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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. No. Unless you haev a good, sensible, in-universe reason why someoen can't do X, then you should never dissalow it. Anyone can taunt. Aynone can cause a critical (it's the definition of a Lucky Blow). Even the fumbliest of mages. Let's just make one Class and one Race that is everything in one go, right? Is that what you are suggesting? The dashing Rogue is often and fondly known as the "clown" in many RPG's and stories generally, the one who taunts only to **** his pants running away from an angry mob of taunted Mummy's or whatnot. What? What are you babblling about? How the hell did you get that idea? Did you even read what I wrote?
  2. BOTH. People are notoriously bad at restricting themslves; and the best way to resist temptation is to avoid it altogether. If it's there it will be abused, so a well-designed game shouldn't be easy to abuse.
  3. Cipher? Pfffft... They can't hold a candle to the awesome that is a PALADIN.
  4. I miss some of those old gaems. I still remeber Thunderscape...God, I feel old....
  5. Me and the OP obviously have wildly different tastes as to what makes a good setting/world/story... Obviously ID and PST are VERY different in terms of feel, atmosphere, design and the world. And guess which one I like better? It's the one you don't.
  6. DM and many players often intepret many of the rules (and aligment) too rigidly, thus basicly forcing paladin players to be...dull.
  7. It probably takes years of punching trees too be able to punch like that. Batman can kick a tree down. Cause he's Batman!
  8. No. Unless you haev a good, sensible, in-universe reason why someoen can't do X, then you should never dissalow it. Anyone can taunt. Aynone can cause a critical (it's the definition of a Lucky Blow). Even the fumbliest of mages.
  9. One D&D rules variant had called shots. Now normally, any swordsman would tell you that you go for the torso/head and NOT arms or legs. They are too hard to hit. So by default your attacks would be directed at the torso and head. Now there is a VERY SMALL chance you might get in a hit on the hands or legs during the enemies attempt to block or shuffle. So something like: 70% chance to hit the torso 10% chacne to hit head 5% chance to for each arm or leg Called shot gives a 50% (100% for torso) chance that once a to-hit roll is made, the area you targeted will be hit, but it decreases your overall to-hit and defense (since you are focusing on hitting something specific) Then depending on what was crited, a different penaly can be allplied. Or it can all be randomized.
  10. Just so we are celar on this...usually when people say "rest" they mean "8 hours of sleep"...which is not the same as taking a 5 minute stop and resting to catch your breath. For normal resting (taking a 5-minute breather) no bottun is necessary. The fatigue just goes up to whatever the current max is fast anyway (faster if you stand still). So if your fatigue was 30/60, after a battle it would quickly return to 60/60 (or even during a battle if your character chooses to not move then) But only sleeping restores your max fatigue to 100/100. Now how do you avoid abuse? - dissalow sleeping in certain areas (too dangerous)..or allow it, but have the party jumped by some really nasty things if they do. - have saves only possible in camps/inns (prevents save scumming) - people generally cannot sleep on command, fatigue must be at 25% or lower before you can sleep. - some kind of penalites for taking too much time or resting too much (could be anything from some changes in the dungeon to wahtever)
  11. Thet system was garbage. There was no attrition. Dungeon exploring was too dull. Compare that a D&D dungen crawl where you are trapped in the dungeon and have to escape. And you can't rest everywhere either! Suddenly every fight is taken very seriously, as you have to conserve resources. You cannot get that feeling back with everything regenerating instantly.
  12. They already have a great purpose. It's called scouting/traps/items and tactical mobility. Frankly, I think the biggest thing that is huring CRPG's is the abiltiy to save/load everywhere. It utterly kills suspense and promts peopel to act far more reckless than they normally would. Why scout with the rogue when you can just barge into the room, see who is in there and reload if hte battle looks too tough? Why bother with traps - you can reload from just outside the room
  13. Why wouldn't you want a thief in your party? Those guys are skill masters, smooth talkers, can do a helluva lot of stuff and are very usefull in combat. Seriously, my thief in ToEE ROCKS. From all the traps, caltrops, smokebombs, and all kinds of magical items they can use, an ungodly tumble score which lets them have battlefield mobility, and scouting ability. Eitehr you people don't play them right or you just barge into rooms without any planing (which incidently also means you aren't playing them right).
  14. I'm goign to poitn toward Jagged Alliance 2 again, as a game with a huge party, a fatigue system, resting AND sleeping, learn-by-ding and being UBER-AMAZING.
  15. Think of rogues being trained as pseudo-assassins. Not trained to fight in pitched battles. While technically the assassin class was separate in D&D, that was just because it had magic and poison use. Still don't make no sense. Do assasing magicly get extra damage? Wht is it that an assasin has to justifies it? Again, anatomy knowledge isn't special. Backstabing is going to be deadly no matter who does it..becasue you know..it's unexpected...from the back. Where your lungs and spine are. Beefier attacks? Frankly I think HP should be normalized and dependant on attributeds, not tied to class. Then you have more survivable mages and rogues. Rogues are skill masters, usefull in so many ways AND decent in combat. Seriously, what more do they need? Why are they being constatnly pushed into a more combat-oriented role?
  16. Additions: - you can choose how long you want to rest. If you just want to sleep for two hours, so be it. But it will only resotre your fatigue/spells partially. - a specific period of time has to pass before you can rest again AND/OR your entire party has to be fatigued (which will usualyl happen if htere is a fatigue system, sime passage oftime erodes fatigue) - you cannot go on forever with just short 2-3 hour sleeping bouts. Eventually you will need a full 8 hours (or more) sleep.
  17. Critical hits - depends on WHERE you hit the enemy (or the enemy hits you) Hit on the head could cause stunning. Hit on the arm coudl cause a weapon drop, etc... Critical miss - random result. Ranging from leaving yourself open (reduced defense for next enemy attack) to worse. Nothing negative happning would also be a possible result (simulating that you managed to recover in the lat second)
  18. So..you're telling me that fighters - poeple who spend their lives dedicated to combat and killing - don't know the human anatomy and vital areas of the human body... And rogues, who mostly hide and use skills and generally avoid combat - do. O.K. ... o.k. That makes sense...somehow... in the bizzaro universe.
  19. Can't edit the threat title I'm afraid. I hate it when this happens. Typos..my immortal enemy! MEh..don't care anymore. Grammar Natzi's can burn in hell for all I care.
  20. No, see, this just proves you don't particularly care for any sort of real discussion. That is fine, just be honest with yourself. No, what it proves is that you don't know anything, nor do you care to employ your grey cells. I'm all for discussions, but I don't waste my time on discussing things like "it water wet?" Wrong. Reast means something. Because in itself it offers a lot of POTENTIAL for added strategic and teactical additions and impacts. Goign to the bathroom does not (unless you want to make a crapping mini-game, but I don't see how that would have any impact on the adventure as a whole) Yes it is. Because one addition makes sense and adds itneresting posibilities, and other doesn't. It isn't necessary. Traveling from city to city is pretty much a time skip (with a probabiltiy of chance encounter), usually along well-treaded roads. Not much of interest happening. Camping/resting for long trips is taken for granted.
  21. This is, in real life swordfighting, duelists change the stance constantly. It makes as much sense as directing each sword blow. I really see no need for more than the standard ToEE options..except maybe the agression level (so in addition to fight defensively, you have fight offensively). That is the only way for the whole thing to have more sense, as there are stances that are aimed more toward waiting for the enemy and then counterattacking and stances that are aimed more at you striking first. Eitehr way, sword combat should be less like Star Wars twilring/dancing.
  22. From the last update it sounds to me like rogues will be DPS again. I always hated that concept, as it rarely made any sense. Why should rogues be DPS? Why do they get backstab and extra damage, and others don't? There never was any sensible reason or explanation for it. The first thing I'd do is remove the rouges backstabbing special power. Anyone coming from behind would get a bonus to hit and increased chance of critical. Fighter, mage, cleric - doesn't matter. The rogues role isn't DPS. It's skills. And also support. Even without a special backstabing power, the rogues flexiblity and reflexes allow him to flank opponents and move around the battlefield (tumble, evasion) - being at the right place at the right time. He's a pebble stat starts the avalanche (of enemy defeat) so to speak....he tips the scales in your favor. Thats without taking into acount all the other thing a rogue provides to the party. A rouge needs no backstabbing.
  23. Good for you. The first thing I'll do is make a Monk-be-gone mod.
  24. I like Paladins. They are my favorite D&D class. I also loved DAO Templars. PALADINS PALADINS!!!! CARDGAMES ON MOTORCYCL- ... wait.. let me try again .. PALADINS!!!! http://www.elfwood.c.../paladin_01.jpg http://www.paperspen...68961166224.jpg
  25. Don't like the kung-fu concept really. It always felt wrong for a medieval fantasy setting. Also, if you can puch trough armor with fists, what's the point of armor and weaposn to begin with?
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