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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. Have I said that? Because I'm damn sure I didn't. I said that I'm not interested because I already read dozens of articles like that before. It's no new information. The interent is full of articels stating X and articels stating counter-X. I am long past the phase of accepting a linked article or study as proof by default, since I can easily dig up articles and studies sayign the opposite - and this is especially true in mathers of psychology and statistics. Make me do his work? What work? Claiming victory in a discussion by fiat is the lowest and worst possible form of debating ever. Not that even wish to go into a long debate on tis subject, but I seriosuly hope that is not what you are implying. Becase last time I checked, I don't have any obligation towards anyone to meet their expectations in my posts.
  2. Fond memories.... Lodoss War OVA was great. That saind, anyone watch Tytania? It's slow-paced, but good.
  3. Good for you. Contempt? Insulated thinking? So because I'm not strolling across the flower fields happily embracing anyone who talks to me from above like I'm some uneducated child, I'm "insulated"? Because I don't immediately agree with someones theories, I'm "refusing to even cosider it"? Must be nice in strawman land. Heveans forbid anyone even dares to contemplate different possibilities.
  4. Players hoard potions because they are saving them for "hard fights" and don't want to use them. The problem is, since they can always re-load and try the fight again untill the dice roll i ntheir favor, at no point do they really NEED those potions, hence they end up never using them. Potions expiring if not used would - in theory - have hte effect of people using them more often, out of sheer practicality. The same instinct that drives the hoarding mentaltiy and gambling, also drives this.
  5. There are 3 kinds of lies: Lied, damn lies and statistics. Keep that in mind folks. Of course it won't. That statement is kinda redundant. Regardless if people believe in objective or subjective morality, they have one thing in common - they all belive that their morality is the "right" one.
  6. You can keep your articles Bruce, I'm not interested. I don't need a lesson. Rape is about sex. Not saying there isn't an element of power, because obviously in order to rape one msut overpower the victim. But rape cannot happen wihout sex. It is the prime action. Anyone who sez otherwise is delluding themselves. Then again, we all have our theories we want to push as the Ultimate Truth It's not a problem specific to Disney OR women. Showbuisness, marketing, captialism, greed and desire for fame and fortune. Toddlers and Tiaras anyone? Fame and showbuisness destroys people on a regular basis. It just does worse damage to kids.
  7. A am dissapoint. I show a spiffy new AR and no one seems to notice.
  8. Time is a resource. Time is a thing of great value in Real Life and something any advanturer SHOULD keep a mind on. Especially in combat and world-changing scenarios. Maybe some people want to explore the countryside and wander around. And I get it. It's nice. But you do it when you dont' have time-sensitive quests. Nothing ruins immersion more than "Hurry! You must save us. The ogres are burning our town!" You: Ok. *goes off in the opposute direction, picks flowers, does some quests. Returns 2 weeks later. Town is still in one piece.*
  9. Peopel from different cultures can have diffeent views? How is that surprising? Also, rape IS about sex. TI's the entire point. If rape was just about power, than anyone who is abusing his power over you is raping you.
  10. Mmmm, that is an interesting view but the article for me talks about the word "yes" as being what is important . In other words if a very drunk girl says " yes lets have sex" then the next day says she was raped the guy shouldn't be charged. But we also need to use our common sense. In all my years of partying myself and anyone I know have known has never been accused of rape as it is obvious when it is appropriate to proceed to the next level of the physical relationship. So I don't see the law as unreasonable or someone effecting our ability to have sex whether we are drunk or not? If both people had sex and no one said anything - then there is no "blame" to be cast. If both got drunk - both are to blame. If you got so drunk you cannot even rememebr if you said yes or no - you are both to blame.
  11. I question each ean every internet article that claims something. I have run into far too many "studies" that ended up being total crap. Call me a cynic. That doesn't mean that there is isn't a problem or that those reports couldn't be true. Violence and rape and abuse are very real problems. But these days, I'm not so sure where lines are drawn. It seems so arbitrary. Humans in general tend to guilt-trip, pressure and "bully" others in soft and hard ways to do stuff. How do people around you, how does society get you to behave how they want? By essentially mobbing.
  12. http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2013/05/06/hs-produkt-vhs-2-assault-rifle/ That is all
  13. Personally, I'd want to see greatsword USED as greatswords. Slashing AND thrusting. Half-swording. Alos, I don't wanto t see arrows that are magicly super-effective against armor for "balance". Hell no.
  14. Various cakes. Because why not?
  15. Where are proportions aout of whack? BG1 and BG2 are almost identical in style, the difference being mostly darkness...and BG2 trying to make elves more exotic looking. BG1 portraits seems to have a more "plain" design. BG2 does have a bit lighter, washed-out feel to it. But I can't say it's bad or good per say. Stylistic choice.
  16. I'm not falking about Floaters flying. I'm talking abotu the game spawning suddenly a pack of mutons (with full move and action) right behind you.
  17. Why? Aside the fact that the history and political climate means Kossiths are not only distrusted, but them gaining a position of such pwoer and influence as a Inquisitor would NOT go well. Immagine a ex-natzi leading an army loyal to him to "free" france from its' civil war. That would go over soooo well. And IIRC; a Kossith wasn't even supposed to be a playabale race initially. That would mena this feature was tacked on due to popular demand. And tacked-on features in general tend to suck. To put it simply, a "one size fits all" approach just doesn't cut it when the races are so different. Each race would practicly need it's own game.
  18. You. No way you're brining down a bear with an arrmor...well, MAYBE if you hit it in the eye socket. Good luck managing that shot. A spiked morningstar would turn a bears (or anyone's for that matter) brain into jelly. With a zweihander, you can sqewer even a bear if you take advantage of hte reach. You are going to hit the bear first and make a Bif Friggin Wound. Fun is subjective. To me, weapons behaving differetnly and having different strengths and weakneses that don't feel fake is more fun than a million "perfectly balanced" weapons raging from dagger +1 to dagger of death +1000. I'm not a general fan of scaling - especially for wepons. EDIT: Why would fighters have poor Reflex defenses? A fighter would have to be agile and have good reflexes, otherwise he would be dead. Or are we talking this specific case, with a fighter with a big shield. Because I can totally see shield reducing reflexes - after all, brining the shild up reduces your own vision and the shields are heavy, thus lowering your reaction time.
  19. No. A roman turtle formation would make bows useless. Agincourt was won because of terrain, where french heavy knight and infantry were quite literlay stuck in the mud and were basicly trampling and suffocating eachother to death. The bow played an insignificant part. And you are still comparing the aplication of bows in large-scale battles and bows in personal use. In orders for bows to be usefull in army warfare, you had to use them en-masse, because they were inprecise. Nah...far smaller wound and less bleeding, as the blade is pulled out, the arrow remains in. Replace baseball bad with morningstar or zweihander. Then ask the question again.
  20. A book can too, either way it's dead trees doing magic because stuff. Or more specifically because they wanted an excuse to give mages a weapon slot item. IIRC; it has to do with the shape, not material. The mage who discovered that principle by accident, used a sausage and noticed it was easier to focus the spell. Either way, I find a giant, floating book silly. Both conceptually and in how it doesn't fit the world. We are talking abotu a world where flying/floating magic is unknown. MAGIC does not make everything equal.
  21. Red Templars..with red Lyrium? *THE* red lyrium with only a tiny fragment known to exist and only found in the DEEP ROADS? Main badguys? Quanri Inquisitor? WAT?
  22. Frankly, I don't think archers should be powerfull at all. Out in the open, at range - IF they hit you - yes, devastating. But in-doors, in closed, confined spaces? Agaisnt opponents in plate? With shields? They should be butchered. I dont' want to see over-specialized archers. I want an archer without good skills with a melee weapon to be dead.
  23. Saying that BG1 portraits are all objectively better is silly. By what metric are they "better"? They loo kvery similar in fact, with BG1 being somehwat darker. The most messed up BG2 portraits are the elves, as they tried to give all of them slanted eyes and puckered lips and they messed up with the perspective a bit there.
  24. It's a matter of preference and chosen style and atmosphere. Also BG2 Imone >>> BG1 Imoen. BG2 Jaheria does look distorted, I'll give you that.
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