstyle, but I'm always forced into at least starting it, so if being a Dragonborn strongly tied into other quests, I'd never be able to play as if I wasn't one. Don't get me wrong, I'd love more reactiveness in TES games - but to my actions and choices, not to a pre-determined role I have no interest in. Knowing Bethesda, I'd have no say in the matter, so I'd rather take little importance of my dragon soul than the alternative.
  9. The strange thing is that being a Watcher didn't affect much. A few quests here and there, but nothing really memorable except maybe the Sanitarium. The story with Thaos was all about being Awakened instead - and some pressure of going mad from Watcher+Awakened combination, I suppose, but the game failed to present it convincingly, so again, it didn't feel important.
  10. You can't get out of this because that would be cheating. Stick to your philosophy, die valiantly and start a new game. Maybe next time rethink that plan of no saving?
  11. I don't remember this particular battle (is it when you try to storm the keep head on?), but would it be possible to move your team back to the cart, creating a kind of a chokepoint there? The way you're positioned, almost everyone got engaged in melee. Aloth especially can't take it. What class is your PC (not the ranger, the other one)? Looks sturdy from the endurance value, might work well as a frontliner with Eder.
  12. But that's not our fault! Using the default font is common courtesy. I'm not angry about it, mind you. Now that I've seen it in the full version, it looks like an honest mistake (often happens when people copy-paste, for example). It'd just be nice if everyone remembered about proper formatting.
  13. I won't lie, I would gladly stuff Aloth somewhere in the back of his head and keep Iselmyr in my team instead. She's much more fun and actually has a spine.
  14. I'm on the mobile version, Luckmann. Try reading light azure on white.
  15. No, fortunately it isn't Baldurs Gate system anymore From all the info I gathered being able to read high level scrolls is really important later-on against foes like Adra Dragon. In case of priest ofc. Classes with more offensive spells often don't need Wisdom at all. You misunderstood. You repeatedly said Wisdom when you meant Lore in your post.
  16. Is there any particular reason why you're writing in a font invisible on the forum background?
  17. But she had a custom portrait with a pistol and all. Nope, that's the only way I could go.
  18. I'm a swashbuckler in a feathered hat, it'll be a pistol as my firearm or it'll be nothing.
  19. Why not Aloth, though? He isn't that bad. Well, I mean, he's my least favorite character, but he isn't as obviously unviable choice as some of the others. I'm sure there are some people who like him... right?
  20. You'll romance Durance, and you'll like it. And if I hear any complaining, you'll get downgraded to Anomen. I'll take Anomen. He doesn't look half bad, so I can gag him and tie him up to make him sufferable, while Durance has absolutely no attractive qualities whatsoever.
  21. They probably forgot about the five people who bought the game through the App Store.
  22. How do we define death, though? What does it mean for a soul? Being erased completely? Being shattered into so many pieces no coherent memories of the previous lives exist? Even if Eothas was truly shattered, but parts of his oversoul remain, does Eothas still exist or are we dealing with new entities?
  23. Fair enough. Maybe they can't be killed... But can be defeated. Altered. That much we know.
  24. That's swearing. A profanity is a word considered vulgar, obscene or offensive - even when it has a very specific meaning instead of being just a disconnected expression of strong emotions. You could make a case for the other word you describe not being a swear word if used in a historical context. For example, if you find it in a book written back when it wasn't considered vulgar. And in fact, there are such words in the English language. But Eora isn't England, so when modern English is used, we read as just that: modern, where "****" is a profanity. edit: See, even the forum censor considers it offensive.
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