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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. Ahh...yes. Positioning mattered since many maps were very open. Use of cover, flanking, diversions. Things like smoke grenades...mines...blowing up walls - all of those changed tactics greatly. It's strange when you think about it - the game WAS difficult. Difficult because your mercs were very fragile. A single sniper headshot or close range burts from a assault rifle could kill , even with good armor. Your MERCS weren't tanks with tons of HP that could just soak up damage. It was so refreshing.
  2. On the other hand, it's easier to win a battle ina game than it is in RL. You should never really be completly out anyway, and even if you are, you can still win with good tactics and preparations (out of fireballs? Well, flasks of burning oil can serve in a pinch too). Insted of resting 8 hours, rest 2. Jsut enough to give oyu some wind back. Don't rest, just go to the store and buy some quick-use items jsut for the kidnapping. You are never out of options. Inconsequential. I don't think time even flows while in the shopping menu, and even if it does, you're not gonan spend 8 hours shopping. You're gonna spend a few minutes, tops. Nitpick - Why you you not pause the game to eat pizza? How do you know such things in RL? You don't. You PC doesn't. So why should you know it here? Also, if you did your best effort to get there in time, then you SHOULD get there in time - if it's possible. I guess you could have quests designed to "fail", but I'd keep those to a minmum. Also, RL isn't convienent. It doesnt' wait for oyu to be done, rested and in a good mood before sprining some s*** at you. If there are random quests out there, how do you ensure the player only get them when fully rested? Why SHOULD you ensure that? If anything, how the PC deals with such a situation is a good roleplaying oportunity right there. It's EASY if the party is well rested and equiped and has no other quests. That's a no-brainer. This adds gravitas. And how the PC reacts to things that are outside of his control IS a choice. The world shouldn't be under the PC or players control. Nothing ruins the immerion of a living world more then it being visibly desined to rotate around the player/pc. A world in whioch nothing happens wihtout the player giving it it's AOK is a sterile, fake world. Then why were you late? You either f**** around or you didn't. End of story. Unless you think the clocks should be such that milisecond literalyl decide sucess of faliure? If so, that is only your assumption. Seems to me like you are just trying to find every possible way it could suck, by designing the worst possible clock/scenario in your head.
  3. There can only be one answer.... at that is something that can never be wrong!
  4. I'm still waiting.
  5. To you. For me it adds immersion. Games have you do far more tedious and stupd s*** (like mindless grinding) for worse reasons. So if you were going on a field trip in a dangerous area, you'd insist that no one in your team knows first aid, becuae oyu dont' liek peopel who know first aid? Frankly I'd say you were being stupid. I hardly consider it "forcing" to punish a player for obvious stupidity. Would you complain that FPS's game force you to carry ammo with you? But I don't like guns, I want ot paly with my fists! I don't want to be gimped compared to other players because of that! To want to replace an entire class/function with a EQUALLY EFFECTIVE potion.....Sorry, but to me that just sounds...redicolous. I guess you could go with a "no healer party", but a party like that would need regeneration potions, it would have to be far more carefull in combat and would probably have to return to town more often..but still doable. Harder, but hardly unexpected.
  6. you also start runnign int osilyl things with jsut contextual ones. Like I siad - time is a factor in RL. A *VERY* big one. With everything. And new RPG's tend to gloss over it. Yes you can do some semi-hybrid in a different ways. Insted of tracking time, track how many time the player traveled. So if you got an urgentquest to visit Redcliffe, but you go visit 4 other areas first, and the game knows. It might fail the quest if oyu visit 3 other areasfirst, or it might make it more difficult if you just visit one, or kill a NPC or whatever. While you are not timed within an area or globally, you are still "timed"in a way. But it still kinda feels artifical, since you can spend forever in one location without time advancing. So what? If they're gonna kill her in 3 days, they'll kill her in 3 days (or would they?). Like you said, time doesn't care and the players wouldn't know anyway. Should there even be a time ticking? No. Best to keep it hidden. Randomized even. The same quest might be more diffiuclt to another player? I fail to see the problem. It makes things more interesting and organic anyway.
  7. And fiction is based in reality. Fictions that postulates familiarity and draws paralel with reality and draws expectations. If world X has humans, then you expect them to look like humans, think like humansand act like humans. If it has gravity, then you expect it to work like gravity. And so on and on. Realism requires no suspension of disbelief. Thus believable. Reductio Ad Absurdum (or Extremis) Implementation of persual of any idea to it's ultimate extreeme will never sound good. It's not black or white. It's degrees. Reality doesn't have a plot - but things happen. Stories about what someone did have a begning, middle and end. You claim that reality should be applies 100% to everythingis redicolous. It's not possible to make a game like that (because it would cease to be a game to begin with). It's impossible to make a movie like that. It would have to run forever and chorincle every second of a persons life. What you say is utterly redicolous Then we do disagree. One is internally consistent magic, the other is utterly incosistent un-science. Trying to equate magicand science is a fallacy.
  8. Dark and Deadly Shadowy Eternity of Darkness: Volume 68: Mystcal Darkwoods of Insanity's Gate
  9. Of course it is. Because it is real. That's not to say people aren't capable of deliberately not beliving what is real, or having a skewed perception of reality. To a big extent, media and it's conventions are to blame. A lie reptead enough times becomes more "real" than the truth - especially within the context of the media. Which is why many movie goers feel a real silencer sounds unreal (because their idea of what a silencer sounds like it from a movie), or many people feel that a jump or punch doens't feel right unless there is pavement/wall cracking under it. You lost me there, and I don't think that is what I was arguing ...and it's also false. It's not. A mage is infinitely "better". Magic itself, as something that defines known relity/physics makes that suspension easier - especialyl considerign a fantasy setting. Superman on the other hand has his powers explained as "biology", yet they make no sense even within his own universe and are contradictory on several levels. To claim that immersion lies SOLEY within the audience, and not in the work is wrong.
  10. You can play it real-time too, but it is made for turn-based. Also, JA2 is LOTS better than JA1. Seriously. Go get it. Play it. Wit the 1.13 mod. Higher resolution. more stuff added. Why not return to town if it's necessary. How long do you expect dungeons to be? How many enemies you expect? How woulded do you expect to end up in each fight? Healing potions being less valubale? I'm all for it. You seem to think I'm against the role/function/skill of a healer. I'm not. I'm against how healers usualyl play.
  11. I think the JA2 system is great - in JA2. How would you specifically alter it for PE or a cRPG in general? Make that for a cRPG in general since we don't have all the details on the PE system yet. What things are specifically lacking in cRPGs that you would borrow from JA2? No heal-bots? What about Dr. Vincent Beaumont at the hospital in Cambria? He totally sucks in combat and his only decent skill is (wait for it .....) medical. He's a JA2 heal-bot if ever there was one. Off the top of my head, there are half a dozen other mercs who have skills split between marksmanship (for example) and medical: Dr Q, Danny, Fox, Spider, MD and Ira. They fit the classic fantasy trope of a cleric as a combination of healing skills with combat abilities. It's not a big deal but let's not go overboard about the heal-bot analogy. Vince was OK. Didnt' cost much and was better than some MERCs you could get. But either way, the point is that medical kill in JA2 worked COMPLETELY differently. Anyone could learn the medical skill. Heck, most mercs have some basic medical skill. Of course, those with high skill have aditional benetifs. They bandage faster. They spend less medical supplies. Patients heal faster. And of course, they could heal some of the criticals. But medics couldn't top your health off in combat. Their task wasn't to re-fill your HP during battle.
  12. Yes those are all ways that people exert power over someone but those don't apply to power over women in the context of this discussion and why men rape women. Yes, they do apply. Unless woman dont' count as "people" or "someone" anymore. Furthermore, the issue of rape is not exclusive to women. Men get raped too. So trying to distill the reasonign behind rape by looking only at man->woman is an excercise in faliure.
  13. If you go around accepting other quests while a time-sensitive one is ticking...whos' problem is that? The whole point is that you SHOULDN'T be goign around accepting new quests, because you're a tight schedule ATM.
  14. Immersions, suspension of disbelief, realism...they are all connected. I'll just post what I wrote on another forums and be done with it:
  15. I did read your links. And I remain 100% unconvinced. It's simplistic, generalizing and jumping to conclusions, starting from specific assumtions. This is partially why I never was a big fan of psychology. Of course rape is abotu Sex. If it's about power, there are a million other ways to express that power. Blackmail someone. Kidnap him and tie him up. Torture him. Kidnap a loved one. Be in a position of power (boss at work for example) All of those are different instances of holding power over someone. There is need for sex to relish in power. "Frustration our of fear of rejection" is a bunch of hogwash from where I'm standing. Hell, I should be a rapist extraordinare by that logic.
  16. Does that really fit what Project Eternity is though? I mean, I could see it working in something like Wasteland 2 but healing spells and potions and pretty much stables of these kinds of games. I don't see why it wouldn't work. After all, JA2 is also a RPG in a way. There is a problem with peoepl getting so accustomed to playing a specific game with the same mechanics over and over, that they start to associate the mechanic with the genre. Frankly I think that causes stailness and lack of creativity. True, a game with a more JA2-like health/injury mechanic WOULD play differently. Resting and visiting town would beome more iportat - as well as activities you can do while there. Battles would be more dangerous, but also smaller in scale (you wouldn't fight endless hordes) And heal-bot classes would be gone. That is something I wouldn't mind, as it's especially horrible in MMO's. Over-specialized, 1 trick ponies who are boring to play. Stand behind the fighter and heal, heal, heal, heal, heal, heal. It's also downright silly when you think about it.
  17. Then you got your answer. It's not like a lifteime of experiences of observations can be explained easily. But I do admitt I worded by forst post incorrectly. I said earieler that simplistic explanations sound wrong to me. So saying "rape is about power" is simplistic...well, it is. But to a point so is "rape is about sex". It's about both...and more. Good luck trying to prove morality
  18. I generally eat light. For dinner I had a hot dog (without onions) and some blood of the innoce- ... .some red wine.
  19. HMmmm..you're right. Forbiding potions is not the answer. Maybe if trying to drink it gives the enemy great to-hit bonuses adn leaves you totally defensless while the animation is playing? That way, characters out of melee could still drink, but for those engaged it would be a risky endevaour. But either way, the problem remains. I guess if potions don't have an immediate effect, but gradual (increased regeneration istead of getting 100 HP back instantly) it might improve things. I never was the one to like trivialisation of injuries. It's fantasy, and there's magic - but it goes overboard. I'd rather have the JA2 approach to injuries and health than your typical "chug potions and cast healing spells" schtick. The whole notion of insta-healing in combat just feels off.
  20. No, it does not. While it is not unexpected that one might resort to making it sound like I'm dismissing/insulting other people (and thus making it about them and personal), I find such tactics deplorable. And unexpected from you, given your past record. Because not wanting to do X, means I think less of you. CLEARLY. Met two people on the street. Greet one first. I CLEARLY hate the other one. Don't want to talk with you? I CLEARLY hate you. There can be no other reason. NONE WHATSOEVER. Do not assume my feelings or oppinions on other poeple. Dear Lord.. Sometime I do feel like I might have a better discussion with my left foot. At least it is not judgmental and doesn't jump to conclusion (altough it could use some nail trimmin').
  21. 1) To the opposing party there is no difference. To one stating it there is a big difference. It's like saying that there is no difference between giving a beggar money because you feel compassion and giving him money because you feel that it's expected from you. In both cases the outside observer sees the exact same thing. Is it the same? 2) What I will concede is that I haven't brought up any conclusive evidence to support my oppinion (but then again I don't consider the linked articles conclusive either, nor any articles I could link as conclusive either, so either way no conclusive evidence could be presented) I also admit that I'm pretty much replying here "just because I can" 3) Your definition of a gentelmans behavior is not my concern. The specific action you mentioned is not in my definition. ... So to make this as clear as possible: - I'm not convinced with the "rape is about power" theory. It's too simplistic and goes down the route of putting things into neat little boxes to make things ordely and simple. The world is too complex - as well is human psyche - for that. - I'm not going to say "you are right" just because I can't or won't produce evidence of contrary that would satisfy you. Wether or not I have or will produce evidence does not change my oppinion, and thus does not necessitate my acceptance of opposing oppinion as true. It *might* be, but It might not. Why are you? Why is anyone convinced of anything? For some, capital punishment might be a universal law as strong a Newtons - wether or not other poeple accept it or see it is not relevant. To put it in simpler terms, truth is truth, regardless if you can show it to other poeple or not, or if they accept it. It exists regardless of our acceptance or knowledge or ability. Being able to prove it trough "science" is a nice bonus tough. *Not saying that is my stance on capital punishment or anything else. Don't read too much into it* Maybe it's not the refutations that bother me, bur rather the insistance that I *MUST* defend it to the last breath or that I * MUST* concede? Ever tough of that possibility?
  22. Ah...but that would only apply if I did conceed the point. But what if you are convinced you're right, but aren't bothered with proving it? Why would anyone have to do anything more than say "I don't belive in X", or "I'm skeptical about x/your soruces/whatever" If stating your oppinion is all you care to do, then why should you be dragged into an endless debate about defending your oppinion? What if you don't care if your oppinion is under attack? What if you don't even consider the opposition as an attacker to begin with? What if you think your position doesn't even need any defense? ... I should have majored philosophy, since I so love to nitpick and go on pointless tangents. Gaze upon me and despiar!
  23. Personally, I wouldn't allow use of potions during a battle. Drink before, drink after...but potion chugging while a guy is hitting you with a sword is just silly.
  24. All the forum actually obliges you to do is expend time and effort. How you utilise it is entirely up to you. So to take one example at random, you are at complete liberty to expend time and effort making everyone feel substantially better informed and more intelligent. Does that help clarify things? True, true. I COULD go hunting for various articles and surveys and go into longer and more detailed, better worded explanations. But that needs two requiremenets: 1) I need to be in the mood and feel properly motivated.. which I rarely am early in the morning. 2) I want to make others more intelligent and better informed, and thus teaching is my primary motivator (and not just venting frustrations) Which is also not always the case. In the time I typed all ofthis I COULD have hunted down one or two articles I mentioned. Or typed a more concise and better structured rebuttal. But I didn't. At the moment I find the direction of this thread more amusing. WHEEE! TOP OF THE WORLD MOM!
  25. I'm not lazy. You're just not saying anything new to me. I know very well what you meant. I just don't agree ( or to be more correct, I'm very skeptical of it). Or do you think you are so fascinating that I'm going to devote all my time and attention to absorbring every kernel of your wisdom? That anything you said and read is completely and utterly fresh and interesting to me? I wouldn't be surprised if you think I'm obtuse or boring. Depending on my mood, I often am. I freely admit that. If you think replying to me is a waste of time...well, no one is forcing you to reply. I for one know this is waste of time. Why do you think I post in general discussion anyway? To kill time during a slow work day (and if there's nothing interesting going on the Eternity forums). Maybe you have some higher stakes in this discussion? Meh. I need my coffe.
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